Saturday, November 22, 2008

More on Clinton at State

The New York Times: Reports on the move by Senator Hillary Clinton from the US Senate to the US State Department. It writes the following, " But it could also disappoint many of Mr. Obama’s supporters, who worked hard to have him elected instead of Mrs. Clinton and saw him as a vehicle for changing Washington. Mr. Obama argued during the primaries that it was time to move beyond the Clinton era ...." In other words the Liberal New York Times, a firm supporter of Obama in the General Election is not happy with the idea either, if the Times is not happy Obama must be doing something right. A interesting aspect of the article is the news that Hillary Clinton can appoint her own Deputies. This is bad move by Obama, the State Department will become a rival Royal Court, the National Security Council will be loyal to Obama, while State will be in the pockets of the Clintons, yes plural, get one and you get one free, in this case Bill Clinton. If your a blogger the good times are back, YES ITS THE CLINTONS.

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