Saturday, November 22, 2008

Madam Secretary - Hillary Clinton

BBC News: Has reported that Hillary Clinton will become the next US Secretary of State. The drama of the past few days, would she take the job, Bill Clinton and his business dealings, are part of the package when you deal with the Clintons. Of those who are Conservatives its great news, there nothing like the Clintons for fun blogging. How long will someone bet that Bill Clinton goes off the reservation when it comes to differences between him and Obama. It can be argued that Bill Clinton has been very supportive of his wife, allowing the Obama team to check the donors to his Foundation and Presidential Library. The problem with all great actors, and this goes for Ronald Reagan also, its not a party thing, is very hard for them to allow the spotlight to be taken by someone else, Bush 41 had problems, Obama is more lucky he is already a rock star, but how long before Bill Clinton gets annoyed or needs some attention on the World State. One does not see Bill Clinton as an EXTRA. I give it six months before Bill Clintons blows a casket, and goes off the Obama Reservation.

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