Friday, November 14, 2008

Model T and the Bailout

New York Times: Interesting article that argues against the bailout of the Car Industry, the article states the following, " because if these companies are not permitted to go bankrupt now, they never will be. " Lets hope President - Elect Obama reads this article by David Brooks, even better Obama could appoint Brooks to be his Treasury Secretary. The problem has started with the Bush Administration, now a Liberal Obama Administration under pressure from its supporters will bailout the Car Industry, the problem is that it does not end there, every company with a large work force will go cap in hand to the government for money. Lets be honest it will be hard to argue with them, the banking bailout, the car bailout, why not every other Industry. Its better in the long term that bad companies go under and then the system can recover, the Great Depression did not end because FDR put money in to the market, it came to and because of World War Two. Thus if an Obama Administration learns the wrong lessons the world economy could be in recession if not depression for a very long time, the good days have gone folks, save that money its going to be tough out there, its mean time on main street.

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