Friday, December 20, 2013

The White House, Reality and ObamaCare - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real: 

This is the same White House that pushed out a website that did not work, would not know the truth if it bit it on the backside.   If the Obama Administration is estimating that half a million Americans still do not have cover, one can assume the real number is in the millions, so while President Obama swans off to Hawaii for another game of Golf, millions of Americans could find in the New Year that they have no cover, or if they have enrolled the back end of ObamaCare has not been built, thus paying the insurance companies, thus people are not covered.  Also the information from ObamaCare is a mess from the view of the insurance companies, wrong personal information, bad spelling etc.   ObamaCare will haunt Democrats right up to the 2014 Mid Term Elections. 

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