Wednesday, December 18, 2013

More Disaster for ObamaCare - Private Exchanges NOT WORKING!

Lets Get Real:

At what point do Democrats in the House and Senate BAIL on the Oval, how many lies can they cover for, the above is the latest disaster to befall ObamaCare, on can not recall a time when there was any good news, also it can be expected that on January 1st 2014 millions of Americans will have no health cover, what happens if someone has enrolled in ObamaCare, has not paid his/her first payment, will the insurance companies follow the advice of the Oval and cover people who might have accidents in the New Year, it is a open question.   The Republicans should only pass the debt ceiling if the Oval will delay the whole of ObamaCare for a year as to fix the system.  If the Oval will not then the Republicans should not give the Oval one more dime for the debt ceiling.  It is time to play Chicago hard ball with the Oval. 

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