Sunday, November 09, 2008

More Troops for Afghanistan ?

The Times: Reports that Sir Jock Stirrup, the Chief of the Defence Staff for the UK Armed Forces does not want to send troops coming back from Iraq to Afghanistan. The UK military and the Foreign Office know its not a War you can win, the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan make a War without End. The Terrorists can come across the border from Pakistan, attack Western Troops and then go back over the border. The USA has hit with air power the tribal areas of Pakistan but if you going to win you need to get troops on the ground, a large troop attack could weaken the government of Pakistan. If the government of Pakistan falls and the Terrorists take over, the West would have a major problem, Pakistan is a nuclear power. Thus when President Obama asks for more troops the UK should state that he needs to ask the rest of NATO. Also when the USA leaves Iraq it can transfer it troops to Afghanistan. Thus Afghanistan could do to Obama what Iraq did Bush, if there is a surge then it becomes Obama's War, lets hope he has read some history.

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