Sunday, November 09, 2008

President David Palmer ( 24 ) & West Wing

The Sunday Times: Interesting article on how TV and Cinema might have helped Obama in 2008. It can be argued as does this article that President David Palmer on the Series 24 allowed voters over the years to get used to a African - American President. I must admit preferred President Palmer to a President Obama. I did wonder if the actor who played Palmer, Dennis Haysbert ever thought about running for Office. Hysbert as Palmer allowed you to disagree with him but still support him, also he was very tough on National Security, doubt Obama would allow his Secret Service to beat up a Presidential Aide in the name of National Security as Palmer did in one series of 24. As stated on domestic stuff quite Liberal, Abortion, Gay Rights, etc but a hawk when it comes to National Security, every President has to get his hands dirty as to make sure the rest of us have the freedom to go about with our daily life's. I hope President Obama invites Dennis Hysbert ( President Palmer ) to his Inauguration, he owes him in some respects, also Jimmy Smits aka Matthew Santos from the West Wing, over two years the voters had the 2008 race run for them, and Santos won in the end.

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