Friday, November 14, 2008

More on Clinton for Secretary of State !

The Times: Article on why President - Elect Obama should make Hillary Clinton the next Secretary of State, simple its leaked so he has no choice. If Obama jumps every time a story leaks he will be seen as weak, if he now appoints Clinton it will be seen that he was pushed in to the appointment by the press and the Clintons. One has to ask does Hillary Clinton want the job and why, in this day and age Foreign Policy comes out of the White House, will Obama give her a free hand to do what she wants, from an Obama view point it would better if she was a backbencher in the Senate. One can see a different power base within the Administration if Obama gives State to Clinton. At State you would have Hillary and Bill Clinton running the show in many respects, Obama is POTUS but he is young and Foreign Policy, well most policy is new to him, he's been running for President since he was elected in 2004. In a pure LBJ power political view point this was would be bad move, who is going to control Bill Clinton. I don't see President Clinton allowing his wife to be the fall guy if Obama's policy with Iran does not work; the Western Powers have tried to talk to Iran, they just play games; for high level talks you would need the Secretary of State, does Clinton want the blame when it does not work, does she want to seem weak when faced by Iran or Pakistan, thus if this move by Obama is on the cards its a very bad move, he needs someone like former Secretary of State, General Colin Powell, he will be loyal but also knows Foreign and Defence Policy.

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