Friday, December 20, 2013

Obama at 41% Job Approval - CNN

Lets Get Real:

Thus what political advice does this blog have for the Oval, it would never take it, but here it is, he needs new staff, old hands who will tell him the TRUTH not what he wants to hear, he needs to find a way to ditch ObamaCare or make it WORK, and fast, if the studies are right between 50 - 100 million Americans could lose their business health cover, IF that happens the Oval and the Democrats are toast, thus either reform ObamaCare or ditch, take the political punches from the left and move on.   On the domestic side, there is a need for immigration reform, this will not happen if ObamaCare is front and centre, thus as stated above, a resolution one way or other, then get the Republicans to support the bill by taking on some of their idea, show to the US voter that the Oval can actually deal in Washington D.C.   On the international front, be tougher with Iran, its good to have the PR of being tough, you can have back channel talks at the same time, a bad deal will not get pass the House or Senate.   The Oval has to get its mind around the fact that it has to either ditch ObamaCare or make it work, it can not wait for 50 - 100 million Americans to find they have no health cover, then it would be to late.    This is good advice, but the Oval will not take it, its ego does not match its skills.    Thus expect ObamaCare to be front and centre next year.  

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