Friday, August 30, 2019

Biden the GAFFE MACHINE - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

The US voter can forgive gaffes if they have a fondness for the candidate, the Great Gipper while in Office had a few gaffes, on a mico once, he was testing the mic, the President declared he had signed a bill to abolish the USSR and the US was about to start bombing.  Of course the LIBERAL press made sure it got in the headlines, in a way Reagan did get rid of the USSR, he spent them into oblivion through SDI and Afghanistan.  The question is can VP Biden make the US voter fond of him, as they were of Reagan, let's be clear Biden is NO REAGAN, but when it's a match up between Biden and Trump, you go with the lesser evil, that is  a Biden White House.  Of course Robert Gates, the former Defence Secretary has stated that Biden has been on the wrong side of national security issues for decades, that would be the cost of Biden.  It's funny old world. 

Labour Joints in Court Action over BREXIT - Brexit Update 2 - General Election 2019?

Lets Get Real:

This blog does not understand why the Opposition Parties are spending their cash on these legals move, the have a BIAS Speaker who has broken convention and will do so again to STOP BREXIT.   Our MPs come back in to session in Tuesday, and then they will use their number to take control of the order paper, then rush legislation to stop the UK leaving without a BREXIT DEAL.  One has to assume that Labour and the fellow parties fear that PM Boris will simple announce a general election and force the Labour Party to vote against going back to the public, the Labour Party is not doing well in the polls.   PM Boris should call an general election, the PEOPLE vs. the appeasers of the EU in the House of Commons. 

PM Boris on the HARD REMAINERS - Brexit Update 1 - General Election 2019?

Lets Get Real:

As stated in previous post the HARD REMAINERS will take control of the House of Commons order paper and pass a LAW that requires the PM to ask for an extension, as the Speaker is BIASED, it will sail through.  The new law would also say that the the UK can not leave without a DEAL.   It is time for PM Boris to be totally ruthless, he should state that if the House of Commons passed this law he will call a General Election, let's see how many Labour MPs from leave Seats want to go home explain why they forced the PM in to this move.   The forthcoming General Election should be the people vs. the HOUSE OF COMMONS, this RUMP Parliaments usefulness was long ago passed, time for them to face the voters, how many well known remainers will get re-elected, no a lot, it's called DEMOCRACY, the HARD REMAINERS should look it up. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Will there be No Confidence Vote Next Week? - General Election 2019?

Lets Get Real:

The question is does Corbyn have the numbers to get a no confidence vote passed and even if he does with HARD REMAIN Conservative MPs will they install him in No 10.  The usual suspects must know that any such action, voting for a no confidence vote and placing a Marxist in No 10 would be a line that can  NOT be forgiven, they can forget any honours, Knighthoods or Damehoods, or getting a cushy seat in the House of Lords. they will be frozen out of UK politis, once an election happens who will give a used tea bag for what they think.  Also what of the 15 Independent MPs, do they have the structure to run a local campaign, without a party structure, most will flounder, they have forgotten they are elected, they are not there by birth right.  Let's suggest as an example that Corbyn wins the NO Confidence vote but can not get enough MPs to support him for No 10, then PM Boris will stay in power and call an election for after Brexit, it's about time the HARD BREXIT supporters played HARDBALL with the HARD REMAINERS, if you want to throw convention out, then both can play at that game. 

Remainers to Take Action NEXT WEEK - General Election 2019?

Lets Get Real:

Thus as expected the HARD REMAINERS have lost the plot, they are having a meltdown because they LOSE 4 days of sitting in the House of Commons, great loss to the Country!! The session next weeks was meant to be SHORT, you have the conference season for the political parties from September to October.  The HARD REMAINERS will try any trick in the book to STOP BREXIT next week, in this they have the support of a Bias SPEAKER.  If the Remainers try any tricks, the PM should call a NO CONFIDENCE VOTE and lose it and call an General Election, the HARD REMAINERS have to be turfed out of the House of Commons.  They are attempting to thwart the Democratic will of the UK voter, the PM should not give an inch, be bold, be a LEADER and remove this RUMP PARLIAMENT. 

UK Parliament Shut down Part 2 - General Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

As expected BBC News and Sky News are playing their role as PR for the HARD REMAINERS, they seem to forget that 17.4 million people voted to leave the EU, they seem to think the London bubble is THE WORLD.  Those that support a HARD BREXIT should gather in LONDON to have peaceful demos outside Parliament to remind them that they need to get re-elected and the Speaker can not help them then or the usual REMAIN SUSPECTS.  This is a matter of Democracy, it's the will of the UK voter against the HARD REMAIN PARLIAMENT.  One hopes that PM Boris knows what he is doing, and this RUMP Parliament is elected out of Office. 

UK Parliament to be CLOSED DOWN - Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

This blog never thought that PM Boris had the guts to shut down Parliament, but he has, through the Royal Prerogative, and the Queen outranks the Speaker of the House of Commons.   Thus what will happen next week, well expect the HARD REMAINERS try to take control of the Parliamentary order paper as a way to stop a HARD BREXIT, of course they need to win that vote, it will be interesting to see what the Labour rebels on Brexit will do on this issue.   Of course Comrade Corbyn might try a vote of NO CONFIDENCE, how many Conservative MPs will end their political careers by voting with Labour, even placing Corbyn in No 10.  Next Week will be very dramatic or not, who said politics was boring. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Is Biden FINISHED? - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

Folks, you need to be cautions with any poll, does it start a TREND or is it a snafu, in the campaign.  If this starts a trend then Biden is FINISHED, and let's be clear, at this moment in time the State polls are more important, national polls can be the last to find a trend.  It seems that Biden is not having a good time, he is making gaffes you expect from a man of his age, that is a PR disaster, and Biden is no Ronald Reagan, the TEFLON President or JFK.  One moderate or conservative voters start to feel that Biden is not going to win they will transfer to other candidates, either to Warren or Sanders on the LEFT or someone one like Senator Harris to represent moderate side of the Party.  If this blog was in the Biden Campaign, it would send its candidate to Iowa and New Hampshire and keep the national media at some distance, they do not seem friendly to Biden, well if CNN is the example. 

Iran SNUBS Trump - Iran Crisis Update - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

HOW will POTUS react to this SNUB, he has very thin skin when it comes to insults, just ask the Prime Minister of Denmark, Trump cancelled a State Visit over the fact that Denmark would not sell Greenland to the US.   This snub should make the hawks in the Trump Administration more powerful.   They will argue that France DID ONE OVER on Trump and they knew that Tehran will play this cat mouse game.  It will be interesting to see if Tehran takes action against oil tankers in the Gulf, and how will the USA react.   Trump is watching the US economy face recession, what better way to divert attention than a WAR with Iran. 

How BREXIT will be stopped by the House of Commons - Brexit Update 1 - No Real Brexit

Lets Get Real:

In less this blog is wrong, the following steps will happen, the Hard Remainers on the Opposition benches and those HARD REMAINERS within the Conservative Party will take over the business of the House of Commons to DELAY Brexit.   The idea of Corbyn becoming PM it seems has been benched.   It can be argued that Corbyn might not even get all Labour MPs to vote for him to become PM.  Thus House of Commons by law will force the PM to ask for a delay to BREXIT, of course the PM could just say NO, then we have a Constitutional problem, the Government under PM Boris will not move and you have Bias House of Commons Speaker who will bend the rules to please the HARD REMAINERS.  Thus we get a General Election, on what fun. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Big Poll Bounce for PM Boris - Election 2019

Lets Get Real:

Before we break out the the beers let's recall this is one poll, if this was carried on to a General Election, then Boris would have a healthy majority and we could get out of EU.  Let's see if other polls come out with the same result or is this poll a snafu as I like to call them.  If this a TREND, the rest of the political parties should be worried, you have to be in the House of Commons to have a voice, some of those HARD REMAINERS might be thinking how much do they really want to sink their political careers because of the EU.  As posted this expects an election in September or October, thus more polls and debates. 

Labour PLAN to STOP a NO DEAL Brexit - General Election 2019?

Lets Get Real:

This blog has reduce its Brexit coverage because it sees the outcome, the HARD REMAINERS with the bias House of Commons Speaker will either vote for a No Confidence vote in the PM leading to an election or some Parliamentary trickery that stops a NO DEAL BREXIT.  The idea of Corbyn becoming a caretaker PM is out of the window, even the HARD REMAIN Conservatives will not cross that line, and some Labour and Independent MPs will never vote for Corbyn to become PM, they could never justify that to their voters. Thus either way a NO DEAL BREXIT IS BLOCKED and we get a general election in October or early November. 

Has Trump LOST THE PLOT over GREENLAND - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

One has to come to the conclusion that POTUS has LOST THE PLOT, why this wacky idea to buy Greenland, has he not gotten the idea yet that he is President of the United States, no longer a New York businessman, it seems any slight gets under his skin, while he attacks US allies, he bends over backwards to be nice to the Russians and North Korea.   This BLOG is calling for the VP and the US Cabinet to consider the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office, he is not fit to be POTUS, will VP Pence have the guts to take action, he could replace Trump and have a clear run for 2020.  Another Year and half of this madness, thank goodness Trump is a appeaser, if he was a HAWK the US would be at WAR with its allies and bending over backwards to the enemies of the US.   One must say Trump is NO TRUMAN, President Truman was a great President, Trump has proven to be a disaster as POTUS. 

What is it with Russia and Trump? - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

What do the Russians have on POTUS, its either personal or financial, why take this political hit and get nothing out of it.  If the Democrats were more hawkish when it comes to National Security they could shred Trump on the Hill and out on the campaign trail.   It seems that the Trump Oval has not noticed that Russians are still in the Crimea and are still fighting in East Ukraine.   The Russians have broken the INF Treaty for years and it's only of late that the US has negated the Treaty.  One does wonder what goes through the thought process when it comes to Trump, does he THINK long term, or just what will make the news via his Twitter feed.  It can be postulated that both JFK and Reagan would not have a high opinion of Trump, there is rhyme or reason to his madness. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Warren says SORRY again for claiming to be a Native American - Election 2020

BBC News: Reports on the latest remarks by Senator Warren as she runs for the Democratic Nomination for 2020, " At a forum in Sioux City, Iowa, the Massachusetts senator and Democratic presidential candidate publicly apologised for her claims to indigenous heritage.  "
Lets Get Real:

The problem for Senator Warren is not her claim to have Native American Ancestry, it is the FACT that she shares most of her votes with Senator Sanders, if Warren wants to be the Democratic Nominee she has to go after Sanders when they are on the debate stage, otherwise the left will split its vote between Warren and Sanders and allow the more moderate Joe Biden to take the nomination.  The Twitter base might be left wing, but the more moderate and Conservative Democrats want a candidate who can beat POTUS.   In their heart of hearts the Democrats really want Warren but she is a vote LOSER in 2020, she is FAR TO LEFT WING and she worries the base that the Country would rather vote for Trump than a left wing candidate.  It should be stated, this still August, and it's not national polls that matter but State Polls, one poll had Warren ahead in Iowa, thus far no other polls have followed that TREND. 

Monday, August 19, 2019

Nuclear Alert Russia - Part 2 - Putin Era

Lets Get Real:

What is the Russian Bear trying to COVER UP, it seems that Putin has learned nothing from the disaster that was Chernobyl in 1986,  Russia should be open if it has had a nuclear disaster, this does not just concern Russia, it concerns the people who live locally, and those further afield in other countries.   The END of the FIRST Cold War was a time of hope, but with Putin and his murderous cronies NOW in charge in the Kremlin a SECOND Cold War has developed.   The lessons of Chernobyl is that opness helps with something goes wrong, the West might be able to help if there is a serious problem, but the Regime of Putin is under threat, his approval ratings have sunk, the economy is in a mess, and Putin is seen to have ordered the assassination of two former Russian Agents.   The weather is Cold NOW, one hopes that Putin does not make a mistake of making it hot. 

Is Trump LOSING the Economy? - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

Is POTUS worried that HIS economy will go down the tubes next year, he has been claiming the success in the economy is down to his being in the Oval Office, if things go wrong, the unemployment rate goes back up, the Dow Jones crashes, the buck will stop at his door.  Already Trump is trying to shift the blame to the US Central Bank, the Democrats can use the issue, if they select the right Nominee, in this case Joe Biden, he is the moderate in the field, even though Reagan called him a smooth demagogue in his Diaries.   Biden can run on the success of the Obama/Biden team when it came to the economy, from the Great Recession to the good state of the economy by 2016.   It should be noted that CNN has been getting Republicans on who might challenge Trump in 2020, it should be noted that when LBJ was challenged in 1968 he withdrew from the race, could Trump be a one term President, he would hate to be a one term President, he would hate it more to be a defeated one term President. 

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Republican PITCH in 2020 - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

The problem for POTUS in head to head matches, all the main Democratic candidates beat him, of course they getting more press attention, and the liberal media is acting as part of their campaigns.  The question is how the actually nominee handles himself or herself in the general election.   Senator Warren has stated that she is a Capitalist, that she is different from Senator Sanders who is a socialist Democrat or the other way around.   One can expect a dirty brutal fight in 2020, Trump will go areas that no other candidate will, he does not turn up to a knife fight with a knife, he goes for the nuclear.  Thus ALL the policy papers released by Warren  if she is the nominee will be gone through to show that she is unfit to be President.   Thus the Republicans will define the Democratic nominee as a socialist or a communist, very FAR LEFT, this campaign has a long way to go.  It is to early for this blog to call the Democratic race, we will have to wait for who is left standing in Iowa and New Hampshire in the early months of 2020. 

Is Senator Warren the REAL THREAT to POTUS - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

Is VP Biden a busted flush, has his gaffes on the campaign trail come around again to sink him in the 2020 race.  The latest poll has Senator Warren ahead in Iowa, a big win in Iowa could lead to her winning New Hampshire, if she did that then the Sanders supporters it can be postulated would move to back Warren.  But then we have to recall this August, the silly season when it comes to politics, mos pols are on holiday, expect those Democrats running for President.  In most of the national polls and State polls Biden is still leading, his gaffes have become more common, this in itself is not a disqualification, the Great Gipper made a few mistakes in his time, these gaffs can endear a candidate to voters, if they trust he is on his game most of the time.  There is a Democratic debate in September, that should see Warren and Biden on the same stage, also Sanders, this blog is calling the race over for Sanders, he has not made the impact that he did in 2016 against HRC, sooner or later the money will dry up for him.   Of course if he comes out fighting in September and can take out either Biden or Warren then he still might have  chance, this blog is not holding its breath on that coming to pass.   POTUS will love to fight Warren, or has he calls her Pocahontas, Warren has great support on the extreme left wing of the Party, her nomination would play in to the hands of Trump, he would call her a socialist, the Republicans could retake the House and keep the Senate in 2020.  But let's recall its August 2019 not 2020. 

Warren LEADS in IOWA - Election 2020

Its August Folks, some REAL NEWS from Iowa:

Lets Get Real:

This is one poll from Iowa, could be a trend or a snafu, it will be interesting to see other polls from Iowa.  In 1980 Bush 41 won Iowa against Ronald Reagan, ( the Reagan Campaign decided not to play in Iowa and therefore Reagan did not debate Bush 41 ), the win for Bush 41 was a shock, Bush 41 claimed the BIG MO was with him in the run up to New Hampshire, well Reagan won the debate and the State, thus his famous line to a debate moderator, " Mr Green I paid for his microphone ).  The rest is history.  In 2008 the Senator Barack Obama won in Iowa, thus showing he could get the white vote ( Senator Harris really has to spend ALL HER TIME in Iowa ), this forced HRC to win New Hampshire.  It can be argued if ONE candidates takes Iowa and New Hampshire, there is no stopping them.  It would be fun to see Trump vs Warren, Trump would win, as Warren is far to left wing even for Democrats. 

PM Corbyn, BE VERY AFRAID - General Election 2019 ?

Lets Get Real:

Any MP who places the MARXIST Jeremy Corbyn in the role of PM is betraying his or her Country, there are limits, the EU is not worth making the UK look foolish.   The voters in the SEATS of these MPs should make it clear to them, that if they do something that foolish they are FINISHED IN UK POLITICS, there are some who know they are finished and want to take the Conservative Party down with them, we know who they are, they have no shame.   This blog is calling on Labour MPs who care about this Country and not the EU to make it clear they will never support placing Jeremy Corbyn in 10 Downing Street.   As PM Corbyn, would have access to ALL STATE secrets, he would sign a letter telling our nuclear subs what do in the case the UK is attacked by a nuclear missile.   The US would withdraw from the UK and NATO, how could they trust a Putin crony ( he thinks Putin is not that much of a bad guy) in many respects in 10 Downing Street.  The Remainers are pushing it to far, do they think the UK will thank them, they are either have the ego of Donald Trump without the talent or they are stupid.  If Corbyn becomes expects the markets to FALL, expect the rich to fly away, how STUPID are the Remainers. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Labour Rebels on Brexit - Update 2 - General Election 2019 ?

Lets Get Real:

There is an old saying, do not look a gift horse in the mouth, this could be  away out for everyone, the UK leaves the EU, there is a deal, the backstop is still there or reformed in such manner by the EU.   PM Boris should have a word with these rebels, he might lose  a few HARD BREXIT supporters and a few HARD REMAINERS but the withdrawal bill could get through the House of Commons with a Labour support.   Of course the Labour rebels are not doing this out the kindness of their heart, they do not want to explain to voters in Leave Seats why we are still in the EU.  The above could be an OUT for everyone, if it is REAL. 

Remain MPs are collaborating with EU over Brexit - PM

Lets Get Real:

The TERM collaboration is a strong word, the word will have more effective in Europe, it's a term normally used when talking about World War 2.   Those that read my blog might think this is two faced of me, but then this is just a commentary blog, it's not the PM of the UK speaking.   The debates of the August recess is all about how the Government is going for BROKE over Brexit, while Remain MPs are devious bunch of collaborators working with the EU to block BREXIT.    This must end, the PM should call a GENERAL ELECTION when Parliament returns from the recess, this has to be decided one way or another, the Country should decide who is right, the PM or Parliament, then the rest of us get along with our lives. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Nuclear ALERT in Russia - Putin Era

This could be 1986 again, when the USSR had Chernobyl and lead in part to the downfall of the USSR in 1991.  What is Putin's Russia hiding, what level of radiation was released when the test missile exploded, how did the scientists die and will there be further radiation released.  Putin's Russia might find as with Chernobyl, it is better to tell the TRUTH NOW, because the information will come out, and the West already at longer heads with Russia will be further mistrustful of President Putin and his cronies.    The Putin Regime is a criminal operation, it arrests and kills those that are a threat to the Regime.   This is  a developing story. 

What is in a NAME - is calling some Fredo racist? - Culture

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks we are in the SILLY SEASON when it comes to politics, on both sides of the pond, both US and UK pols are off on their ill deserved hols, in the UK the pols go to France, even Brexit supporters, while Democrats go off to liberal States.   As to calling someone Fredo you would have to know about the Godfather, 1,2,3, this blog had a soft spot for Fredo, it's like when you have a successful father and brother and you get the crap DNA, WHATEVER you do, nothing is as good as your more colourful relative, from sports, music to women.   There are worse things to be called, Fredo in the movies only wanted to be loved and get some respect, that did not happen, you will have to watch the Godfather to see what happens to Fredo, it is not good, and Michael Corleone has a nervous breakdown about what happens in Godfather 3.  We are all Fredo's, there is always someone better than us, that is not the point, you have to learn to love yourself, because no else will, that is the lesson of Fredo. 

Monday, August 12, 2019

POTUS goes after poor Immigrants who seek Federal support - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

This blog can be tough as anyone when it comes to immigration, but stopping people getting food or housing is JUST WRONG.  The State is there to protect people that fall due to economic other circumstances below the common net for people, it is these people that require government support, is the Trump Administration saying that families should not get ANY FOOD from the Federal State or that they should be housed in the gutter, what happen to Christian values of helping people who have fallen.   One is shocked that the Republicans have not come out against the move, one is sure a JFK or Reagan would never employ such action.   This new rule is going to the Courts, one hopes that the Courts or Congress negate this rule, it's bad for the image of the US and for the reality of immigrants in the US. 

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

More CHEATING from the Remainers - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

The REMAIN MPs will use any underhand method, thus if PM Boris Johnson loses a NO CONFIDENCE VOTE, he should not resign, why should he follow custom when the Remainers use any dirty trick they can and have the support of the very biased Speaker.  The PM should call for a General Election on the 3rd of September, force the Opposition to do a coup and place Jeremy Corbyn in power, let's see how long that lasts, even moderate Leave MPs in Labour could not with good conscience vote for Corbyn to be PM, our defence would be a joke, even North Korea could threaten us, politics has gone silly since Brexit. 

The PM needs to frame the general election as the people vs the elites in Parliament, that would decide Brexit one way or another.  Also will moderate Labour MPs really tell voters that they will vote to place Corbyn in No 10, if they do then they betray the Labour Party and the Country, there are limits to Party loyalty. 

POTUS critical of Biden - Pre Election Skirmish 2020

Lets Get Real:

Thus IF the Trump Oval is right, the election of 2020 will be between President Trump and former VP, Joe Biden.  This is August 2019, it is going to be a LONG year and half before the election.  As stated in my recent post, Joe Biden is losing support in New Hampshire, the combined vote of Senators Sanders and Warren would BEAT the moderate Biden ( Reagan called him a smooth demagogue ), thus it can be expected that Biden will use any issue to get elected, thus his recent comments as mentioned in the article, that Biden is attacking the language used by Trump when it comes to race, and is part of the reason for the shootings, the Gipper was right, Biden will use anything, very LOW POLITICS, but then Trump uses low politics.   The 2020 election will be about gutter politics, who can get their base out, thus expect Biden and Trump not to aim high, no shining City on a Hill from Reagan's rhetoric, but low gutter politics, one assumes that is what Americans want. 

Labour Shadow Chancellor BACKTRACKS over SNP Alliance - General Election 2019?

Lets Get Real:

One assumes someone in Labour has reminded the Shadow Chancellor that if Scotland goes out of the UK, then there will be NO LABOUR MPs from there and Labour can never form a majority Government.  Or the Leader, Jeremy Corbyn has woken up after TEA and found that his Shadow Chancellor was stating party policy that was counter to the policy of Scottish Labour and of the Labour Party itself.  This is the problem when order has broken down in both political parties, individual MPs start to think they are God's gift and can say what they like and no counter punch.    The UK either way needs a General Election, new MPs are needed that understand the rules, so it is about time that the Conservatives and Labour Parties start to de-select MPs and get order back into the system.  This blog smells an election coming as early as September! 

Monica's STORY - The Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Culture/Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

It will be good to hear the side of the story from Monica Lewinsky, and since is one of the Producers it can be assume it will not be sleazy, no Cigar mentions ( read up on the subject if you must ).  This blog on the whole does not follow crime stories, but since it's the team behind  the murder of Gianni Versace, a taught excellent drama, it is worth a look.  As this blog has stated, it was others who paid the price for Bill Clinton, it can be argued that Al Gore lost the 2000 Election because of the Clinton affair with Lewinsky, in normal course of events, a good economy, the US at peace the voter it was expected to vote for Gore, it did not, well Gore won the popular vote but lost the electoral college vote to Bush 43, when the US Supreme Court decided in essence that Florida had gone for Bush 43.   The course of history was set from 9/11 onwards.  Then in 2016 HRC was the nominee, and she also lost the electoral college vote, with half of the Country wanting to lock her up because of the deleted emails, it was a really shock when Trump won the three States he need to become President.   One of the fears of voters was what would Old Dog do in the White House, that being Bill Clinton.  Thus as stated others paid the costs for Bill. 

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

The Queen and the House of Commons - General Election 2019?

Lets Get Real:

What if the Queen says NO, will the HARD REMAINERS start attacking the Queen, there are limits of how much the people will put up from an OUT OF CONTROL House of Commons. A national Government would never work, one does not see Jeremy Corbyn allowing Labour moderates to serve in power while he is just expected to support their moves, this would be like the 1930s all over again.  The Remainers sooner or later will have to face the VOTERS, they will no care if some politicians think that they are better and understand the issues. If a Conservative MP votes to bring down the Government, then the whip should be removed, this would mean that the MP can stand as an Individual MP but not as a Conservative MP.  All political careers end in FAILURE, but there would be no forgiveness this time, no honours, no knighthoods or a place in the House of Lords, these MPs would be froze out political life, no coming back, it can be lonely if you are seen to have betrayed the Party and the Country. 

Biden FEELING THE HEAT in New Hampshire - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

This could mean trouble for the moderate Joe Biden, the former VP to Barack Obama, it shows that the attacks on him from his Senatorial to his Vice Presidential record have had some effect.  The Biden Campaign should be concerned that it could be defeated in Iowa or New Hampshire, one does not have to go back in history to show what happens if that occurs, HRC was seen as the presumptive nominee in 2008, but then she lost IOWA and Barack Obama showed that he could win over white voters, the fear for the Biden camp is that Sanders or Warren could build the BIG Momentum from such a win.  It would be wise for the former VP to spend  a lot of time in Iowa and NH, the voters in these States liked to be asked for their votes, not just assumed to be voting for the right candidate.   Also the next debate will have fewer candidates, so more time for a better debate and not just sound bites. 

Monday, August 05, 2019

General Election in September or October - Election 2019?

Lets Get Real:

This blog does not trust the House of Commons and its Speaker, they will find someway to BLOCK BREXIT, they do not play by the rules, thus neither should Boris, even if he loses a No  Confidence vote he should not resign, as the House of Commons passed the fixed term Parliament Act there is no need, there is a 14 day intervention for another Government to be formed.   Thus Boris should take us out of the EU and then have an election, do the people want to go back to the EU and accepting the Euro and not getting our money back under a Lady Thatcher's deal in the 1980s.   The election would be the people versus the House of Commons, also will Labour MPs from LEAVE Seats really fancy an election, that is the question the REMAINERS should be asking themselves. 

The need for TOUGH Gun Control in the US - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

There needs to be tough gun control in the US, there is no reason for there to be so many handguns or other weapons out there.  Only the Police and other authorities should have guns.  One can see the argument for guns on ranches, and for the Army and the National Guard to have guns, but why anyone else needs guns is a mystery.  If you had a strong President who would take the political attack to gun owners then you might get somewhere, Trump will not, and neither will the US Congress,  money is the mothers milk in politics and the Congress is always in campaign mode.  It would take a BRAVE Congress to ban guns except for the groups above, thus will not holding my breath.    The US has move to restrict gun ownership. 

Thursday, August 01, 2019

The NEXT Democratic Debate - Update 3 - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

This sounds about right, at least you can get all the candidates on the same debate stage, and the questions and answers can take longer.   Of course it allows for more bust ups, one can expect Warren to go after Biden, they are fighting for the soul of the Party.   As for Mayor Pete and Beto, they are at the start of their political careers, they might be looking at the VP spot on a Biden or Warren ticket.   This blog is not writing them off, just it does not feel that this is their political cycle.   One can expect some in fighting in between Warren and Sanders, one of them has to LOSE, more likely it will be Sanders, he moved the Party but might not have the fire in the belly to be POTUS, you really have to want it, and it can be seen that Warren really wants to be President.  It is only August the 1st, we have a very long road to go, Iowa in 2020 is in February of next year. 

Brexit Update - New 10% bounce for Conservatives - Update 1 - Election 2019?

Lets Get Real:

This could be the golden time for Boris to shaft the HARD REMAINERS in the House of Commons.  The Hard Remainers will try any underhanded method to block BREXIT, the best way avoid this,  is to  call a General Election, make these HARD REMAINERS have to be selected by their Local Associations.   The Seats that voted LEAVE should de-select MPs that are going against the will of the 2016 vote.   Also a Conservative win on a NO DEAL BREXIT, would force the EU to agree our terms.  The clock is ticking for 31st of October!  PM Boris has to recall that the HARD REMAINERS have a bias Speaker in their pocket, he cannot be trusted. 

What WAY for the Democrats ? - Update 2 - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

At the end of the day the Democratic race in all probability will come to a moderate as represented by VP Biden and for the Liberals, or progressives as they like to call themselves by Senator Warren.  It is interesting from 2016 Senators Sanders has moved the Democrats to the LEFT, but like Moses he might not get the prize, it can be argued that Warren has the fire in her belly to take the fight to Biden, it will be interesting to see them on the same stage, that will lead to fireworks.  The problem for Democratic voters is while the Democrats have gone LEFT, the rest of the Country is more to the Centre, even centre right.  Senator Harris will have a HARD TIME selling her health plan, as it removes private health cover from a hundred million Americans, that will go down like a LEAD BALLOON.  Also her time as Attorney General will be looked closely by other candidates, God knows what they will find before the next debate.  Thus my prediction for what it's worth, it will be a Biden vs Warren fight for the soul of the Democratic Party. 

Bident THROWS Obama under the bus when it comes to Afghanistan - Election 2020

Lets Get Real:

The 2nd Debate was good for Biden, he fought back, he took on Harris and Booker, it can be said that Booker earned his ticket to stay in the race.  Senator Booker took on Biden when it came to his support of the 1994 Crime Bill and others crime bills from the 1970s and 1980s.   The former VP shot back that the Booker record as Mayor was not that great, that he had to be sued by the ACLU to reform his police department.  The main fight that this blog remembered was the fight between Senator Harris and Tulsi Gabbard over the record of Harris as Attorney General of California, the Congresswoman pointed out that Harris allowed a prisoner to stay on death row when the prisoner should have been removed, that she allowed prisoners to be kept in jail when they should have been released as a form of cheap labour, also she went after pot smokers while laughing when asked if she had ever smoked pot.  The attack was so detailed this blog thinks that the Biden Camp released the info to her, as it allowed Harris to be taken down a bit, while not having the fingerprints of the Biden Campaign on the issue  . What was also interesting for this blog is how Biden threw Obama under the bus when it came to the Obama surge in Afghanistan in the first term, he stated that he was against that.  This is not new, the then Defence Secretary Robert Gates stated that Biden as VP, undercut the Afghan policy at every stage.   Thus far this blog has not seen that mentioned by other comments on the debate.   One can assume that Barack Obama will not be happy that his VP threw him under the bus when it came to such an important foreign policy approach.