Sunday, November 09, 2008

The Great Society 11

The New York Times: It has started folks, the Liberals just want to throw money at the problem of the economy, another LBJ 11 Great Society Agenda would make them happy, the Times writes the following, " Tax rebates and other tax cuts, in contrast, pack relatively little bang for the buck. And tax cuts are difficult to take away once granted and so tend to add to the long-term deficit. ". One can postulate that the Liberal New York Times want to make sure that people survive in a hole, just enough to survive, they don't want the poor to get out of the working class and get in to the Middle Class. It seems Liberals don't want people to get rich, on a very deep level the Times needs people to be poor, as the poor tend to come from an ethnic background the Times seems to have a paternal racist view in some respects, they know what is better for people, poor and reading the the Times. Ronald Reagan was critical of the spending of the Great Society, thus his Agenda to cut Government Spending when in came in to power in 1981.

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