Thursday, November 13, 2008

Iran problem for Obama

New York Post: Reports on a major Foreign Policy problem that will faced by President Obama, that is Iran. In his election fight with Hillary Clinton, President - Elect Obama stated he would talk to Iran without conditions, now that he will be President from January 20th 2009, Obama is taking the more considered route, Obama could be Nixon going to China, Reagan to the USSR will it be Obama to Iran, for a deal over Iraq and the nuclear ambitions of Iran, talking does not cost in less its game by Iran, and Iran likes to play games with world leaders, just recall the problems Reagan had with Iran. A new Obama Administration should start low level international talks with Iran, even have a secret back channel talks with Iran, but this should at National Security Advisor or Secretary of State level. If these work, and that is a big IF, then a Presidential visit. If this does not work one can almost state that Israel will attack Iran, then Obama will have three wars to deal with in his first term.

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