Tuesday, October 15, 2024

US threatening to cut some military support for Israel- Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

BBC News: Reports in its 2.50pm post that the US has warned Israel it has 30 days to improve food supplies to Gaza or the US will   cut military support.

Lets Get Real:

This what happens when politicians know they are on the way out, the State Department like the the UK FCO is pro Arab not pro Israel.   The Biden Oval knows the US Congress would over rule the Administration, it could be Biden playing politics, trying to secure the ethnic vote for VP Harris in the Swing States.  This news just broke, the Republicans will hit VP Harris hard over the issue.

New Anti Missile System sent to Israel - Middle East crisis - Biden Era

 Guardian reports in its 1pm post that the Americans  are placing an advance anti missile system in Israel.

Lets Get Real:

Tehran has warned against this, one assumes the US has a VETO on what targets the Israeli Government can hit in Iran, thus Israel will not hit Iranian nuclear and oil facilities, in return the US has to send its advane THAAD anti missile system to Israel.  This will counter and Iranian action, the US hopes Iran will not react, neither the Biden Oval or Iran want a WAR.  EVENTS, EVENTS, you never know.

Monday, October 14, 2024

VP Harris to Appear on Fox News - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Bidem Era

Guardian reports in its 5.25pm post that  VP Harris is to do a sit down interview with Fox News.

Lets Get Real:

IT is about time, people who watch Fox News are not morons, they  can up their own minds, more than can be said of CNN viewers, who even the anchors are afraid of offending.  The election should not be this close, latest polls have either a TIED race or Harris ahead by 1% or 2%, the Democrstic Party is already getting its knickers in a twist, due to how close the election is, they should have let the VP do tough interviews before now.  The VP has to close the deal with the voters, or at least half the nation that watches Fox News

Friday, October 11, 2024

US and Israel close to agreement on what Israel will hit in Iran - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

 Guardian: Reports in its 11.45pm post that the US and Israel are close to an agreement on what Israel will hit in Iran.

Lets Get Real:

The above is the reason that the Israeli Government has delayed a strike on Iran.  They want US agreement should Iran strike back and Israel hits Iran's nuclear facilities in a third strike from Jerusalem.  It would be a big mistake for IRAN to react, one hopes that Iran's neighbours deliver this message from the US, accept the attack and do nothing.  The clock ticks!

VP Harris leads Trump by 4% - New Poll - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

This blog is somewhat iffy of polls that show Harris with such a lead, if it was true it would mean that Harris is expect to win big in November, most of the national polls and State polls show a race that have the candidates at tied or with Harris leading by 1% or 2%.  Of course a week is a long time in politics, the Harris campaign has had the candidate on media shows, thus countering the argument that Harris has kept to safe ground.  The View is hardly Fox News, as liberal as they come, if Harris did Fox News that would be shocking.  If Trump is behind in the last two weeks expect him to agree to a 2nd debate with Harris.   The first debate was a win for Harris, a 2nd win would give her the Presidency. 

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

POTUS " ironclad commitment to Israel’s security. " - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

White House: Readout of President Biden's call with the Israeli PM, " Readout of President Joe Biden’s Call with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel..President Biden spoke this morning with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel.  Vice President Harris joined the call.  The President affirmed his ironclad commitment to Israel’s security.  He condemned unequivocally Iran’s ballistic missile attack against Israel on October 1st.  On Lebanon, the President emphasized the need for a diplomatic arrangement to safely return both Lebanese and Israeli civilians to their homes on both sides of the Blue Line.  The President affirmed Israel’s right to protect its citizens from Hezbollah, which has fired thousands of missiles and rockets into Israel over the past year alone, while emphasizing the need to minimize harm to civilians, in particular in the densely populated areas of Beirut.  On Gaza, the leaders discussed the urgent need to renew diplomacy to release the hostages held by Hamas.  The President also discussed the humanitarian situation in Gaza and the imperative to restore access to the north, including by reinvigorating the corridor from Jordan immediately.  They agreed to remain in close contact over the coming days both directly and through their national security teams.  "

Lets Get Real:

This readout of the talk is interesting, POTUS confirmed his ironclad commitment to Israel and that he would stay in contact with the Israeli PM directly and their national security teams also keep in contact.  ONE DOUBTS that Israel wants to anger the Biden White House in case VP Harris wins in November, thus one can assume the targeting of Iran's nuclear sites is off the list, also the oil facilities.  Then what, a cyber attack could be on the cards, and hitting Regime buildings at night to prevent innocent people getting killed.  The Israeli Defence Secretary stated that the Iranian attack of the 1st had failed, no one was hurt, no heavy damage to buildings either, thus no need to go heavy in return.  Interesting few days ahead. 

Israeli counter Sltrike will be surprising- Israel- Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

BBC News: Reports in its 6.45pm post that the Israeli Defence Minister has stated the Israeli strike on Iran will be deadly, precise and surprising.

Lets Get Real:

EVERY professional commentator and blog will try to work out what the Minister means, one assumes some kind of cyber attack, combined with air attack from the air, with special forces on the ground.  Thus important enough to hurt Iran, without a full war breaking out, as the Minister stated the Iranian attack of last week failed to do any damage, Israel was helped by the US. One thinks Biden will be happy, no strike on Iran's nuclear sites this time.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Israeli Defence Minister BLOCKED from going to the US Defence Department - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

It seems from the above that the Israeli PM does not trust his Defence Minister not to follow what the Biden Oval wants.   This would show the level of distrust between the Israeli PM and POTUS.  The PM wants the security Cabinet approve the attack plan before such a visit and POTUS should get over any anger he has towards the PM and pick up the phone.   Does this mean that Israel wants to go after the nuclear sites in Iran, something that POTUS does not want, could this be the delay that is preventing the visit, is the Israeli PM afraid his defence minister will go native in Washington D.C.   The Israeli Government has delayed the attack so far, it needs to act or Iran will think that Israel is to weak to stand up to Iran.

VP Harris LEADS Trump by 3% - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Guardian: Reports in its 11.09am post that a new NYT poll shows VP Harris leading Trump by 3%, 49% to 46%.

Lets Get Real:

This is a good poll, month before the election, the VP in her 60 Minutes interview she said that Trump would surrender the Ukraine to Russia, her Israel answer was more evasive, support for Israel if not for the present PM.  Those swing States have a high level of Arab voters and supporters, thus far so good for the  VP, a week is a long time in politics.

Monday, October 07, 2024

VP Harris TIED with Trump on 47% with likely voters - 2024 Candidates/General Election - Biden Era

Yahoo!News: Reports on its latest poll, " Among likely voters, the vice president’s lead vanishes entirely (47% to 47%).  "

Lets Get Real:

The American voters is tired of the celebrity run campaign of the VP, they want her to do tough interviews, she is running the 2020 campaign of POTUS, in that campaign Biden was hidden in his home bunker, the press covered for him due to the fact they hated Trump and of course it was the period of COVID - 19.   They want to know more about the VP, they think they were sold a con in 2020, if the election had been a typical election one does wonder if Biden would have been elected.  There are reports that former President Barack Obama will do a weeks campaign for her, its late and you cannot transfer charisma, political class acts like Obama do not like  to share the stage, Obama was the first African - American President, now  if Harris is elected, his achievement will not be that special.   The Wars in the Middle East could damage the Harris run, the Biden line is to support Israel, even if he cannot stand the Israeli PM, its mutual, it might effect the ethnic vote in the Swing States.  Former President Trump is on the side of Israel.  An interesting few weeks ahead.   This blog is keeping to the projection that Harris will win.

What to do about Iran - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

 Noted: Remembering the 7th of October, we who support Israel, should also support them when they have to make the tough decisions.

BBC News reports in its 4.33pm post on the options Israel has when it comes to a counter strike on Iran.

Lets Get Real 

The article goes through the various options, from economic , leadership to the strategic options of military such as Iran's  nuclear sites.  If Jerusalem wants to send a hard message it will hit Iran's nuclear sites  these are the last resort of the Evil Regime, take them out before they become the 1st option.  The future is bleak with a nuclear armed Iran

Friday, October 04, 2024

Biden does not want Israel to hit Iranian Oil Sources- Middle Eaat Crisis - Biden Era

 Guardian  reports in its 7.42pm post that POTUS does not want Israel to hit Iranian oil sites.

Lets Get Real:

POTUS is a security risk, he does not want Israel to hit Iran's nuclear sites, NOW its Iran's oil sites.  ONE does hope that the Israeli Government does not listen to the Oval, Biden is an appeaser, on his way out.  At least Trump supports Israel NOW, we shall see if this helps Trump  in the Swing States.   In Biden, Tehran have its own Neville Chamberlain, the appeasing PM of the 1930s.

US Attacks Houthi in Yemen - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Sky News reports in its 4.48pm post that the US has struck the Houthi in Yemen.

Lets Get Real:

This is the fault of the Americans, they made the UK give up the port of Aden in the 1960s, winds of change and all that claptrap.  Thus you see the Houthi today backed by the terrorist State of Iran.  The so called Supreme Leader backed the Hamas attack of the 7th of October 2023.  The Mossad should do the World a favour and take him out.  The World has gone in to the toilet since Resgan, Thatcher and Gorbachev ran the World.  Bring back the British Empire, for all its fault, it bought liberal democracy and Law.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Biden Opposes Israeli strike on Iran"s nuclear sites - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Noted; 8 Israeli Soldiers killed in combat with Hezbollah terrorists IN Lebanon.

The VP debate in the US was seen as draw by the press, in other words the Republican Nominee WON.

BBC News reports in 6.22pm post that POTUS opposes an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear sites.

Lets Get Real:

This is the FLAW in Biden, he cannot see beyond his own ego and judgment, this explains Afghanistan and the stalled WAR in the Ukraine.  He foreign policy views have always been WRONG.  This is the perfect time to go after Iran's nuclear sites, when the World is against them, not when they have nuclear weapons.  Stop a road that leads to WW3, learn the lessons from the past.

Israel Update -Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Guardian reports in 10.24pm that the Israeli PM has stated that Iran will pay a price for its attack on Israel.

Lets Get Real:

The next steps will be taken by Israel in consultation with Biden Oval, some reaction  can be expected, the White House will try to make sure that Israel does not go to far, Biden's influence might be limited, Israel wants to make Iran pay, this time Israel will be tough and can be expected to be decisive, the security of Israel is at stake.

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Iran launches Missiles at Israel- Middle East Crisis

 Sky News Reports in its 6.12pm post that Iran has launched 200 missiles at Israel.

Lets Get Real:

Wider regional War, depending I'd any damaged, Awaiting developments.   The critics of the Israeli PM, will argue that Iran has given what the Israeli PM wanted WAR with Iran.

Limited Operation in Lebanon- Middle East Crisis --Biden Era

 BBC News: Reports in its 9.57am post, that Israel has not done a full invasion of Lebanon, just walking distance over the border.

Lets Get Real:

If true this will keep the OVAL happy, they do not want another Gaza.  This is a mistake by Israel, when you have the enemy on the floor you finish the job.   Hezbollah could rebuild itself if given time, POTUS will be gone in January, Israel should use its free hand, while politics plays itself out in the US

Hezbollah should be pushed in to Syria, give Lebanon the chance to breath freedom  This could be their only chance.