Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Military and Obama

The Washington Post: Reports on the future relationship between the US Military and President Obama. As the article points out the main issue that could be a problem is Iraq, the pledge by Obama to get out of Iraq is sixteen months, the article states the following, " ..some Pentagon officials believe an Iraq withdrawal order could become Obama's equivalent of the Clinton controversy over gays,..." Obama will not want to leave Iraq in a mess, he does not want to be President Ford, those images of the Chopper leaving the US Embassy in 1975 are iconic, Obama does not want to turn a victory in to defeat. A quick withdrawal could lead to a civil war in Iraq, the chance for Iran to invade and take over the oil fields, cut off oil to the West, would not make economic sense but who said Iran was working from the Western Page. Does Obama want to see cars waiting for Oil, this would really help the Democrats in the Mid - Term Elections of 2010. Also if the USA is seen as leaving the Terrorists could come back, does Obama want to see Iraq in a Civil War with the terrorists throwing in their bombs. Thus it could be argued that Obama will be more moderate that his Campaign Pledge. Also keeping Secretary Gates on is a good move, will allow Gates to get the USA out of Iraq with honour. Lets be honest, the Western Economy is in the toilet we have to get out of Iraq, they have to take up the burden, we just have to leave with honour and our backs protected by the Government in Iraq.

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