Fox News: Reports that the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has stated that Japan has the right to protect itself should the missile launch by North Korea become a threat to Japan. This is a developing crisis folks, it only needs this rocket to go belly up over Japan, thus Japan would have to shoot it down, this would be seen as a Act of War by the Communist North Korea. This could lead to an attack on South Korea or Japan, both would drag in the USA. Lets hope this rocket either blows up on the launch pad or is a success and does not become a threat to Japan or the USA. Lets hope for once that the West is lucky folks.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Twin Track by Iran
The Times: Reports that Iran has stated that it opposes the US presence in Afghanistan and the Obama surge of troops, on other hand it wants a stable Afghanistan. This could be a very small crack in the ice wall of Iran, it really depends which faction in Iran gains the upper hand, the extreme side represented by the President of Iran or the moderates who want a better relationship with Iran. As Ronald Reagan found in the late 80s it is very hard to read what is going in Iran. This could be a start for real talks or a game, keep the West talking while Iran builds its nuclear bomb. The result might not be known for years. Read of the Day.
Taliban of Pakistan threaten the USA
Fox News: Reports that the Taliban of Pakistan have threatened the American Homeland. This threat shows why the Government of Pakistan was wrong to appease the Taliban in the Swat Valley. It was wrong on two fronts, it was bad PR for Pakistan, also it will give the impression to the Taliban/Terrorists that they can take more risks. If they do hit the American Homeland, who will the USA hit, the terrorists are in the tribal badlands of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Taliban can be fighting one minute and then throw away their guns and melt in to the crowd. The CIA should keep their eyes and ears open for an attack. The Taliban in Pakistan are like the Viet Cong, and we know how that ended for the USA and LBJ. The next few years are not going to be easy for the West and the Obama Administration, Afghanistan and Pakistan could define the Obama Administration, lets recall it was not the bad economy that bought down Jimmy Carter in the end it was Iran.
UK hands Command to the USA in Southern Iran
BBC News: Reports on the handover of Command of Southern Iraq from the UK to the USA. Our brave Armed Forces have done a great job under difficult circumstances, thus should be commend for their had work. If you see a Armed Forces personnel who have served in Iraq shake their hands. If you see them in the pub offer them a drink on behalf of a proud nation. On the War in Iraq itself there are two negatives, the reasons we went to war was based on bad intelligence, it was held by most Intelligence Agencies but that is still no reason for the War. Thus we need a Judicial Inquiry in public to see the background for the war. Lets be clear I supported the War based on the Intelligence findings. The second negative is our role in Iraq, we didn't have enough troops, and we thought it was Northern Ireland all over again. The UK did deals in Basra to keep the peace, in the end the USA Army and the Iraqi Army had to come to clean up the mess. Thus the UK has to learn that we can only fight one war at a time and we are good at winning but afterwards requires more training. Let us salute our brave Armed Forces.
Monday, March 30, 2009
The US Car Industry
BBC News: Reports on the new tough conditions demanded by President Obama if General Motors and Chrysler are to get government tax payer help. I was surprised that Obama had the backbone to take on the Unions in many respects, he has been tough with GM and Chrysler, GM gets sixty days to get its act together or go bankrupt, Chrysler has less it has thirty days. The New York Times quotes the President stating the following, " That may mean using our bankruptcy code as a mechanism to help them restructure quickly and emerge stronger. " In essence Obama is taking a risk, he cant afford in political terms to allow GM to go belly up, the cost in political terms would be high, the Unions is one of the reasons that he is in the Oval Office. On the other hand the American voter has reach its limit when it comes to bailouts of different sectors of the US Economy. It would take great political courage by Obama to allow GM and Chrysler to go to the wall, the Unions who are powerful in the Democratic Party would fight the Administration all the way. This does recall Reagan's fight with the Air Traffic Controllers, an American President has to show that he is tough, that he will take action that will cost him in political terms, but shows that he will stand up for the voter.
No Quick Exit from Iraq - Obama
Fox News: Reports that President Obama has stated in Sunday interview that the USA will keep to its Timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. That although there has been military success the political side needs to match the military success. President Obama does not want to turn a War won by the Bush 43 in to a Obama defeat, thus Obama will keep to his plan, this will allow him and his Administration to finish the Iraqi conflict on a successful note. The Obama Administration will remove most combat troops by August 2010, just before the Mid Term Congressional Elections, but will keep around thirty five to fifty thousand troops in theatre to prevent Iraq turning in to a war zone.
No US Plan to Prevent North Korean Missile Launch
The New York Times: Reports that the US has no plans to prevent the expected Missile launch by North Korea, the sole exception for US military action is if the missile is a threat to the USA. In other words the Obama Administration has no backbone, if the test is a success this will allow North Korean to demand more from the West. This will also give the green light to Iran to develop the bomb, it will see that Obama does not have the will to take action, why talk with the USA if the President is weak. Thus expect Iran to have the bomb within the year and for Israel to take action, because it looks like the USA has another Jimmy Carter Mark 11 in the Oval Office.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
US Voter and Afghanistan
CNN News: Reports that the US voters are concerned about the War in Afghanistan. This War is now Obama's War. It was the just war that he ran on in the o8 Campaign, he has set a new agenda for Afghanistan, it wont work but its his game plan, more troops and help for the civic structure of Afghanistan. Even the the bible for Liberals, The Nation got it right, Afghanistan will define the Obama Presidency, they could have added as Vietnam defined LBJ.
North Korea another Missile Threat!
Fox News: Reports that North Korea will launch a short to medium missile after testing its long range missile. This is nuclear blackmail by North Korea, they see a young American President, who has to deal with two wars and an economy in the toilet, they guess this is the time to test him. If President Obama allows the test to go with no reaction they will think that he is weak. Thus there will be more blackmail from North Korea, what if they sell a missile to Iran with a nuclear war head, what will Obama do then, Obama might want to deal with economy, LBJ cared about his Great Society, but Foreign Affairs has a way of setting the agenda, just ask Jimmy Carter.
Iran Helps North Korea
The Times: Reports that Iran is helping North Korea with its Missile Launch. This can be seen as a two way street, Iran helps with the missile technology and and North Korea helps Iran with its nuclear ambitions. The Obama Administration within the next few days if it is not lucky could find that its facing a conflict in the region. The communist North Korea could launch its missile, it is seen a a threat to Japan, they take protective measure and shoot down the missile and North Korea hits South Korea withs its USA troops. Folks keep an eye on this developing crisis.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
VP Biden opposes the Obama Policy for Afghanistan
The Washington Post: Reports that VP Biden opposed the new Obama Strategy in Afghanistan. As reported in the Washington Times, Biden wanted a limited operation, remove the threat from safe havens in Afghanistan, not nation building. VP Biden didn't give up a safe Senate seat to be out on his ear year in four years. This is high risk move by Obama, it becomes Obama's War, its the War he wanted to fight, well its his war now. If the USA cant build up the Army and the civic structure of Afghanistan, it will be left the USA to fight the Taliban/Terrorists. At the end of the day the USA voter does not have the patience for a long and bloody war, its War the USA cant lose but cant win either, that's Afghanistan.
The Left and Obama
The Nation: The Bible for the Liberal Left is opposed to the Obama review of Afghanistan and Pakistan, they want out of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Nation writes the following, " prepared for a war that spans the length of the Obama presidency, an Obama War. " On this the Nation is right, their article is worth a read, shows you the mind of the surrender left. Perhaps President Obama has got it right, this is my natural reaction when left come out with a policy, take another look.
Obama is LBJ
New York Post: Ralph Peteres ex US Military calls Obama the new LBJ over his policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I agree with some aspects of Mr Peters view, that the USA should have a light footprint in Afghanistan but disagree that the West can leave Pakistan to it own vices, yes I said vices, the political elite have to come together and share power. At the end of the day if the political elite keep fighting the Taliban/Terrorists will fill the political vacuum, as is the case with the Swat Valley. Its Pakistan that is the key to the problem of Afghanistan, its just I haven't a heard a intelligent policy yet from the Obama Administration, more drones and more money is not the answer, what about Union with India, and to save any problem as to whom should head it, allow the Queen of England to become Empress. I can hear the laughter, why, all the problems between India and Pakistan has developed since the UK gave up the Empire in the late 1940s.
Afghanistan and Pakistan supports the Obama Review of Afghanistan and Pakistan Theatre of Operations
BBC News: Reports that both Afghanistan and Pakistan have welcomed the Obama review of US policy in the region. As stated many times in this blog, the policy will not work, President Obama is making the same mistake as LBJ did over Vietnam. The President is now tied to the War, the troop increase and the support for civic structure of Afghanistan makes it his War. The increase of drone attacks in Pakistan makes it his problem, Obama cant allow Pakistan to fail. This has nothing to do with morality, Pakistan is a nuclear power, a failed Pakistan under the control of the Taliban/Terrorists would be a major threat to Western Security. The West will be in Afghanistan for years, more deaths of our brave soldiers. To quote the old line, this is a War without End.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Japan on Alert, Combat Ready
Fox News: Reports that Japan is on Alert should the North Korean Missile become a threat to Japan. The Navy of Japan is in position and Japan has moved its land missiles to intercept any threat to Japan. The West has to keep a very careful eye on this launch by North Korea, the West should not over react but it should forces on hand to take out the missile if it becomes a threat to Japan or the USA. The Obama Administration has warned North Korea, but this seems to have been ignored, thus President Obama should be ready to order that the USA take down the missile. If North Korea is allowed to have a successful launch they will blackmail the West, lets recall they have nuclear ambitions. North Korea could sell its technology to Iran, thus conflict between Iran and Israel would drag in the USA. These are tense times folks.
Taliban/Terrorists from Pakistan and Afghanistan to combine to figh the West!
The New York Times: Reports that Taliban from Afghanistan and Pakistan will come together to fight the West in Afghanistan. This is excellent reporting by the Liberal NYT . If this story is true, the War in Afghanistan just go worse, a lot worse. The Government of Pakistan will be happy, they should get less attacks but the West in the shape of the USA and the UK just got a lesson in how bad this War could get this year. As reported today in the London Times the UK Army is thinking of sending another two thousand troops to Afghanistan, this could be needed, the Taliban/Terrorists want to show that Obama is weak. Thus President Obama will face a tough year, we have North Korea and its missile launch, Afghanistan could get a lot more bloody, it will become Obama's War. In Iraq we have seen some raise in attacks but it looks like the Bush Surge has worked. If Obama is seen as weak in North Korea this could be seen as a green light for Iran to go nuclear. Israel will never allow that, thus expect action by Israel. On the economic front the Obama Administration wants the West to spend money to get the economic system out of this recession/depression, those countries in the EU want to regulate but not spend. Thus the G2o conference should be a failure. Read of the Day.
UK Surge in Afghanistan - 2,000 Troops
The Times: Has an exclusive report, Army Chiefs are ready to send another two thousand troops to Afghanistan. The UK would then have ten thousand troops in country. Our brave soldiers always do their best, but this is not the time for a heavy footprint, this is a massive mistake. Obama is following the path of another President, LBJ, as with Vietnam Obama is allowing himself to be tied to the success of the War in Afghanistan. The Obama plan has leaked, cant Washington D.C keep any secrets, is two fold, the USA will build up the military, police and civilian structure of Afghanistan, thus they can take over the fighting. This is rubbish, the West, USA, UK will be in country for god knows how long, we cant walk away with the terrorist threat, no President or PM will walk away with a cloud of a terrorists attack on the horizon. The second part of the plan as stated many times in this blog is also rubbish, it is based on the notion that Pakistan can take control of the badlands on his border with Afghanistan. As stated many times, to the end degree, even the British at the time of the Empire had very lose control of these areas. The Government of Pakistan is weak, it can be rolled as was shown by recent demonstrations. Thus what is the answer you might ask, a lot of critical comment but so far no answers on this blog.
The answer is for a light footprint, the use of special forces, bribe the Tribal leaders in Pakistan and Afghanistan to fight the terrorists, buy the drugs so the farmers know they have a buyer. Thus would have two benefits, the farmers of Afghanistan would know they have reliable buyer for their crop, also they might start to grow food for the people of Afghanistan. The Terrorists would lose out the drug money, thus they could not buy new guns, food and equipment that makes them a threat to the West. It is important to get the tribal leaders in Afghanistan to run the country, flatter, bribe put the fear of God in to them, but as Kennedy said about Vietnam it their country and they have to win this war. One day the west will get tired, 9/11 will become a tragic memory, its already starting, the election of Obama shows that the USA wants to move forward and not look back but also get out from under the cloud of terrorism. Thus talk to the moderate Taliban, if a deal can be made great, a few brown envelopes with some dollars is great way to end a war. The idea that the USA can even get a structure in place in Afghanistan is a mistake, Afghanistan has been bombed and invaded back to the stone age. What the West needs is for the Tribal leaders to run Afghanistan, keep the terrorists at bay and keep a lid on the place. This is harsh but the truth folks, if the Tribal leaders go to war with each other for ever just to get some money from the West that is fine with me as long as they keep the terrorists at bay and keep the USA and UK from losing any more troops.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Obama - 4,000 Soldiers to Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports that the Obama Administration will sent another four thousand troops to Afghanistan to help train the police and other internal security forces. This is a mistake, does any one recall that's how the Vietnam War started to get real under Kennedy, Kennedy sent in thousand of trainers, then came the troops, the USA has done it backwards, but its the same point. Thus the War in Afghanistan becomes the Obama War. The sending of the first 17,000 troops now followed by this extra 4, 000 makes Obama more tied to the War. The Obama Plan for an Exit route is rubbish, the Afghan Army and Police will never be ready to take over the fighting. The idea that Pakistan can somehow take on the Taliban/Terrorists in the tribal badlands on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan is a non starter, the government is on very thin ground at the moment; the USA use of drones to kill the terrorists in Pakistan has not gone down well; the political elite is split in Pakistan, thus the recent decision by the Government to fold to the demands of the political opposition for the ex Chief Justice of Pakistan to get his job back. Thus it can be argued that Obama is the new LBJ. Thus Obama will no win re-election in 2012.
Fox News: Reports that Stalinist North Korea has threatened to restart its nuclear ambitions if the International Community takes action over the Missile launch that is expected in April. The USA should take a tough line, any missile launched from North Korea should be shot down, the USA should also warn, that any military action taken by North Korea will be seen as an attack on the USA. Thus Obama should follow the Kennedy line as in the Cuban Missile Crisis. The world is looking at Obama, if he is seen as weak over this issue, Iran will see it as a green light to go nuclear. Thus North Korea is connected to Iran. If Obama allows North Korea to launch its missile without any real reaction, the UN is not a real reaction, rogue states and terrorists will see that Obama does not have a backbone. This issue in a odd way could define the Obama Presidency as much as Iraq, Afghanistan and the Economy. It only takes two of these to wrong for Obama to be a one term President.
Pakistan's ISI supports the Taliban/Terrorists in Afghanistan
The New York Times: Reports that the Taliban/Terrorists in Afghanistan is getting support from Pakistan's secret service the ISI. The Obama Administration has to get tough with the Government of Pakistan, the USA and the UK cant fight the terrorists if these terrorists are getting assistance from intelligence to military support from the secret service of Pakistan. Its bad enough that the Army of Pakistan has no control over the badlands of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan and that the Government of Pakistan has appeased the Taliban/Terrorists in the Swat Valley. The West almost cant win if the ISI is playing a game for after a win by the West in Afghanistan, one can understand why, after the Soviet Union was forced out of Afghanistan the West lost interest, thus it is the backyard of Pakistan. But the West does not have the time for the ISA to play their games, its time for the Ugly American to show his face, get tough with Pakistan, tell the Government to clean house in the ISI, send the Army in to the Swat Valley, and take the fight to the Taliban/Terrorists in the badlands. Its time to show that the West can play tough and mean it and win. Read of the Day.
UK Gilts = Premium Bongs
Telegraph: Reports that the UK Government could not sell all its UK Gilts, Gilts are like Premium Bonds, investors buy them and get an interest, the Government gets the money to spend. This development is not surprising, as the Governor of Bank of England has stated that the UK Government can not afford to spend more money to get the economy out of the present recession. Thus we are seeing a conflict between the USA under President Obama who wants to spend money and the EU who want to regulate the system without the spending. In this case the EU is right, if you think about it Obama has made sure that the USA will be in debt for generations. The EU sees this policy as a mistake, thus don't expect much agreement at the G20 conference.
Hillary Clinton WARNING to North Korea
Fox News: Reports that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has sent a warning to North Korea over its plan to launch a missile, there would be a diplomatic reaction to the launch. It seems the best the Obama Administration can come up with it to take North Korea to the UN. One response, weak, if North Korea can develop a missile that can reach the USA it becomes even more of a threat, the USA should make clear that it will take military action if North Korea launches the missile. The USA should state it will shoot down the missile, this would have two benefits, it would take the pressure of Japan to shoot down the missile, it wold also force North Korea to think again. This crisis is getting hotter, expect more tension folks.
Battlestar Galactica - The Best Drama on US TV
Have just seen the last two episodes of Battlestar Galactica, one word GREAT. The series might have been set in Space but it was about US now, the War on Terror and how we view government in that light. The series made you think, was not afraid to tackle issues like 7/7 with its plot about Suicide Bombers, but what was interesting and a scene from Series 3 sticks in my mind, it has the Puppet President confront the Opposition leader about the use of Suicide Bombers by the Humans against the Cylons. The power of that exchange and the will of the writers to deal with it and to send out a clear message that it was wrong, that humans even when they have different political point of view should not go around using murder, and using people to blow themselves up and others in attempt to gain on the political field. Also Galactica dealt with torture, it made those who support extreme interrogation ask some tough questions, it made them accept that they have to accept that if you support such actions as tough interrogations you have to get your hands dirty. That was the success of the series, if you read the New York Times, you know what view they are going to take thus if your a Conservative you take a different view. TV wont be the same without Galactica, thus there is only 24 and Mad Men know for the viewers who likes good drama. To the actors, writers, crew I raise my hat, you shall be missed, SO SAY WE ALL.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
North Korea Threat
BBC News: Reports that North Korea has placed a missile ready to be launched. Thus expect tensions to grow in the region, Japan has the Son of Star Wars ready to shoot down the missile if it becomes a threat to Japan. The US is also ready to take action should the missile be seen as a threat to the USA. Another crisis on the Obama Desk.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Sky News in Pakistan
Sky News: Reports on the rule of the Taliban/Terrorists in the Swat Valley in Pakistan. This is excellent reporting by Sky, showing how the Taliban/Terrorists have destroyed a once beautiful tourist attraction in Pakistan. This Sky and other reports should push the West, in this case the Obama Administration and the UK Government to place pressure on the President of Pakistan to take action in the Swat Valley, the appeasement of the Taliban/Terrorists has allowed them to move further in to Pakistan proper, what the next the Capital of Pakistan. If the Army of Pakistan will not take action the West should go in all guns blazing. This is not the time to appease or talk to the Taliban, this is the time to destroy these cowards, they are just common criminals, who deserve nothing better than a firing squad, it would show the West is not playing about, we had to destroy Nazi Germany and drop the bomb on Imperial Japan, the Taliban are just modern day Nazis, they deserve their day in court and then execution.
No More Spending - Bank of England
The Times: Reports on the warning from the Governor of the Bank of England, that the UK Government can not afford any more spending to get the UK out of this recession. PM Gordon Brown has to do something our he is out on his ear in 2010. Thus expect more spending, Brown will bankrupt the country to make sure he wins the next election. Thus expect more pain folks, the great Chancellor has shown that he has feet of clay, and as he melts as PM expects us the UK voters to get drenched, what a happy time folks.
Weapons of Mass Destruction and the UK
BBC News: Reports that the UK Government believes that terrorists could bet their hands on weapons of mass destruction. This is our age, one day you could be going to work and you could find yourself under attack from chemical, biological or a nuclear dirty bomb. Thus as a people of all ages, gender and ethnic groups we must say NO to the terrorists, we should be aware but we cant change how we go on every day. After 9/11, 7/7 and the recent attack in Scotland and in the failed attempt in London the best answer to the terrorists cowards is not to change who we are as a nation, a secular liberal democracy. Thus this is the controversial part, only UK secular law can be allowed to be the law of the land, all past or future exceptions have to be withdrawn, we have to be bit like the French in that manner, once your in France your under French law no matter what, thus never thought I would say this, lets be a bit like the French.
Wrong path by Obama over the Banks!
The New York Times: The Nobel Prize winning Economist Paul Krugman is not happy with the Obama banking plan, he writes the following, " This is more than disappointing. In fact, it fills me with a sense of despair. ". I agree with Mr Krugman, never thought I would write that about an article in the Liberal New York Times. Although Mr Krugman argues it is wrong to over value the bad debts of the banks , I on the other hand just don't think you can bailout bad banks. Read of the Day.
No Tax ?
CNN News: Reports that the idea to tax the bonuses of AIG has been pushed in to the long grass. The reason Obama Administration is stalling is simple, they need private business to take up the bad debt of the banks, private business is not a charity, they will want to make money. If your a private company are you going to bailout the Administration if your profits are going to be taxed. Thus the popular anger against bonuses has meet business reality. I would be very surprised if the tax bill ever gets passed the Senate and if Obama would even sign it, he needs private business he cant seduce them and then make them pay for the room.
Hamid Karzai in Office but with no Power!
The Times: Reports that the USA and the UK is planing to force President Karazi of Afghanistan to appoint a powerful Chief of Staff who would run Afghanistan, Karazi would just be the figure head for the nation. This is a follow up to the Guardian report of yesterday, the Obama Administration and the UK see that Karazi has having failed at reforming the Government in Kabul. As without the support of the West the Government would fall in Kabul, the Obama Administration has a lot of power in Afghanistan. The one critic that can be postulated is that the Obama Administration might be making the same mistake as Kennedy did in 1963 by allowing the Military to remove Diem, the Government of South Vietnam was never stable after the coup, thus better to keep the devil you know, just makes sure that he follows your plan. The Afghan people might think this is the British Empire all over again if you try to displace President Kazai, thus not sure this idea of appointing a powerful Chief of Staff is a good idea, even less so since it has leaked. This could be the time to go back and have another look at this policy.
W. Directed by Oliver Stone
Just bought the the DVD of W. Directed by Oliver Stone. I was fan of JFK ( even if I didn't agree with the conspiracy angle of the film ) and Nixon ( very sympathetic look at Nixon ). I was expecting to be honest a hatched job on Bush 43, I can say I was wrong, the film is many respects is quite sympathetic to Bush 43, critical yes but on the whole fair. The DVD is full of great extras and a PDF of the historical information. If you liked the above films have a look at W. But have to ask when is Mr Stone going to do a film on Ronald Reagan.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Hamid Karzai is Diem of Vietnam
Guardian: Reports that the Obama Administration will try as Kennedy did in 1963 in Vietnam to improve the political and military situation on the ground in Afghanistan by placing their own man in power. If I recall in 1963 that was a disaster, Kennedy gave the green light for the Army to take over, the USA was stuck in Vietnam till 1975. The Afghans are a proud people, they wont like the idea that the USA is playing an Imperial role in the government of Afghanistan. Thus expects things to get worse before they get better, if they get better, Obama and his West Wing crew could out of their depth when it comes to Afghanistan.
New Bailout in trouble before its go Public!
The Times: Reports that new Obama bailout could be in trouble even before it goes public, with the public wrath to the bonuses to AIG, business is concerned that it will take heat for helping the Government. At the end of the day private business wants to make money, its about the green stuff in their bank accounts, thus any deal with the Obama Administration has to take in to account that business wants to make a money out of it, how is the tax payer go to react that news, if they want private help to make the banks solvent again the Obama Administration cant berate business one minute and ask for help afterwards. Obama will have to take on the his left wing, otherwise he will be a one term President.
USA out of Afghanistan ?
The New York Times: Reports that President Obama has stated that the USA does have an exit route out of Afghanistan, he wants to make sure that Afghanistan can not be used by the terrorists to attack the USA. This is an excellent idea, also the idea that Pakistan should control the Tribal areas on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, the problem with both ideas is that they are rubbish, it comes from someone who has spent to much time in the seminar room and not enough time in the real world. Afghanistan will never be a place that the USA can leave it it wants to protect the USA. Afghanistan has the title the Graveyard of Empires, it didn't get that as a joke, the British Empire had problems, we lost thousands in the 19th Century, the Soviet Union was broken in the mountains of Afghanistan. The border between Afghanistan and Pakistan has been a nightmare for the British Empire, now its a problem for Pakistan, the Tribal areas are a law on to themselves. If this is the best Obama can come up with the West is in trouble.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Threat from North Korea Reports that North Korea will closed down its Air Space in April as to launch its satellite. This will be crisis time for the Obama Administration, will they have to shoot down the missile, will Japan take action if it thinks Japan is in danger from the missile. These could be critical days for the region and Obama, is this Obama's Cuban Missile Crisis. President Kennedy is great for his handling of the missile crisis, but the question has to be asked is Obama up to the job as POTUS.
Telegraph: Reports that the USA is going to put another Trillion Dollars in to the US Banking system. I have a more simpler solution, DON'T, it would better to spend that kind of money in African, on the whole it would help Africa and it would make the African Economy on the same level as the West. The banks should be allowed to go under, this is a waste of money, at what point will Obama say NO. This is why Obama will be a one term President, he will be out in 2012.
Liberal NYT attacks Obama
The New York Times: The Liberal Times rebukes the Obama Administration over its Terror Policies, the Times writes the following, ".... what the public has heard from the Obama administration on issues like state secrets and detainees sounds a bit too close for comfort to the Bush team’s benighted ideas. " This is good news for Obama, if the left wing Liberal Times is attacking the Obama Administration it must be doing something right, the paper wants the Obama Administration to follow the call of the far left to investigate Bush 43. Thus far when it comes to Foreign Policy Obama on the whole a followed a logical and sane policy from terror to Iraq. The more heat he gets from the Times, the more support he gets from Republicans. Keep on attacks Times and Obama might just win 2012.
Friday, March 20, 2009
A Fool and his Money = USA
The New York Times: Reports that Federal Deficit will be more than estimated by the Obama Administration, the Obama Administration had the deficit at 2.3 Trillion, the NYT reports it will be 9.3 Trillion. The Obama Administration has shown it self not to be competent when it comes to the Economy folks, do really want to trust them with the eye watering 9.3 Trillion deficit. The Obama Plans might be worthy that's not the point, if you bankrupt your country all the people are in the toilet. This is the time for the voters to send a clear message to Congress, oppose the Obama Budget. Make the Obama Administration live in the real world.
Iran to Obama, Move Away from Israel!
The Times: Reports that Iran has stated that US Foreign Policy will have to change for there to be a thaw in the relationship between Iran and the USA. Iran will never accept Israel, for the Obama Administration to have real talks with Iran it would have to move away from Israel, and allow Iran like the USSR during the Cold War to run the region. This is a foolish move by Obama, it smacks of Desperation. On a more basic level it like a date guys, if the woman thinks your weak and desperate she will run a mile. In other words Obama does not want a nuclear Iran, thus this weak attempt at talks, but Iran knows that with the USA in two wars and the Western economy is the toilet it can run the clock with Obama. It will have talks and the announce to the World that it has the bomb. Then we come to Israel, this move by Iran to have the bomb will be seen as a national security threat, Israel like in 1981 will have to strike and Obama will have to deal with the consequences.
Obama on Iran
The White House: Reports on a video message from President Obama to the Leaders and people of Iran. The President states the following, " For nearly three decades relations between our nations have been strained.......So in this season of new beginnings I would like to speak clearly to Iran's leaders. We have serious differences that have grown over time. My administration is now committed to diplomacy that addresses the full range of issues before us, and to pursuing constructive ties among the United States, Iran and the international community. This process will not be advanced by threats. We seek instead engagement that is honest and grounded in mutual respect.......You, too, have a choice. The United States wants the Islamic Republic of Iran to take its rightful place in the community of nations. You have that right -- but it comes with real responsibilities, and that place cannot be reached through terror or arms, but rather through peaceful actions that demonstrate the true greatness of the Iranian people and civilization. And the measure of that greatness is not the capacity to destroy, it is your demonstrated ability to build and create......I want you, the people and leaders of Iran, to understand the future that we seek. It's a future with renewed exchanges among our people, and greater opportunities for partnership and commerce. It's a future where the old divisions are overcome, where you and all of your neighbors and the wider world can live in greater security and greater peace. " The President will learn the hard way, if you look weak and desperate in International Politics the other side does not respect you or like you. Iran will see this move by Obama as weak, fear goes a long way, Nixon and Reagan had the attention of the USSR because they had fear as a weapon, Obama is a liberal, another Jimmy Carter, at least we had Reagan after Carter.
The Obama Spin Machine
ABC News: Reports on the Obama spin to get out of the latest problem that he has created for himself. One lesson that the President should learn, he is POTUS, is does not do chat shows in non election years. The other most important lesson that Obama should learn is that he is not FUNNY. The voters wanted a Professor not a comedian as President.
Obama NOT Funny!
Sky News: Reports that President Obama has had to say sorry to the Special Olympics, due to a very bad taste joke that the President made on a late night chat show, the President stated that his sporting achievements reached level of the Sporting Olympics. As stated yesterday Obama is not funny, he is no JFK, Reagan or Clinton when it comes to humour, he comes from an elite background, they don't do humour! Next time the West Wing Team come up with an idea like this, send them to Kabul in Afghanistan for a week, dark humour but to the point, they would learn never place a President in a place that he can make this kind of mistake, also Presidents don't do chat shows when you have a two Wars on and a recession/depression to deal with in the Oval Office.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
90% Tax
BBC News: Reports that the US House of Representatives has passed a Bill that would tax the bonuses of those companies given Government support, this actions is in response to the AIG bonuses row. What happens if those taxed walk, what if companies go under because in the complex world of finance those that leave understand how to makes money and keep a business in the black. I hear the shouts now, but these companies went bust, its our money, okay have a cup of tea and relax, this is the real world, these bonuses go to the people that make the system run, no runners and we are all in the 100% tax bracketed. This mess is down to the Obama Administration, lets tax their wages should we, its their bag as they say in the 21 Century American English.
Is Obama Funny ?
The Times: Reports that President Obama while dealing with two wars, an economy in the toilet, a bonuses mess with AIG is going to appear on a US chat show. The point of a chat show in most cases is to sell something, a film, book, an event, charity fundraising. Can Obama sell the idea that he can be light on his feet and funny, Reagan and even Clinton had the ability to be funny and self aware, does Obama. I have to be honest, what I have seen of the President he dos not cope well with humour at his expense. In the campaign the political attack that he was a Star not a credible President seem to get under his skin. This move to a chat show could either be a great move or a disaster. Also the Washington Press core wont like the idea that a chat show host is getting the President while they have to wait for a formal Press Conference.
Democrats ALLOWED AIG Bonuses
CNN News: Reports it was the Democrats that allowed AIG to get their bonuses. In pure political terms this is great news for the Republicans, they can run on the slogan " Democrats ARE for ? Big Business " The Obama Administration pushed their Economic Plan through without bothering to read it, as Obama taught law he should now better, always read the small print. Also the idea that you can tax the bonuses at a 100% after they are part of a legal contract and it was allowed by a previous legal measure; in the Obama Economic Plan; is a joke. Any good judge will declare that this law is not legal. It is against English Common Law and its against contract law. The Democrats have been bitten by their own pedestal.
USA threat to North Korea
Fox News: Reports that the USA is ready to shoot down the missile from North Korea. This should be a clear warning to North Korea, back down or face the consequences, the USA will not allow North Korea to become another Iran. It will take measures to protects its security, the missile launch is a threat to US National Security, the US has no option but to shoot down the missile. In less the US takes action, Japan has already stated it will shoot down the missile if it is seen as a threat to Japan. Crisis Time in April for Obama.
The Bush Era
The New York Times: Reports on the memoir by Bush 43, it will deal with the major decisions he has taken in his life. It will be interesting from a UK point of view to see what he says about former UK PM Tony Blair and their decision to go in to Iraq. Also it will be interesting to see how he deals with his relationship with his father, Bush 41. Must admit, can wait for this book and Blair's when he gets around to writing it, we always learn form the past, not to make the same mistakes in the future.
More Trouble from North Korea
BBC News: Reports on the arrest of two American Reports by North Korea. As we await the launch of the North Korean Satellite it is becoming clear that North Korea is planning for War. The launch is banned by the UN, North Korea is putting up the shutters to the International Community, the BBC reports that NGO's are being thrown out of North Korea, the North Korean forces are combat ready North Korea has announced. If we have a successful missile launch that can reach the USA and North Korea puts a nuclear warhead on their missiles we have further tensions in the region. The Obama Administration might find that North Korea is as problematic as Pakistan.
Pakistan Aghast at Obama Plans to Expand Air Hits in Pakistan
Guardian: Reports that there is anger in Pakistan over the Obama option to expand air strikes in Pakistan of terrorists targets. That this option is out there will not help the Obama Administration, but the War in Afghanistan is the War Obama wanted to fight, thus he has to win or he does not get re-election in 2012. As stated in previous post, Obama is in the same shoes as LBJ and Nixon, he cant win in Afghanistan if the Safe heavens in Pakistan are not removed, as long as the terrorists have these bases the West cant win in Afghanistan. Thus what ever the political cost, Obama has to get tough in Pakistan, even at the cost of toppling the Government of Pakistan. Although Pakistan is a nuclear armed power, it is weak on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Thus the USA has to destroy the terrorists, if the Government of Pakistan falls the USA should make sure that it gets control of the nuclear weapons of Pakistan. The War in Afghanistan will define the Obama Administration as Iraq defined the Bush 43.
NATO needs to sent 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan
The Times: Reports that the NATO Secretary General has called for NATO to send another four thousand troops to Afghanistan to protect the election this year. The people of Afghanistan have the right to vote, they have the right to vote without being under threat from the Taliban/Terrorists. Thus the USA and the UK should send extra troops in country and to the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Lets make Afghanistan a become of hope in this dark world.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I am the Chef in the Kitchen!
Fox News: Reports that President Obama takes responsibility for the actions of the US Government when it comes to AIG. President Obama is the new Chef in the Kitchen, this is to use the Truman quote, if you don't like the Hot Kitchen; The Oval Office; then get out. All Presidents sooner or later have to face the hot kitchen, Reagan, Clinton have come out alright, will Obama. I still argue he will lose re-election, being President cant be on the job training, you have to have some of the ability already, you cant makes speeches all the time, Obama has never run anything, its showing now in Washington D.C.
AIG Bonuses
The Times: Reports on the political anger to the AIG Bonuses. As I have stated many times in this blog, the bailouts are a bad idea, its throwing money down the toilet, now we see the result. On the other hand, breaking a lawful contract is bad, it sets a bad example, the Politicians, the Government, the Congress will just have to accept that they rushed for bailouts without thinking and if you try to tax at a 100% the bonuses of AIG you will lose in Court, it is against English Common Law and the US Supreme Court will strike the measure down.
Obama Options for Pakistan, Wider Strikes
The New York Times: Reports on the options that President Obama has when it comes to Pakistan and the Terrorists Safe heavens in the badlands of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Also the heavens outside the badlands, those in Pakistan proper. One option is for wider strikes inside Pakistan proper. Obama is in the same position as LBJ over Vietnam, he has to stop the Terrorists coming over the border in to Afghanistan, at the end of the day LBJ and Nixon could not stop the Vietcong and the Army of North Vietnam coming over the border. The Obama case is different, Pakistan is an Ally of the USA, its a nuclear armed power, the problem is that Pakistan is a tinder box waiting to go off. Thus more the USA attacks in Pakistan proper the more the Government losses support, but if the USA does not take action it will lose in Afghanistan. The talks with the moderate Taliban like talks with North Vietnam will take years, thus what is the real option for Obama. It can be argued that Obama has to take a risk, he has to allow the CIA and special forces to take action in Pakistan proper, If the terrorists can be destroyed then the West, in this case the USA and UK has a chance in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Iran and Russia - Air Defence for Iran
Yahoo! News: Reports that Russia has confirmed that it has a contract with Iran to supply it with an Air Defence missile system. If Iran gets these missiles, Israel will hit Iran before the missiles arrive in Iran. The Russian Missile system would have a negative effect on any Israeli strike on Iran. But as the report states Russia could use these missiles as a ploy to get the USA not to place its missile defence system in the Czech Republic, no missile defence, and Russia wont give Iran the missiles. On the whole a good deal, not a great deal but a deal, Iran can not be allowed to develop an Air Defence system.
Obama Administration,
2,000,000 OUT of WORK in the UK
BBC News: Reports that over two million people are out of work in the UK. And what does a Labour Government plan to do about this, make those that lose their jobs, earn their benefits, thus if your a teacher to a till worker you will be forced to clean streets, wipe away the graffiti on walls, while doing this you will it seems have to wear a uniform. It seems that the Labour Government sees those out of work as criminals that need to be punished for losing their jobs. A sad day for the Labour Party.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Dead Sea Scrolls - New View of Authors ?
The Times: Reports on a new theory about the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Theory has caused arguments in historical circles. I sometimes think these debates while interesting miss the point, its the message and what it tells us about the past and the present and the future. It does not matter if Jesus Christ was the Son of God, its his message that we should learn, christian values of charity, helping those that cant help themselves, forgiveness, being morale. Jesus was the Son of God, but its only the view of this writer, its the message that is important folks. Read of the Day.
The Choice for Iran - Brown
BBC News: Reports on a Speech given by the UK PM Gordon Brown, in the speech the PM stated that Iran has a choice, move away from its idea of becoming a armed nuclear power and allow the West to help Iran become a civil nuclear power. If Iran does not take up the offer it will face more Western sanctions. I think the West has its blinkers on, this route has been tried for years and years, and what has it got the West, Iran is closer to becoming a nuclear power. The USA and UK politicians do recall those of the 1930s who thought they could appease Hitler. At the end of the day Israel will have to act, because the USA and UK don't have the backbone. The reaction from Iran will wake up the West, Iraq might be quite now but after an attack by Israel, Iran will attack the USA in Iraq. Thus the Obama Administration will find that Iraq and Afghanistan becomes their WARS.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Cat and Mouse with Iran!
The Times: Reports that the USA shot down a drone from Iran. Iran is playing a cat and mouse game, it is testing the Obama Administration, it wants to play games with President Obama. Iran wants to get the USA in to a long term talks on its nuclear ambitions, while its doing that it will build up to the day when it announces it has the bomb. The Obama Administration thinks it can talk to Iran, that because Obama makes a speech that will change the minds of the leaders in Iran, he is wrong. Israel at the end of the day will have to carry the security load of the West, it will have to attack Iran to remove the threat to itself and the West.
Peace in Pakistan ?
The New York Times: Reports that the Government in Pakistan has folded and given in to the demands of the political opposition. The simple question is does this help the West, yes in the answer, a peaceful Pakistan helps the West fight the Taliban/Terrorists in Afghanistan. As long as the Government of Pakistan does not carry on with a policy of Appeasement in dealing with terrorists and fights the terrorists the West has a chance in Afghanistan.
Deaths in Afghanistan
MOD: Reports on the death of two more British Soldiers in Afghanistan, the death total now stands at 152. These will not be the last deaths in Afghanistan, one has to be brutal what is the point of our brave soldiers dying and getting serious injury if we are talking to the Taliban/Terrorists. In World War Two we went for broke, to beat Nazi Germany. Italy and Japan, we must do the same with the Taliban/Terrorists, if we appease we are making the same mistakes as the West did in the 1930s with Nazi Germany. Thus we got World War Two. The West has to show resolve, we have to beat these terrorists cowards, they are opposed to all aspects of Liberal Democracy, the War in Afghanistan is the War we cant compromise, we have to win.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Government of Pakistan on the Brink of Falling
The New York Times: Reports that measures taken by the Government of Pakistan have failed to stop the revolt. This could be the end for this present Government in Pakistan, the West should start to have intense talks with the political opposition and the Army. It might be time to shift support, always good to be on the winning side any political fight. The West has political and military interests in the region, thus the Obama Administration should keep any eye on Pakistan and Afghanistan, over the next few days. If Pakistan is becoming a failed state the Western Policy for the region is up in smoke. Lets not forget that Pakistan is a nuclear armed power, we don't want the terrorists to get their hands on nuclear missiles.
The Breakdown of Law and Order in Pakistan!
The Times: Reports on the actions of the Government of Pakistan under President Asif Ali Zardari, the political opposition has been arrested, the Army has has been bought in to to protect the Capital of Pakistan from the political apposition. Thus the crisis point will come in the next couple of days, if the Government of Pakistan can not hold the Capital its over, although the Government was elected recently if it falls it will show the power of the mob. This should worry the West, the USA and the UK should fear that the Taliban/Terrorists could fill the political vacuum caused by the rift in the political elite. If Pakistan comes a failed state then the US and UK are up a creek in Afghanistan, we need a stable Pakistan, no stable Pakistan the Terrorists win in the long term.
Is Pakistan Falling Apart ?
BBC News: Reports on the political crisis in Pakistan, the political opposition headed by Nawaz Sharif is going ahead with its planned Demonstration, against the wishes of the Government in Islamabad. The UK Times reported a few days ago that the head of the Army was trying to bring the political elite together, it does not seem to have worked. The West in the shape of the USA and the UK has to make sure that Pakistan does not become a failed state, the US and the UK should send their special envoys to the region, bang heads together, get a deal, if we have civil war in Pakistan the terrorists win. The War in Afghanistan and its success is based on the Government of Pakistan working with the West to bring the badlands on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan under government control. This is a critical time for the West, if need be the Army of Pakistan should take over, better a Military Leader who can control the country than a weak Democracy that allows the terrorists to win.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Wise Words from the Military in Pakistan
The Times: Reports that the Military in Pakistan has had words with the political elite in Pakistan, it seems that the Government and the political opposition are close to a political deal. Its seems the Military, the USA and the UK are playing a def hand in Pakistan. Lets be clear if Pakistan becomes a failed state the security of the West is at stake. As mention many times in this blog, no Pakistan Policy no real policy in Afghanistan. Thus the political elites have to share power, they have to fight the terrorists not appease them as they have done in the Swat Valley. The West, in this case the US and the UK has to give military support to the Army of Pakistan, it also has to win the hearts of the Tribal leaders in the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, this can be done through civic structure investment, get people back to work, help with the schools and hospitals and other welfare issues. Also lets get real, if we have to bribe a few Taliban/Terrorists to come over, so let it be. Thus the West has to be seen to help the people of Pakistan but also carry a stick, if Pakistan will not deal with the terrorists then the West will have to, this means the use of drones to bomb the terrorists in Pakistan, even the sending in of ground troops to clear the terrorists from the badlands. The next year could decide the future of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Death in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports that another British Soldier has been killed in Afghanistan, the death total now stands at 150. Of that total 121 have died in Combat Operations, the other deaths have been due to accidents or illness or other incidents. This will not be the last death in Afghanistan, more will come, as day follows night, Afghanistan at the end of the operation could cost a lot more than Iraq. After all these deaths, one has to ask why our soldiers are not being payed more, why they don't have up to date equipment, why we don't have more troops in country to keep ground we have won. Also what is the EXIT route out of Afghanistan, what is the end game, how in the hell do we get out. The Obama Plan for Pakistan to get tough with the badlands between Afghanistan and Pakistan is not starter, no Foreign Power has ever been able to control this area, and the USSR did not play by our rules. Thus the operation is Afghanistan need new ideas, so far none are that great, just a different level of bad options. One hell of a war to get caught in, does recall World War One in some respects, in needed the USA to come to finish the job.
LBJ and Obama
The New York Times: Article by US Historian Robert Dallek on the LBJ first hundred days, how like Obama he faced the same problem, War and his Reforming Agenda. In many respects President Obama has it a lot worse, he has Afghanistan, a War the USA is not winning, and the only answer that the Obama White House has, is that Pakistan should be more firm with the badlands of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. As stated this will not work, the British at the time of the British Empire had problems, not a region you can control, its a law on to itself. Thus Afghanistan is a long term negative, on Iraq the news is better, the Bush Surge has been a bonus for Obama, the US should be out of Iraq by 2011. The Obama Administration is keeping between thirty five and fifty thousand troops in country in till 2011. It can be postulated that the US and Iraq will make a deal for after 2011. On Iran we have the prospect that it will go nuclear this year, thus either the US or Israel will have to hit Iran before the end of the year. Thus Iraq could blow up again should Iran take a hit from Israel and thus strike the US in Iraq. Thus we could have two hot wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and Iran, it has to be considered folks. Also we have North Korea about to launch a missile in April, if that goes wrong, we could see North Korea either launch missile attacks on South Korea or invade the Country. Also North Korea could hit Japan should Japan consider the Missile from North Korea a threat. Also we have the small problem that the economy of the west is in the toilet aka 1930s. Thus as stated Obama has a lot more problems, Vietnam does not look that bad now does it folks. Read of the Day.
Japan threat to North Korea
Guardian: Reports that Japan has threatened to shoot down the expect Missile launch from North Korea if that Missile is seen as a threat to Japan. Folks this could bet very serious, it only takes this missile to fail in flight and to fall on Japan, Japan would react by shooting down the missile, North Korea would blame Japan for the malfunction, they could take action by striking US troops in South Korea or hitting Japan. These kind of actions would force the hand of the Obama Administration, it would be another War for Obama to deal with, could this young President deal with, Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea at war, the threat of a nuclear Iran and the failure of Pakistan. It only takes two or three of these to go wrong and the World is in big trouble. The Obama Administration should make sure that Japan is not trigger happy, the US should have its own forces in the region in order to shoot down the missile should it be seen as a threat to Japan. The Obama Administration should send a clear warning to North Korea, launch this missile and it goes wrong, the US will shoot it down, any attacks on South Korea or Japan would be seen as a attack on the USA. April for Obama could make the Cuban Missile Crisis look like happy our at your local.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Obama No Let Up On Sanctions On Iran
BBC News: Reports that President Obama has followed past policy and will carry on with sanctions against Iran. Iran has a Presidential Election coming up in June, the Obama Administration will not soften its hand with Iran in till Iran at least elects a semi moderate President. Thus the Obama Administration will carry on with a twin track policy, on the one hand, it will state it will want to talk but will still carry a big stick. If Iran wants talks it will have to elect a President who does not want to destroy Israel. Thus a good move by President Obama on the political and policy front.
April Crisis for Obama - North Korea
CNN News: Reports that North Korea will launch its suppose Satellite in April. The April launch will show if President Obama has the backbone to shoot down the missile, the test if allowed to go ahead would allow North Korea to test its missile's ability to reach the USA. Also Japan has stated it will shoot down the missile if it is seen as a threat to Japan, Japan will use the Son of SDI to shoot down the missile if it is a threat. Thus expect tension in early April folks, what will North Korea do and what will China allow her Satellite to do on the International Front.
US Calming Pakistan ?
The New York Times: Reports that the US is trying to calm the political tensions in Pakistan. Pakistan is heading to be a failed state, lets be honest that would not matter but for the fact that Pakistan is a nuclear armed power and the USA and the UK needs Pakistan to fight the terrorists in the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The West, the USA and the UK have to get the elites in Pakistan to share power, then get them to fight the terrorists. If Pakistan fails, the USA and the UK don't have a policy for Afghanistan, the tea bags will really hit the fan if we lose Pakistan as an Ally in the War on Terror. Keep an eye on Pakistan people, expect more trouble and grief.
The New Obama Plan for Afghanistan - The Answer Pakistan
Fox News: Reports that the Obama White House after a review of Afghanistan policy has come up with the idea that Pakistan should take on the terrorists in the safe heavens of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The question one has to ask what are they smoking these days at the Obama White House, Pakistan is in near civil war, the political elites are at each others throats, the government is appeasing the Taliban/Terrorists in the Swat Valley. The police are either very bad at policing or they are corrupt are working with the terrorists. The badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan has never been under total control of Pakistan, even the UK at the time of the British Empire had problems with the Tribes. That why we would send over the odd plane with a bomb to make a point. If this is the best that the Obama White House can come up with the West is in World of hurt to come in the region. In other words the USA and the UK are bogged down in a War we are not winning and cant win, and there is no real military or political solution, o yes Northern Ireland has started up again. Thus we have the economic meltdown of the West, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq problems, we have North Korea planning a missile launch in April and Iran will have the nuclear bomb soon. Those that think that the world is coming to an end in 2012 might have made a good bet.
The Brown Economic Plan for the World - The EU SAYS NO
Telegraph: Reports that the Economic Plan devised by UK PM Gordon Brown for the Western Economic System has been give the boot by France and Germany, the US has smelled the Coffee and thus is keeping its power dry. The Telegraph reports that President Obama is not looking for an agreement at the G2O Conference in London. If PM Brown was expecting support from France and Germany he does not know history, if your going to be stabbed in the back it will come from France and Germany. At the end of the day its about politics, no politicians is going to allow his economy or his or her future to be decided by another country. No US President is going to give his political future over to Europe, even Obama. PM Brown is whistling pass the political graveyard, he will be out next year, its election time in the UK in 2010. Obama and the EU leaders are not going to support a political finished leader, Brown is old news, just no one in the Cabinet has to guts to tell him its over, time for a new leader of the Labour Party.
The US Navy to the Rescue!
The Times: Reports that the Obama Administration is sending the US Navy to the South China Sea to protect its Intelligence Ship that is the region. President Obama does not what happened to Bush 43 to happen to him, in the first months of the Bush Administration, China bought down a US Air Force Intelligence Plane. Thus Obama is sending a message to China, he will not be pushed around like Bush 43. China should be more worried about North Korea and its missile launch, it can play games with the USA later on, North Korea should be its main worry at the moment.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Nawaz Sharif - Death Sentence ?
Guardian: Reports that Nawaz Sharif, the leader of the political opposition in Pakistan has claimed he is a target of assassination by the Government of Pakistan. The Taliban/Terrorists must be smiling, the elites of Pakistan are more interested in fighting each other than fighting the real threat to Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan seems more interested in appeasing the terrorists and being more firm with their political opposition. The Obama Administration has to start taking action, it has makes the elites of Pakistan understand that the real threat to their power is not each other, its the Taliban/Terrorists. The in fighting has allowed the Taliban/Terrorists to undermine the civic forces of Pakistan, the Police seem to look the other way when it comes to terrorism, as see by the recent terrorists attack, thus the Police are not trusted. The Army of Pakistan under order from the Government is appeasing the Taliban in the Swat Valley. The Elite of Pakistan can either come together and both have power in Pakistan or they can fight and hand power over to the Terrorists. If this was just an internal problem then on the whole it would not matter, but Pakistan is a nuclear power, if the terrorists get their murderous hands on the nuclear weapons of Pakistan this is a threat to the West. Thus Pakistan wake up and smell the coffee, if you don't you are in a world of hurt.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Obama Budget, Does he have the VOTES ?
Time: Reports on the problems that President Obama is having in getting votes in the Congress for his Budget. As LBJ once stated, this first year and half is the time that a President has maximum political power, after that period the Congress has to worry about its own re-elections. If the economy is good next year then the Democrats will benefit and thus will increase their hold of the House and Senate. If the economy is still in the toilet, that is a different matter, the Republicans could come back, that would be a nightmare for the Obama Administration. In 1994 Clinton lost the House, it looked bad for the President and his Agenda, at the end of the day it was the best thing that could have happened to Clinton, he worked with Congress, he go re-elected, he left office very popular. If Obama does not have to be pragmatic he could lose his re - election bid in 2012.
Revolution in Pakistan - The Fall of the Government of Pakistan ?
The New York Times: Reports on growing tensions in Pakistan between the Government and their political opponents. The Political Opposition is on the march in Pakistan, the Government is using the Police to prevent political gatherings and arrest the opposition. This could be the final showdown between the opposition in Pakistan and the Government, if the Government falls and the new Government is seen as weak when it comes to fighting terrorism, this will cause problems for the Obama Administration, it needs a strong Government in Pakistan, also it needs a United Pakistan, the appeasement of the Taliban/Terrorists in the Swat Valley has not helped, the Terrorists are moving in to Pakistan proper. This could be the end of Pakistan should it fall in to the hands of the terrorists.
The Reader by Bernhard Schlink
Just finished The Reader by Bernhard Schlink, a very moving read, one of those books that makes you want to turn the page, did recall to VIEWS the great 70s movie the Summer of 42, another rites of passage movie. I think all men who have had a disastrous relationship with women have a Hanna somewhere in their past, no not they have a SS Concentration Guard as a love interest, but in that generic woman we define what a WOMAN is to us men, we look for her again and again, the same colour hair, eyes but more important that feeling being in love. The problem is that we are so stuck in the past we never see the future, and when we see the mistake its far to late, far to late.
Nuclear Iran Fault Line - US to UN
CNN News: Reports that the US has told the UN of its concern about a nuclear armed Iran. Thus we have had the UN, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and Israel all state their concern about Iran and its nuclear ambitions, now what, if talks fail and they will fail, will the West have the backbone to strike or will they ask that Israel carry the load as they did in 81 over Iraq.
Government to Fall in Pakistan ?
Fox News: Reports that the US State Department has been very quite about the growing tensions in Pakistan, is the Government of Pakistan about to fall in the next few days. If the Government is on its way out, lets hope the State Department is on the ball, lets hope US and UK Diplomats are in talks with the new government. Also MI6 and CIA should be checking on the security of the Nuclear Armed Force of Pakistan. If need be President Obama should order a strike on these Forces should they be under threat of being taken by the Taliban/Terrorists. Thus folks keep an eye on Pakistan and North Korea over the next few days.
The Obama Budget and Congress
The Hill: Reports that the Obama Budget does not have the votes to Pass in the Senate. The President has to recall that Senators want to be there after Obama has gone, if he serves one or two terms as President. They have to go home, they have to gain support of the players in their states. They are not going to go down in flames to help the President, Presidential Approval ratings go up and down. Is Obama in the league of Reagan and Clinton in their mastery of Congress, or is he another Jimmy Carter, who thought he didn't have to deal with Congress and could push his Agenda through no matter what, Carter is seen as a failed Presidency due to his failure to master Congress.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
China vs USA at Sea!
The Times: Reports on dangerous manoeuvres on a US Naval Vessel by ships from China. It can be argued that China is missing a big point here, the USA on the whole is an Ally, China is funding the US Economy. The Government of China should be more interested in its satellite North Korea and its threat to the region. China get a grip and grow up.
Iraq Stable ?
Fox News: Reports on the terror threat in Mosul and how the Iraqi Army and Police are not sure they can fill the boots of the USA. Before the present economic crisis it could have been argued that due to the terror threat the USA should stay in Iraq, but this it today, the Western Economy is in the toilet, the USA and the UK can not afford the Iraqi present any more, the Government and People of Iraq have this chance to run their own country with their own troops and police. If Iraq fails after the West has gone it will be down to the Iraqi people. The USA and the UK has spent the blood of its Armed Forces and its Treasure. This is the time for Iraq to be Iraq on its own terms.
No Phone, Next Step War? Korea Part Three
FT: Reports that the Communist North Korea has cut its Hotline to South Korea. Are we seeing the steps to a War on the Korean mainland. As reported yesterday, Korea has stated that if its supposed Satellite launch is shot down it will see this as an act of War. Japan has already stated that if the missile launch is a threat to Japan it will shoot the missile down. The Communist North Korea has stated that its Armed Forces are combat ready, the Obama Administration has not made its mind up as to the course of action it will take on North Korea. Time is running for a co - ordinate plan from the Administration, President Obama might get that 3am call sooner than he expected, the first words the new President might hear is this, " Mr President North Korea has fired on South Korea, we are at War. "
Monday, March 09, 2009
Obama the New Nixon in Pakistan
Telegraph: Reports that the Obama Administration is following a twin tack policy in Pakistan and Afghanistan, it will talk to moderate Taliban/Terrorists but it will also hit the Taliban/Terrorists in their safe heavens of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. As with Nixon in Vietnam, the fighting got worse before the Peace Deal, thus it can be postulated that the USA will have to do heavy fighting on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, while making sure the Government in Pakistan does not fall to the terrorists. This plan is very dangerous, could go wrong, the attacks in the Badlands could cause the people to support the terrorists and revolt against the elected Government of Pakistan. The state of Pakistan could fall apart, the terrorists could take over and get their hands on the nuclear weapons of Pakistan. Thus the Obama Administration is walking in the footsteps of Richard Nixon, lets hope Pakistan is not South Vietnam, and we see helicopters taking the US personnel from the Embassy with the terrorists at the door.
North Korea - Combat Ready
Fox News: Reports that North Korea has stated that it is Combat Ready, it will strike back should its missile launch be thwarted. This could be sabre rattling by the Communist North, what do they want, is it another form of blackmail, have they seen the benefits offered to Iran and want the same. Or do they really want an confrontation with the Obama Administration, do they see the USA as weak due to the economic meltdown and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Lets hope China can control North Korea, its their backyard, time for action China.
War in Korea ?
BBC News: Reports on a threat from North Korea to take military action should its missile launch be thwarted by military means. This could be a warning to Japan, Japan has stated it will shoot down the missile if it is seen as a threat to Japan. Also the US Chairman of the of the Join Chiefs has stated of late that the Obama Administration has not made its mind up either way, to allow the launch or to shoot the missile down. If your Iran when do you think it would be the best time to announce to the world your a member of the nuclear club, lets see when Korea launches it missile, and the the Obama Administration has to decide if it wants another Korean War in the 21 Century. Lets hope Iran is a year off from going nuclear, not sure with the Economic crisis, Afghanistan, Iraq and now Korea that the Obama Administration could cope with Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea and Iran and the Economic Meltdown of the West.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
UK Out of Iraq by September 2009
Fox News: Reports that the Iraqi War will finish for the UK in September. When out brave forces come back lets honour them, they did the job as they always do, lets honour them with parades and if you see a Armed Forces Personnel around, commend their work in Iraq.
Enemy Within Part Two = Pakistan
The Times: Reports on the view that the Police in Lahore, Pakistan had a hidden hand in helping the terrorists attack the Cricket Team from Sri Lanka. In essence the failure of the Pakistan State has corrupted the civic structure from the Police to the Armed Forces. The Obama Administration has to keep an eagle eye on Pakistan, if Pakistan falls to the terrorists then that is a game changer in the region, India might attack Pakistan before its attacked, the terrorists might attack India and the Western troops in Afghanistan. Thus lets hope the CIA and MI6 have on the ground presence in Pakistan to watch the nuclear missiles of Pakistan. At the end of the day President Obama might have to take them out with or without of the approval of Pakistan.
Talking to Moderate Taliban/Terrorists - Obama ?
BBC News: Reports on an Interview given by President Obama to the Liberal New York Times. The President stated that he is open to talks with moderate Taliban/Terrorists fighters in Afghanistan. The President also stated that the West is not winning in Afghanistan. At the least the President is thinking outside the box, using the Iraqi model of talking to the enemy who are willing to talk, also the President sees that Afghanistan is not good for the West. This shows that Obama does not want to be another LBJ and he does not want Afghanistan to turn in to his Vietnam. Obama as with Richard Nixon; Nixon in Vietnam; wants out of Afghanistan, wise move, but it took years for Nixon to get out of Vietnam, there was more harsh fighting in Vietnam, thus Afghanistan and Pakistan will get a lot worse before it gets better, this is a long and hard War. To miss quote LBJ, Afghanistan is a bitch of a War.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Enemy Within = Pakistan
The Times: Reports that the UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband has stressed the need for the political elites in Pakistan to come together to fight the common threat of terrorists. The more the political elites in Pakistan fight each other, the more the terrorists will be able to use this mess to take over Pakistan. If the terrorists take over Pakistan, the the Western War in Afghanistan gets worse, now we face the safe heavens that terrorists have in the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, what happens if the terrorists take over Pakistan with their nuclear weapons. A nuclear armed Pakistan in the hands of the terrorists could make the Vietnam War look like a bright idea. The Obama Administration has to move in to these badlands, clean them out, rebuild the structure of Pakistan, then and only then does the West have a chance in Afghanistan.
SAS on Afghanistan = Vietnam
BBC News: Reports on an Ex SAS Commander who resigned due to the bad equipment that our Armed Forces had to use in Afghanistan, the SAS Commander, Major Sebastian Morley equates our UK Military Operation to the Vietnam War. Our brave soldiers are a fighting a war with one hand tied behind their back, the lack of troops, the lack of equipment and rules of war that benefit the enemy. As to the last point, the enemy can fire or shoot missiles then hide back in the general population, even if our troops are 100% sure that they are the enemy, we need to catch them with the weapon in their hands and over a dead body, other wise the rules of UK action prevents us taking them out or taking them POW. The War in Afghanistan is not Vietnam, its worse, we have fought there before, we know the terrain and the people, in less we are going to fight to win we should get out fast, because we are going to lose more troops in the future.
Friday, March 06, 2009
Obama's Spending Blocked by the Senate!
The New York Times: Reports that the Democratic Leadership in the Senate didn't have the votes to pass a Obama Spending Bill last night. The Obama Agenda when it comes to domestic spending is out of control, he thinks he his LBJ and this can be his Great Society 11. The problem is that the economy is in the toilet, those out of work has reached 1983 levels. It should be recalled that although Reagan had a recession it was his tax and domestic spending cuts that got the USA in to the 80s economic boom years. The Obama Administration wants to raise taxes on those that spend, the rich, it wants to cut defence spending, it was defence spending that pushed the USA economy forward in the 80s. Lets hope the US Senate has the sense to review and reject the Obama Agenda for the USA.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
The Nightmare of Afghanistan and Pakistan for President Obama
Time: An excellent article on why all options on Afghanistan and Pakistan are bad for you new Obama Administration. The War in Afghanistan cant be won but it can be lost either, the return of the Taliban/Terrorists to control of Afghanistan would be a constant nightmare for the USA and the UK. The question is how to prevent a Western Defeat in Afghanistan, thus you return to Pakistan, Pakistan is a failing state if not a failed state. The Government of Pakistan is blaming India for the recent Terrorists attacks in country. There is constant tensions between Pakistan and India, they are both nuclear armed powers, they would rather blame each other than deal with their own internal problems. In Pakistan the the Intelligence Service is to blame for the growth of the Taliban/Terrorists, it funded one of the groups to attack India, now that group is terrorising Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan has moved troops from the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan to the border with India. Thus the Taliban/Terrorists can have safe heavens to develop their terrorist plans. If Pakistan was to fall to the terrorists, all the Obama grand plans for a new Great Society Mark Two would go through the window. Thus what Obama does about Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran will define his Presidency. Read of the Day.
GM Bust ?
Fox News: Reports that General Motors has revealed that it could go bust. Let it go bust, this is money down the toilet, lets help the workers train for new employment, refresh their interview skills and their CV's. The Obama Administration has to say No sometime, or else the entire US Car Industry will become like the UK Car Industry in the 1970s, another form of welfare. The UK was the sick man of Europe, it took the arrival of Lady Thatcher to turn the UK around, as in the USA it needed President Ronald Reagan to return the USA back to is prosperity.
Health Care, Obama and the Great Depression Mark Two
The New York Times: Reports on the lessons learned by the Obama White House on the Universal Health Care Plan of Hillary Clinton in the 1990s. The one lesson they have not learned is not do it, when your in recession/great depression you need to create jobs, when you pander to the left you don't create jobs, you lose jobs. One thing about Bill Clinton, he understood that if you flush the economy down the toilet you don't get re - elected. That is why Obama will lose in 2012. The President has started to believe his own press releases.
Hillary Clinton Tough on Iran
The New York Times: Reports that the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has had some tough words for Iran, she has accused Iran of being a bad actor in the region. As stated in this blog, Hillary Clinton is not going to be the fall guy for the Obama Administration when it comes to Iran. If Obama wants to talk to Iran and expects the Clintons to open the door for him he will have a long wait. The Clintons will push Obama through the door before they go to Iran. Also these harsh words on Iran will block those in the Obama Administration who want to talk to Iran without conditions, its a very foxy move by the Clintons. Obama made a mistake in allowing the Clintons back in to power, and it is the Clintons, Bill and Hillary. Also allowed them to appoint the Staff at the State Department, thus he does not have own people over at State to keep any eye on the Clintons. If Obama is not careful he will find that the Clintons are running Foreign Policy and he is just the front man for their views on the international system. Iran is a major problem, sooner or later and sooner it can be argued Iran will define the Obama Presidency.
India a Terrorist State ?
Telegraph: Reports that Pakistan has accused India of being behind the latest terrorist attack in Pakistan. When looking at Pakistan one has to ask why would Pakistan blame India, on the one hand if they have actual proof then that would be one reason, on the other and the one I think is factual is that Pakistan is trying to divert attention from the fact that Pakistan is a failed state, worse a failed state with nuclear weapons. The Appeasement of the Taliban/Terrorists in the Swat Vally has not done Pakistan any favours. The Terrorists are coming close to destroying Pakistan, and what makes it worse that a group developed by Pakistan Intelligence to fight India has come back to bite it on the backside. The problem with diverting attention to India is that India is a nuclear power, tensions are bad already between Pakistan and India, sorry but India and Pakistan have to grow up, the West will not allow nuclear armed powers to behave like ASBO Nations. The diversion of attention to border between India and Pakistan means that Pakistan will place less troops on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. In other words the Taliban/Terrorists have a free hand in the badlands of the border. It is time that the Obama Administration felt the collar of Pakistan, tell them to grow up, control their Intelligence Service, fight the Terrorists and stop appeasing the Taliban/Terrorists.
What an Honour, Not Worthy Kennedy!
The Times: Reports on the honorary Knighthood for Senator Edward Kennedy, the Lion of the US Senate. This is a disgrace and Gordon Brown should be ashamed of himself. Kennedy might very ill, but what about the family of Mary Jo Kopechne, the RFK Campaign worker that drowned after a car driven by Kennedy went off the road and in to the water at Chappaquiddick in 1969. A reading of the material from the incident seems to indicate that the Senator phoned his political aides first and then the authorities, it has been alleged that Ms Kopechne could still have been alive in air bubble in the car while Kennedy was more worried about his political skin. THIS IS A DISGRACE OF THE FIRST ORDER. I would have supported JFK or RFK to hell and back but not Teddy, he is the black sheep of the family, being a good liberal does not mean you are above the law, or that your sins don't matter because your a Kennedy.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Iran, Russsia and Israel
Fox News: Reports that Advisers to the Obama Administration will warn that Iran could have a nuclear bomb within the year, and could produce another 49. Also reaction by Israel could come faster due to new military equipment bought from Russia that could negate a Israeli Air strike. The Obama Administration has to do something about Iran and this year, talk or hit, the way Iran is developing it could over shadow, Iraq and Afghanistan. If Israel sees that the USA will do nothing it will hit Iran, if it sees that Iran will get better protection from Russia military equipment it will hit Iran. Israel has not been shy in the past, Iraq in 81 and of late Syria. Thus Obama needs to pull a rabbit out of the hat or Iran could define his Presidency in a negative manner, and cost him the Presidency in 2012.
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