Saturday, November 15, 2008

NYT and Clinton Again !!

The New York Times: It can be postulated that the Liberal New York Times really does not want Hillary Clinton to be Secretary of State, in this article the Times writes the following, " Mrs. Clinton taking a top job in the cabinet: she would presumably have to disclose much more about Mr. Clinton’s earnings, especially from foreign sources, and donors to his presidential library than they have been willing to disclose so far." One can wonder why the Liberal New York Times would not want Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, it is simple, they want to talk to Iran and other rogue nations without conditions, they want the UN to have a veto of US Foreign Policy. The Clintons are smart political operators, if the Liberal Times is opposed to policy its almost always a good policy. The Clintons, in this I count both Bill and Hillary Clinton will make the State Department an alternative power base. The Liberal Times wants the Clintons gone, a Secretary Clinton would send them over the edge.

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