Saturday, November 15, 2008

NYT and Clinton

The New York Times: Reports on the prospect that Senator Hillary Clinton could become the Secretary of State in the Obama Administration. One gets the impression that that the Liberal Times is not that keen, it writes the following, " it was unclear how seriously Mr. Obama was considering bringing Mrs. Clinton, his onetime rival for the Democratic presidential nomination.....Democrats close to both the Clinton and Obama camps cautioned that Mr. Obama might simply be sounding out Mrs. Clinton about what, if anything, she would be interested in...." Lets be honest the Clintons are to centre for the Liberal New York Times, a Secretary of State Clinton is not going to be the fall guy for a weak Obama Foreign Policy, don't expect Clinton to fly to Iran for a quick visit. The Clintons know that it all this gushing for Obama can go away, it did for them, if Obama becomes another Jimmy Carter they want the freedom to run against him in 2012. Lets recall 1976, Vietnam and Economic problems, and what did we see, Reagan run against President Ford, nearly defeated a President of the United States. If Obama fails expect Clinton to resign as Secretary of State and run against him. Of course it can be argued that Obama can also read the political news forecast, in case his Administration goes down the toilet due to the economic problems he wants to make sure the Clintons are in his tent. Thus it could be a good move by Obama to have Clinton at State as long as Foreign Policy run from the Oval Office.

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