Sunday, November 23, 2008

Liberal Fury at Obama

Telegraph: Reports that the Liberal Left of the Democratic Base is furious that President - Elect Obama is placing more conservative characters on his National Security Team. This shows a wise President - Elect, also a canny politician, Obama is liberal on the Domestic Stuff, Abortion, Stem Cell, Gay Marriage, but on the International Front he does not want to turn in to Jimmy Carter Mark II. Also Obama knows what happens when you follow the crowd, Munich 1938, Reagan in 1976 said of the then Soviet Union " We Win they Lose ", recall folks this was in 1976. At the time no one in the Foreign Policy Establishment was stating this view, their view was that the Soviet Union had to be dealt with as an equal, not confronted and finished off. Obama has to have a tough impression going in, he will be challenged, Iran and the Bomb, Afghanistan could blow up, the terrorists could try a Tet kind offensive, nuclear armed Pakistan could fall apart. Due to the economic 9/11 faced by the West, the USA has to get its troops out of Iraq, this will take time and has to be done in a delicate manner, Obama does not want a Civil War in Iraq and Iran taking over the Oil Fields, that would make a deep recession a depression. If Iraq falls apart and Iran goes in, could they stop the oil to the West, the 70s all over again. Thus Obama will get out of Iraq but in manner that does not recall the USA getting out of Vietnam in 1975. Obama does not want to see that last chopper leaving and the USA in decline, that would cancel in chances of re - election. The left have no else to vote for, he can afford to throw them over board.

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