Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pardon All

The New York Times: Reports that Congressional Democrats are to go after the Bush Administration even after it leaves office. It time folks, and this is for Conservatives and Republicans to get on the phone, text, email, the White House. The President should consider a general pardon to those that have worked in his Administration between 20 January 2001 - 20 January 2009. Bush 41 gave out pardons and this closed down the Iran - Contra affair, it was a great service to the Party and Country. Bush has to face the fact that the Liberal Democrats with an Obama Administration will now feel free to go after all Bush has done to protect the USA. Liberals are more concerned about the rights of terrorists than law abiding folks. President Obama if he is wise will close the Democrats down, as either after four or eight years he will be going out of office, its matter of protecting himself, his predecessor and his successor. Thus if Obama is to weak to close down the Congressional Democrats, the Bush should grant a general pardon, then the files can be looked at considered; kept or destroyed if under a general pardon; and diaries considered free from the threat of charges, files can be assessed if they are worth keeping, memories can be considered and checked to counter views and factual views and actual views within the scope and spirit of the law. If no actual files to check and blanket pardon then the Democrats will be closed down, so get on that phone, text, email to the White House folks.

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