Sunday, November 16, 2008

Death in Afghanistan

BBC News: Reports on the death of another British Soldier in Afghanistan. The total now stands at 125 killed in action and accidents. I was watching a moving documentary on BBC 2 last night on those that have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the question that has to be asked was it worth it, the loss of good men and women in Wars that after they are finished will they be looked backed as just or glorious wars; glorious as long as we win, no matter for if just or not; when it comes to the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq it can be argued in both ways, in Afghanistan it was a just War, all those that lived through the events of 9/11 would argue that the West was attacked on 9/11; the base of operations was Afghanistan, thus the War as Just; but its an endless war, that's the problem, what is the Exit route and how long will the public support the War. In Iraq it can be argued its a glorious War, in the long term we got rid of a tyrant, the reason for the War was rubbish but we won. The UK is out of Iraq next year, thus there is no reason to lose any more troops in Iraq. Thus on the one hand a Just War and a Glorious War, our Armed Forces Personnel had done their best, the politicians have let them down in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the years to come they will be remember as those that have died in WW1, WW2, Korea, Falklands, Gulf War 1 and Northern Ireland.

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