Friday, March 13, 2009

The Brown Economic Plan for the World - The EU SAYS NO

Telegraph: Reports that the Economic Plan devised by UK PM Gordon Brown for the Western Economic System has been give the boot by France and Germany, the US has smelled the Coffee and thus is keeping its power dry. The Telegraph reports that President Obama is not looking for an agreement at the G2O Conference in London. If PM Brown was expecting support from France and Germany he does not know history, if your going to be stabbed in the back it will come from France and Germany. At the end of the day its about politics, no politicians is going to allow his economy or his or her future to be decided by another country. No US President is going to give his political future over to Europe, even Obama. PM Brown is whistling pass the political graveyard, he will be out next year, its election time in the UK in 2010. Obama and the EU leaders are not going to support a political finished leader, Brown is old news, just no one in the Cabinet has to guts to tell him its over, time for a new leader of the Labour Party.

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