Friday, March 13, 2009

The New Obama Plan for Afghanistan - The Answer Pakistan

Fox News: Reports that the Obama White House after a review of Afghanistan policy has come up with the idea that Pakistan should take on the terrorists in the safe heavens of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The question one has to ask what are they smoking these days at the Obama White House, Pakistan is in near civil war, the political elites are at each others throats, the government is appeasing the Taliban/Terrorists in the Swat Valley. The police are either very bad at policing or they are corrupt are working with the terrorists. The badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan has never been under total control of Pakistan, even the UK at the time of the British Empire had problems with the Tribes. That why we would send over the odd plane with a bomb to make a point. If this is the best that the Obama White House can come up with the West is in World of hurt to come in the region. In other words the USA and the UK are bogged down in a War we are not winning and cant win, and there is no real military or political solution, o yes Northern Ireland has started up again. Thus we have the economic meltdown of the West, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq problems, we have North Korea planning a missile launch in April and Iran will have the nuclear bomb soon. Those that think that the world is coming to an end in 2012 might have made a good bet.

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