Monday, November 03, 2008

New Poll - Obama the Winner

Fox News: Has a new poll out, Obama well ahead of McCain. The Poll finds the following, Obama 50% - McCain 43%. The 7% if followed in the state votes should give Obama a landslide in the Electoral College. As the seven percent lead is in line with my prediction; just one percent more by Fox; it can be argued that this election will be over early on Tuesday night in America. The New Obama Administration will have a lot on its plate, as stated in the LA Times the new President Elect could be tested in Iraq by the terrorists. When Obama comes in to power in 2009 expect either the terrorists or a rogue nation to test the President, it can be postulated that the terrorists will test the President in Afghanistan and Iraq. They will try to see his weak spots, how does he react under pressure, it will be an interesting year.

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