Monday, December 30, 2013

The Afghan War and US Public Opinion - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

Well the US public has taken its time, this blog HAS NEVER supported the Afghan War, the UK has the bloody T - shirt from previous Afghan Wars at the time of the Empire, no one ever benefits from invading Afghanistan, a sharp and short attack yes, the US and UK should have left Afghanistan after the fall of the Taliban and the displacement of Al Qaeda, instead it fell in to the trap of nation building, that has never worked, from the time of the British Empire in the 19th Century  to the USSR invasion in the 20th Century.    The Afghans hate it when they get invade, they can wait out any power, after the US and UK leave in December 2014 it can be expected than within six months the Taliban will be back at the door of the Capital.   The only worse option would be for the US to leave a small force in Afghanistan, they would become daily targets, we could see pictures of the US helicopters taking out the last US personnel, very much like Vietnam in 1975.   What ever the end it will be BAD, just depends how many US and UK personnel have to pay the price for a failed political policy. 

Bush 43/ Blair and the Iraq War

Lets Get Real:

On the whole this blog supports the release of the private communication between 10 Downing St and the Bush White House, to many people its to late, they have convicted former Labour PM Tony Blair of being a War Criminal, this blog supported the Iraq War and still does, only cowards run away from their own opinion.    Lets recall it was after 9/11, all the main intelligence networks thought Iraq had WMD, after 9/11 and the death of nearly three thousand the Bush Oval was going to take action over the perceived threat of Iraq, the Bush Oval did give Tony Blair the chance to back out, but to his credit former PM Blair stuck with  the President, it is easy to be friends when the issues do not matter, its tougher when its a matter of life and death. At the end of day the reason this blog supports the release of these private letters etc is to allow for a complete history of Iraq to be understood, to understand the good points and bad points.   Tony Blair thought he was doing the right thing, and who is to say he was wrong, looking back is easy, making the tough calls at the moment it is needed is harder, this blog takes it hat off to Mr Blair, he was a friend to have when your in a political bunker, he does not run away from his friends.   

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Afghanistan Front News - Afghanistan Theatre

MOD: Reports that the UK Soldier killed on the 23rd of December in Afghanistan was " Captain Richard Holloway, of The Royal Engineers ".  Our thoughts are with the family of Captain Holloway

Lets Get Real:

How about a UK surge to support or withdrawing troops, the Taliban and Al - Qaeda are using the withdraw as a PR victory, to build up that idea they are using our troops as target practice, the UK should consider a limited surge to protect our troops and bases, also give support to the Afghanistan Government.   The War in Afghanistan is NOT a victory, our brave and heroic troops have been let down by their military and political masters, they deserved better, but they have done the best job they could have under their past and present leaders, lets support our troops, and buy them a drink if they are out, they have done the job we would never do, this blog would run away from a War in Afghanistan and Vietnam. 

Friday, December 27, 2013

The 2013 " Munich " unravels - Iran

Lets Get Real:

The US Senate when it returns in to session could see this move a break of faith in the recent Geneva agreement, a combination of Democrats and Republicans could add further sanctions to present US sanctions, one can assume the Israeli Lobby will place pressure on those Senators up for re-election to support more sanctions, with the Oval's poll numbers in the toilet the Oval does not have the support on the Hill to prevent sanctions, the US Majority Leader Senator Reid will find it hard to stall such sanctions.   Tehran has made it clear that any new sanctions and the nuclear deal is OFF, well Tehran has broken the agreement, they are never going to give up the ability to become a nuclear armed power no matter what the rhetoric is, the Oval needs to learn that rhetoric is not reality, the Tehran Regime wants to be the major power in the region, thus only Israel and Iran would have the bomb, this would lead to a nuclear arms race in the region.   The oil rich States in the Middle East will seek to get the bomb as fast as possible, thus do not be surprise to see Israel take some action, it can not wait forever and it does not trust the US or Iran. 

Federal Judge Approves Bugging US Citizens

Lets Get Real:

Some sense out of the Courts at last, a New York Judge should understand the need for the NSA to bug everyone in the US and around the World, no wants another 9/11, this shows that there are some Judges who live in the real world, not the academic world.  The intelligence agencies need to keep a constant eye on the terrorist threat, thus the need to check the dots, the use of drones and then in special cases the use of US Special Forces to do the job.    When it comes to the War on Terror, on the whole this blog does not fault President Obama, his rhetoric sometimes gets ahead of reality, but you can fault most Presidents of that at sometime during their terms. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Obama and Iraq - 2nd Term Blues

The New York Times: Reports the following from Iraq, " The United States is quietly rushing dozens of Hellfire missiles and low-tech surveillance drones to Iraq.. " due to the rebirth of Al Qaeda in Iraq after the US left under Obama in 2011. 

Lets Get Real: 

This is what happens when you leave foreign policy to VP Biden, the US should have gotten a deal to stay in Iraq after 2011, if they had they could have prevented Iran sending arms to Assad of Syria, thus the present violent civil war in Syria, the civil war in Syria has gone from a secular war to a religious lead War, and at its front is Al Qaeda franchise terror cells, the lack of leadership by the Oval in Syria and Egypt has allowed Russia to gain more influence in the Middle East, the allies of the US from Israel to Saudi Arabia do not trust the Obama Oval due to feckless leadership in the Middle East.  The Obama Oval might find that sometime during the next three years it has to send troops back in to Iraq, it can not allow Al Qaeda to take over both Iraq and Syria,  the US has paid far to heavy a price to allow Iraq to be taken over by a mortal enemy of the US.   Also lets get very real here, the Obama legacy would go down the toilet, he would make Jimmy Carter look good, that is not a good place to be when wanting a legacy.   When Bush 43 left office in 2009 the security in Iraq was stable, it was not perfect, what the Obama Administration did was allow its rhetoric to become reality for those in the White House.    What next will the Oval send to Iraq, the Gods of politics can be cruel, it would be a irony if Obama has to send troops back, would teach candidates to be careful what they say on the campaign trail, it can come back to bite you on the backside. 

The 2014 Mid Terms - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real: 

The Republicans have to keep ObamaCare at the centre of the debate, the Democrats and their liberal elite friends in the media will try to turn to social issues as to frighten women, they will appeal to the young to give Obama another chance, they will play the race card, they will say that the Republicans are stopping immigration reform.   The Republicans should not take the bait, the Democrats are in a hole of their own making with ObamaCare, more shoes will drop with the scheme, lets see how many people who enrolled in ObamaCare actually have cover on Jan 1.  Also the business health cover comes in to effect in 2014, how many employers will cut the hours of their workers as not have ObamaCare, how many will just drop employer cover and throw people in to ObamaCare.    Thus the Republicans have to keep to one talking point, the only issue is OBAMACARE.   The Republicans need to keep the House and retake the Senate, its Chicago hard ball politics, no prizes for coming second. 

Time of the Doctor - Review

Doctor Who News: Reports that Doctor Who was the second most watched  show on Christmas Day, the good Doctor had 8.29 million viewers in the overnight rating, as the article notes when you break down the episode the last five minutes had 10.2 million viewers, the highest of any show on the day. 

Lets Get Real: 

Matt Smith was a great Doctor, a fan favourite, this was a great episode to go out on, it had fun, drama, sadness, but also that end when the Time Lords ( Spoiler ) helped the Doctor out, lets just say we have the Doctor still, Daleks beware.   It was interesting to see the Doctor face his own death, and not really fight against it for most of the episode, he had used up his 12 regenerations, he had fought the good fight but it was over, then the Time Lords came and gave him ( Spoiler ) and he was back on form, taking on the enemies of mankind and the Time Lords.    It was nice reference to River, and of course it was perfect to see Amy ( Karen Gillan ) back, saying goodbye to her Doctor and we the viewers to the 11th Doctor and final Doctor of this regeneration cycle.  

This fan question, is the 13th Doctor not just the 1st of the new cycle, if you see what I mean, see the episode first.   The good Doctor is going to be around for a long time folks, long after this blogger has gone up to the blogger cloud, the Doctor will be his Tardis, fighting the good fight. 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Death in Afghanistan - Afghanistan Theatre

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier was killed today in Afghanistan, the Soldier was from the " Royal Engineers ".  Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 447 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total 404 have died in combat/hostile action, while 43 have died of illness, accidents or other incidents. 

Lets Get Real: 

As the UK is leaving Afghanistan next year why are still losing our Armed Forces Personnel in combat operations, what is the point, the MOD and 10 Downing Street should get our Forces home, lets be honest here, once the West is out of Afghanistan the place will go to hell, the Taliban will be at the gates of the Capital within six months, what can we say to the families that have lost loved ones there, that is was worth it, the place is not worth the blood of one Soldier, its a hell hole and the Afghans are welcomed to it, our brave and heroic Forces should have better leaders.  Our thoughts are with those still serving in Afghanistan and to the families who have lost loved ones in Afghanistan.  

40% Job Approval for POTUS - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its daily tracking poll on the job performance of President Obama, today POTUS has a " 40% job approval rating, while 53% disapprove of the Obama record  ".

Lets Get Real:

Thus lets look at what is in store for the Oval in 2014, it can be postulated that the Oval will not ditch ObamaCare, thus what will be the strategy of the Oval to get out of the political hole it find itself in, it can be expected that the White House will run with stories about those that have been helped by ObamaCare, it will carry on with its attempt to paint the Republicans as to the right of Vlad the Impaler on a good day.   There will be more exceptions to ObamaCare, if millions have not signed up they will not have to pay the fine for another year, the Oval wants to get through 2014 Mid Terms.  On the international front expect the Oval to place more pressure on Israel not to strike Iran, also expect the Oval to appease Iran more as to get a deal, in this it will have to fight the US Senate and the Israeli lobby.   In Asia it can be expected some kind of violent reaction by North Korea, something is up since its new leader killed his uncle.   Thus 2014 just  might be worse that 2013 for the Oval. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Obama at 41% Job Approval - CNN

Lets Get Real:

Thus what political advice does this blog have for the Oval, it would never take it, but here it is, he needs new staff, old hands who will tell him the TRUTH not what he wants to hear, he needs to find a way to ditch ObamaCare or make it WORK, and fast, if the studies are right between 50 - 100 million Americans could lose their business health cover, IF that happens the Oval and the Democrats are toast, thus either reform ObamaCare or ditch, take the political punches from the left and move on.   On the domestic side, there is a need for immigration reform, this will not happen if ObamaCare is front and centre, thus as stated above, a resolution one way or other, then get the Republicans to support the bill by taking on some of their idea, show to the US voter that the Oval can actually deal in Washington D.C.   On the international front, be tougher with Iran, its good to have the PR of being tough, you can have back channel talks at the same time, a bad deal will not get pass the House or Senate.   The Oval has to get its mind around the fact that it has to either ditch ObamaCare or make it work, it can not wait for 50 - 100 million Americans to find they have no health cover, then it would be to late.    This is good advice, but the Oval will not take it, its ego does not match its skills.    Thus expect ObamaCare to be front and centre next year.  

Is the Liberal NYT turning on Obama ? - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

It can be postulated that even the liberal NYT is not buying the latest spin out of the Oval that only half a million are still without health cover, either its half a million or 5.5 million, one would normally give the truth to the Oval, but with the Obama White House TRUTH is a strange concept.  The Democrats in the House and Senate must be looking at the polls and thinking they will be wiped out next year in the Mid Term Elections, thus the pressure on the Oval to change the rules of ObamaCare.   The  Obama White House has been changing the rules of ObamaCare on the fly, its has been making strong suggestions to the insurance companies and the States to change the rules, thus going against ObamaCare.    There has been push back thus the latest development.  One postulate that ObamaCare is fast turning in to a dodo, and the cost will be paid by Democrats in 2014. 

The White House, Reality and ObamaCare - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real: 

This is the same White House that pushed out a website that did not work, would not know the truth if it bit it on the backside.   If the Obama Administration is estimating that half a million Americans still do not have cover, one can assume the real number is in the millions, so while President Obama swans off to Hawaii for another game of Golf, millions of Americans could find in the New Year that they have no cover, or if they have enrolled the back end of ObamaCare has not been built, thus paying the insurance companies, thus people are not covered.  Also the information from ObamaCare is a mess from the view of the insurance companies, wrong personal information, bad spelling etc.   ObamaCare will haunt Democrats right up to the 2014 Mid Term Elections. 

Latest ObamaCare Change - 2nd Term Blues

BBC News: Reports on the latest change to ObamaCare, the Obama Administration will grant a hardship exemption to those Americans who have lost their health cover due to ObamaCare, thus they can get bare bone plan, the article notes the following, " The "hardship exemption" will apply to roughly 500,000 people who lost their private plans under the law commonly known as Obamacare. ".

Lets Get Real:

Of all the States that have reported about six million Americans have lost their health plan due to ObamaCare, if the new change just covers half million how about the rest of the 5.5 million, are they suppose to just suck it, either pay a higher price for health cover or just pay the cost of not getting the individual mandate, what if they have enrolled on ObamaCare but due to the IT problems they have not paid the insurance companies, they might think they are covered but what if they have a New Year accident as the insurance companies have been negative on the idea from the Oval they cover those even if people have not paid.   ObamaCare is a political and policy mess, when will Democrats wake up and smell the coffee. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

US Senate vs. the Oval over Terror policy - 2nd Term Blues

The New York Times: Reports the following from the US Senate Intelligence Committee, " has asked the C.I.A. for an internal study done by the agency that lawmakers believe is broadly critical of the C.I.A.’s detention and interrogation program ".

Lets Get Real:

The Oval and the CIA should fight the Senate Committee over this request, the Obama Oval on the whole has kept the Bush 43 strategy when dealing with terrorism, in fact the Oval has increased drone strikes, they have become more deadly under President Obama.   The Oval and the CIA has to protect the national security interests of the US, the Senate is full of Senators who think they should be President, most you would not trust to take you dog for a walk.   Those pushing for the release of these secret and sensitive files have allowed the memory of 9/11 to fade from their memory for political reasons, the left hated the Bush 43 strategy when dealing with terror, they thought Obama would throw it ALL out, that has not happened, there have been some PR change, and NO torture, depends if POTUS has really asked after giving that order.   On this President Obama on the whole has been right, right on the decision and to the right of the liberal extreme of the Democratic Party.   Hat off to POTUS. 

More Disaster for ObamaCare - Private Exchanges NOT WORKING!

Lets Get Real:

At what point do Democrats in the House and Senate BAIL on the Oval, how many lies can they cover for, the above is the latest disaster to befall ObamaCare, on can not recall a time when there was any good news, also it can be expected that on January 1st 2014 millions of Americans will have no health cover, what happens if someone has enrolled in ObamaCare, has not paid his/her first payment, will the insurance companies follow the advice of the Oval and cover people who might have accidents in the New Year, it is a open question.   The Republicans should only pass the debt ceiling if the Oval will delay the whole of ObamaCare for a year as to fix the system.  If the Oval will not then the Republicans should not give the Oval one more dime for the debt ceiling.  It is time to play Chicago hard ball with the Oval. 

Torture Memos and Congress - 2nd Term Blues

Guardian: Reports from Washington on a class between the Obama Administration and the Senate Intelligence Committee when it comes to CIA torture memos, " Senators clash with Justice Department lawyer over CIA intelligence memos...CIA nominee Caroline Krass angers intelligence committee by claiming legal opinions on torture are beyond its scope ".

Lets Get Real:

This shows that the Obama Administration has become realistic when it comes to the torture of terrorists, when that clock is ticking you have to do what is needed, torture is not the first thing used, but in extreme cases it has to be used, it is an interesting question, is it better to be killed by a Obama drone or ducked under water for a few minutes.   One could postulate that terrorist would take the water torture to being killed by a drone.    Of course the official US line that under Obama there is no more torture just a massive increase in drone strikes that sometimes takes out innocent people, this blog does NOT credit that for one second, one assumes that the CIA or other off the book agencies do the job, a President would not ask, he might get told,  after 9/11 and 7/7 and other incidents ALL methods have to be used, its sad fact but that is the truth, the West can not afford to be PC or asleep at the Helm. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Major Flaws of ObamaCare - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

The more we learn about ObamaCare the more the US voter should be worried, the rollout was a major disaster, the back end of the system that allows people to pay for health cover has not been built, the insurance companies have been told by the Oval to allow former patients to keep their Doctor and his or her medical scheme for them, when that is against letter of the law of ObamaCare.   The Oval with each disaster has changed the rules like some King who thinks he has the divine right to change the law, no matter about the Congress.   The point of ObamaCare is to get the young and healthy to buy health cover as this funds those older citizens and those with pre - existing conditions, it seems that this not happening.   Thus the insurance companies are going to get a bailout from the Oval.    The latest disaster is the above, even those employed to help have to be suspect given the above information.  It can be postulated that ObamaCare has done more to damage the liberal cause than anything in the last 50 years. 

NSA vs. US Courts - 2nd Term Blues

The Guardian: Reports from Washington on a Federal Court decision regarding the NSA tapping of phones, the article notes the following, " ..a federal judge ruled on Monday that its bulk collection of Americans’ telephone records is likely to violate the US constitution. ".

Lets Get Real:

The Oval should appeal this wrong headed decision all the way to the US Supreme Court, the Oval can not afford for the US Courts to decide what is in the interest of national security,  if need be the Oval should ignore the Courts, let them to enforce it, the US and UK can not have another 9/11 or 7/7 because a Judge has lost the plot.   If the Oval follows the Court decision and something happens, they Judge will hide behind abstract law, the Oval will get the rebuke, thus the Oval has to fight the Courts, and do what is in the US national security interest, the law can be a fool sometimes, as the above shows with this ruling. 

UK PM Cameron in Afghanistan - Afghanistan Theatre

BBC News: Reports on the visit to Afghanistan by UK Coalition PM David Cameron, the PM stated that the mission in Afghanistan had been accomplished.

Lets Get Real: 

If mission accomplished means getting out without winning then the UK Troops have done their job, that is not a critic of our brave soldiers, more their military and political leadership they have had since 2001.  It can be postulated that six months after the Western allies leave the Taliban will be at the door of Kabul, of course if the US leaves a small force behind they will become daily targets.    This has all the hallmarks of Vietnam in 1975,  who will be the last US person out on the last helicopter, another example of the Obama failure in leadership, and not understanding Afghan history. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday Vote for US Budget Deal - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

When you have divided Government you have to DEAL, you never get 100% of what you want, if you want purity in politics your in the wrong game, the US has not had a Budget for years, the CR's passed are a way for chickens in both the House and Senate to get elected.   The Republicans have made a good deal, its the fault of the Senate Democrats that there is no extension of federal unemployment benefits, they made it clear it was not a DEAL BREAKER, thus the Republicans who would never pass such a measure went along with the idea, its to late for liberal Democrats to be upset, pass the budget and lets get  on to other matters, the repeal of ObamaCare or major reform would be a good idea, and helping the millions who have lost and will lose health cover due to ObamaCare. 

The US Budget Deal and Liberals in the House

Lets Get Real:

Even Speaker Boehner could not get the Republican House to support an extension of unemployment benefits, it would be a DEAL breaker, A Speaker can only cross his Party so many times, he can get the compromise through, then it goes to the Senate, as the Democrats run the Senate they need ALL their members to support it, the Republican on mass will oppose, thus both leaders should get this bill through fast, do not allow the left or right to form a strong opposition, it seems the extremes on both sides will not budge, it is my way or the highway, no wonder D.C politics have broken down, leaders no longer have REAL control of the bodies they represent, sad day for US politics but more important, sad day for MAIN street US.   They are the ones that get shafted at the end of the day. 

Will the US Budget Deal Pass ? - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

This blog tweeted last night that it support this US Budget Deal, it does not rise taxes and protects defence, this blog is VERY conservative when it comes to fiscal matters, if this deal was a give away to the Dems this blog would oppose the deal, as the Democrats gave up asking for an extension in unemployment benefits they are also taking a hit in political terms from the left.   The House and Senate should fast track this deal before it falls apart, the left are up in arms, and the right wants more welfare cuts, that is why its a compromise deal.   As a great President once said you get the majority of what you want and come back for the rest later. 

The failure of ObamaCare in November - 2nd Term Blues

BBC News: Reports on those that have enrolled in ObamaCare in November, the article states the following, " Officials had originally projected 1.2 million would enrol nationwide by the end of November, instead of the current 365,000. ".

Lets Get Real:

The BBC is left wing, thus puts a positive spin on those that have enrolled in ObamaCare, the above is way down in the article, if this was a business it would be seen as a disaster, the costs are out of control, even those that have enrolled have been told to check to see if the insurance companies have gotten the correct information, even those in Congress have been told to double check, as between 10% to 25% of those that think they have enrolled have not, due to computer problems, also you are only covered if you have paid, thus this ObamaCare scheme is heading for disaster, its just a matter of time before Democrats bail on the Oval. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Oval STALLS Congress over New Iran sanctions - 2nd Term Blues

The Hill: Reports that the Obama White House has been successful in stalling new Iran sanctions from Congress, the articles states the following, " Secretary of State John Kerry and the Obama administration appear to have won a fight with Congress over new Iran sanctions — at least for now. ".

Lets Get Real:

The Republicans should use this win by the Oval against it, it should produce TV adverts that shows Obama's handshake with President Castro of Cuba, then super impose images from the Munich meeting between Hitler and UK PM Neville Chamberlain, and then images of the destruction of World War 2, then have images of Reagan calling the USSR an Evil Empire, then have film of the Berlin Wall coming down.   Thus the stark contrast between weak and strong leadership.   Oh for the days of Reagan and Thatcher. 

Appeasing Stalin, NOW Iran - NYT

Lets Get Real:

This is the same paper that covered for Stalin during the Cold War, thus those Democrats that are on the fence should read this article in full and push ahead with sanctions, the Tehran Regime can NOT BE TRUSTED, the Oval is Appeaser in Chief, his handshake with the Cuban leader shows that Obama does not understand international politics, and worse for Dems domestic politics, this move by POTUS will go down like a lead balloon in Florida, this will be seen as a ACT of betrayal by exiled Cubans and Americans of Cuban decent.   President Obama is like the British PM Neville Chamberlain, who thought he knew best what should be the UK policy toward Hitler's Germany and was willing to sell out others for that policy.   The US Congress needs to pass tough new sanctions, to protect the honour and power of the US. 

Iran blackmails US Congress - Iran Crisis

Lets Get Real:

This is the time for the Israeli Lobby to get in to action, the handshake of Castro of Cuba by President Obama shows he is weak and a appeaser, the the Israeli Lobby should place pressure on Democrats up for re-election to pass sanctions with a six month grace to see what the talks bring, the US Congress can not allow itself to be blackmailed by the Regime in Tehran.  Those Democrats on the fence should think what happens if the deal falls apart or no long term deal can be made, the supporters of Israel will recall which Senator or House member blocked these valid sanctions, it would show that Democrats would rather be on the same page as the Tehran Regime than Israel.   Thus Democrats in moderate and conservative States should thwart the pressure of the Oval and PASS new sanctions. 

The US and Cuba - 2nd Term Blues

BBC News: Reports on a handshake between US President Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro at the Mandela Memorial.

Lets Get Real: 

Is there no tyrant that President Obama does not want to enable, his Foreign Policy has given more power to North Korea, Syria, Iran, now Cuba, this is why the Oval can not be trusted when it comes to US policy with Iran.   The US Congress should pass new sanctions that keeps the feet of the Oval close to earth when it comes to US talks with Iran.   The Tehran Regime has already stated that should the Congress pass new sanctions the deal is off, in other words Iran is blackmailing the US and the Oval.   A worthless deal based on hope that does not exist outside the head of President Obama.   This is the real world after all, and real politic has the Ace card when it comes to International politics. 

Monday, December 09, 2013

The Oval vs. The US Congress - Iran Crisis

Telegraph: Reports the following from Washington D.C on the fight between the Oval and Congress when it comes to Iran, the article notes states " Obama administration bids to prevent Congress from introducing new Iran sanctions which could hamper deal with Tehran ".

Lets Get Real:

This is the time for the Israeli lobby to makes it presence felt on the Hill, it should hit House and Senate members were it hurts, funding for campaigns for 2014, the Israeli lobby should make clear that those that oppose more sanctions and are following the line of the Oval will not get ANY money in 2014, it is going to be tough for Democrats in 2014 after ObamaCare, they need ALL the support they can get, thus they have to decide do they follow the Obama line, as in NO new sanctions or do they support Republican moves to increase the pressure on Iran.    The Oval after ObamaCare is looking for a new legacy, he wants to be up there with President Kennedy and Reagan when reviewed by future historians, and when the public are asked who were the greatest Presidents.    Thus the Oval is willing to SELL OUT Israel, Saudi Arabia and other US allies in the Middle East.   If the Israeli lobby is still powerful it should ACT over Iran sanctions and show Democrats how to follow the right path and get funds to get re-elected in 2014. 

How to Appease Iran - Part Two - Iran Crisis

Lets Get Real: 

This shows that President Obama is Appeaser in Chief, he is willing to dismiss the UN, freeze out Israel and Saudi Arabia, long term US allies, is willing to see a nuclear arms race develop in the Middle East.  This deal between the US and Iran is the worse diplomatic deal since Munich in 1938.   Israel and SA not the most normal of bed fellows should make a deal, that Israel should strike Iran within the next six months, SA would be part of the attack, but use Israeli markings for the attack, also covert ground troops should be placed in Iran to see if Iran is cheating, they should find something!  The US can not be trusted, Obama wants a hollow deal, since ObamaCare has gone up in flames he needs something big, in that he is willing sell out Israel and SA, he is a Chicago Pol after all, nothing is to low for politicians from the Windy City. 

Friday, December 06, 2013

POTUS on the death of Mandela

 " He no longer belongs to us -- he belongs to the ages. " - President Obama on the death of former President Nelson Mandela of South Africa. 

Lets Get Real:

The World will mourn, the leaders of the World will turn up, there will be blanket TV coverage, the question is will they learn from Mandela, most do not have his sense of humour and humility, also these days its winning at any cost, few of them can actually deal, and make deals with the opposition, its winning at all costs these days in politics, that is not a Mandela lesson, sometimes the lesson is lost while they myth is celebrated. 

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

41% Job Approval for POTUS - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its daily poll on the job approval of President Obama, today POTUS has a " 41% Approval rating, while 52% of Americans Disapprove of the Obama record. "

Lets Get Real: 

Lets look how other 2nd Term Presidents stood at this time in Office, President Reagan had a 63% Approval rating, while President Clinton was on 56%, while Bush 43 was on 43%.   Both Reagan and Clinton go in to trouble in the 2nd year of their 2nd term, while Bush 43 had Iraq through out, the President said of late that since he was low in the polls there was only one way to go, that was up, that is BAD strategic planning, a great US President Harry S. Truman had a 32% approval rating at the end of his term in office, lets recall he had to deal with the Korean War, while Nixon due to Watergate was on 24% Approval, that must include his family and the White House Staff. While the last two term President, Bush 43 had a approval rating of 34%.    President Obama can go lower, he should not allow his ego to get in the way of making a strategic comeback, otherwise he could find that the last three years are the most fraught of his life.  It odd but the two Presidents who looked good as in physical shape at the end of their terms were Reagan and Clinton, they enjoyed the Office and would have run for 3rd term if allowed, the rest even Bush 43 could not wait to get OUT. 

Your NOT Covered! - ObamaCare

Guardian: Reports the latest from Washington D.C on the pitfalls of ObamaCare, " 

Obamacare customers urged to double-check insurance status..Concerns over website back end after reports insurers are receiving calls from people who falsely believe they are enrolled ".

Lets Get Real:

Thus those that might have thought they are covered by ObamaCare could be in for a shock if the party to much in the New Year and go to the Doctor and find they HAVE NO COVER, because of a faulty website, also they could be taxed for not getting COVER, because the ObamaCare website is faulty at its most important point, payment between the customer and the insurance companies.    One can see this heading for the Courts, what if a customer thought that he or she has singed up, and God forbid has a major accident, then finds that due to a Federal problem they are not getting the cover they thought they had asked for, and its  the Federal website that has caused the problem, the lawyers will have a field day with this process, this could go ALL the way to the US Supreme Court, there could be hundred of thousands of cases, yes, the lawyers will be making the money, POTUS will get his legacy and the sucker that was forced to buy the ObamaCare legacy gets shafted by the US Government.   Interesting times ahead for ObamaCare. 

ObamaCare and getting Insurance

CNN - Politics: Reports on the back end of ObamaCare, the payment between the customers and the insurance companies, the article notes the following, " Meanwhile, insurers warn that more work is needed on the "back-end" functions of the website that process payments and provide enrollment information to the companies. ".

Lets Get Real: 

Thus a MAJOR problem, people could think they have gained insurance and find in the New Year if they visit their Doctor that they are not on his or her books as a patient, or that the insurance company has not gotten ALL the details they need to process the claim.   If the back end of ObamaCare has not been built, what happens when those on employer health cover, around 80 million are thrown in to ObamaCare, can the system cope with those large hits to the website.    The problems of ObamaCare website are not finished, this is an on growing process and a political target for the Republicans through the 2014 Mid Terms.   It will be interesting to see how Democrats react after the Thanksgiving period, will they still back the Oval or seek some political space, it far to early to say, but this blog is predicting that those Dems in the House and Senate from Conservative districts and States will seek a SEA of space between the their Campaigns and the Oval.    

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Ohio and 2016

CNN - Politics: Reports on  a new Presidential poll that matches former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton versus Governor Christie, the articles notes the following, " 42% of registered voters back the former Secretary of State while 41% support the recently re-elected Republican governor from New Jersey. "

Lets Get Real:

Time for some FUN this Thanksgiving period, lets look at the race for 2016, in the ALL important State of Ohio, we have a tied race between Clinton and Christie, the Democrats are not helped by ObamaCare and the low poll rating for President Obama, if its the same in November of 2014 and 2016 the Democrats will be crushed, thus expect Democrats including Clinton to seek some distance between them and the Oval,  of course its early, but how will President Obama feel to be on the sidelines, will he be depressed and try to sign up for ObamaCare, of course some of the finest Doctors and Hospitals have been left off ObamaCare as an option, will the Oval be happy to be treated for depression by a first year Doctor just out of Uni, reason being that the Government will not pay for expensive Doctors.  That is of course a flight of fancy, the President on down will be treated by the finest Doctors if ever gets depressed, how about YOU, do you think you will suffer with ObamaCare, do you want the Oval and D.C telling you which Doctor you can see, time to call Congress and state YOU want a delay in ObamaCare, you do not have Air Force One, Marine One or Camp David to relax, your just the small middle guy or woman that is supposed to fund ObamaCare. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

US Supreme Court and ObamaCare

We do not comment on specifics of a case pending before the Court.  As a general matter, our policy is designed to ensure that health care decisions are made between a woman and her doctor.  The President believes that no one, including the government or for-profit corporations, should be able to dictate those decisions to women.  The Administration has already acted to ensure no church or similar religious institution will be forced to provide contraception coverage and has made a commonsense accommodation for non-profit religious organizations that object to contraception on religious grounds.  These steps protect both women’s health and religious beliefs, and seek to ensure that women and families--not their bosses or corporate CEOs--can make personal health decisions based on their needs and their budgets. ".
Lets Get Real:
This blog has been clear of its view of ObamaCare, but since the US Supreme Court gave it the green light it must follow its own logic and support the Oval in its view that companies must cover birth control in their health plans.   This blog supports the right of women at work to get health cover that allows them to control their own healths when it comes to having a family.   This blog supports abortion on demand, with no limits, thus in this case and on this point the Court should support the law 100%.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Israel vs. Iran - Iran Crisis

Lets Get Real:

This is the time for Israel and Saudi Arabia to work together, Iran is a threat to both, they should agree in a secret deal for both Countries to attack Iran, on the PR side it should be seen as an Israeli strike, as to keep the Arab street quiet, even the SA planes should carry Israeli symbols and objects, planes will be shoot down, there should be no link back to SA.   The Obama Administration has sold out Israel, the Oval is seeking a peace legacy at any price after the failure of ObamaCare.   This is the time for Israel to ACT, it can not wait, it can be postulated that the US Congress will back Israel, thus there is political cover, Israel must decide and soon, or else it faces a mortal threat to its existence. 

US Congress vs. Obama on Iran - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:
This what happens when the Oval is underwater in the polls, and has lost the trust of the US Voter, friends even in your own Party have to protect their rear, the Jewish vote is a major factor for Democrats, they can not afford to be on a page that has the US/Iran verses Israel.  Any failure of the deal by Iran will hurt President Obama and could cost Democrats seats in the House and Senate, thus expect worried Democrats to keep an eye on the Oval and Iran, if Iran is cheating, and they will the Democrats will throw the Oval under the bus, ObamaCare and Iran going wrong would be political nuclear disaster, even very safe Democrats would come under threat in the 2014 Mid Terms.   Watch this space folks, a developing story.  

Obama at 39% Job Approval - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its daily tracking poll, it shows today that President Obama has a  " 39% job approval rating, while 53% Disapprove of the Obama record. ".

Lets Get Real:

The President standing with the US public has taken a major hit due to ObamaCare, when five million people lose their health care, they make sure that Congress gets a earful, and of course Congress is up for re-election next year.   Also it has been reported that millions of Americas who have health cover through their employer could be thrown in to ObamaCare, thus more calls to Congress.   The administrative fix suggested by the Oval seems not to be working, it would take a Congressional Act to force the insurance companies to re - issue the old cancelled policies, thus Democrats might bail on the Oval in the near future.  Some on the left will come back to the Oval over the Iran deal, but since Obama has lot the trust of the US voter, it is going to be a harder sell for President Obama.  

How to Appease Iran - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

This is how you betray an ally in the modern world and call it diplomacy!  The US will regret this strategic move, the Tehran Regime is laughing its backside off, it has taken the US, it will never give up its nuclear aims, ALL that the Oval has done is enable the Tyrants in Iran, the Oval has shown that in enables tyrants from North Korea, to Syria and now Iran.   The Obama Administration will be seen as the rebirth of a " New " Neville Chamberlain Regime, one of surrender.   Israel must strike Iran and soon, its security is at stake. 

The Day of the Doctor - Overnight Ratings

The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that the good Doctors had 10.2 million viewers in the UK, this does not count those that watched in 94 Countries, it had 37.4% of the total audience, total viewing figures will be released next week.   Doctor Who was the top drama of the day. 

Lets Get Real:

Hat off and a BIG THANK YOU to , Steven Moffat the writer, the Doctors, Matt Smith, David Tennant and John Hurt, it was fantastic to see Billie Piper back, well as Rose kind off ( Spoiler ) just in case you have not seen the show.   As to avoid spoilers will write full review later, this blog has an idea, why not have specials with Paul McGann and John Hurt, as Time Clash showed, the Doctor only avoids meeting himself when time travelling because the shields are up, why not during the break between seasons have these specials, it would allow for some great adventures while not stepping on the toes of the present Doctor, in fact you could have a story starting in the specials and get a resolution in the regular season.   Come on fans start writing to the BBC.   Also this blog must mention the great mini episode written and directed by the 5th Doctor, Peter Davison, my Doctor, it was witty, fun, moving, young Mr Davison ( using Time Lord Years ) might have future as a writer and director, how about the 5th Doctor writing for the TV series, if its one man who knows the Doctor, its the Doctor. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Kerry off to Geneva AGAIN! - Munich 1938!

BBC News: Reports that US Secretary of State, Senator John Kerry is going to Geneva again in an attempt to get a deal between the UN and Iran on its nuclear ambitions. 

Lets Get Real:

Thus the Obama Administration is seeking to appease Iran, lets hope the French keep their nerve and withstand pressure from the Oval and keep to their firm line.  At least on this the Oval can not change the rules of the UN half way through, the UN Security Council is not the US Senate.   The French understand history, they know what happens when you appease a threat, it comes back to bite you on the backside.   The Tehran Regime is using this time to build the bomb, Israel and Saudi Arabia might need to do the West a favour and strike Iran soon, the clock is ticking and the Middle East is on the edge of a nuclear arms race. 

JFK Day - 22 November 1963

JFK Library and Museum: Visit the Presidential Library and Museum of John F. Kennedy.  Of all days it would be worth a look. 

BBC News: A short Profile of President Kennedy and his time in Office. 

The White House: A short profile of President Kennedy.

Lets Get Real:

One should always know the difference between myth and fact, the above links and sources will allow the reader to make up his or her mind about the Kennedy Years in power. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Another MESS for Obamacare and President Obama - 2nd Term Blues

CNN - Politics: Reports on the case of Jessica Sanford who President Obama mentioned as an example of success of ObamaCare, it seems after all that Ms Sanford can not afford the prices of ObamaCare, the article notes the the following, " But then, after Obama mentioned her story, Sanford started having problems. Sanford said she received another letter informing her the Washington state health exchange had miscalculated her eligibility for a tax credit. ".

Lets Get Real: