Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hamid Karzai in Office but with no Power!

The Times: Reports that the USA and the UK is planing to force President Karazi of Afghanistan to appoint a powerful Chief of Staff who would run Afghanistan, Karazi would just be the figure head for the nation. This is a follow up to the Guardian report of yesterday, the Obama Administration and the UK see that Karazi has having failed at reforming the Government in Kabul. As without the support of the West the Government would fall in Kabul, the Obama Administration has a lot of power in Afghanistan. The one critic that can be postulated is that the Obama Administration might be making the same mistake as Kennedy did in 1963 by allowing the Military to remove Diem, the Government of South Vietnam was never stable after the coup, thus better to keep the devil you know, just makes sure that he follows your plan. The Afghan people might think this is the British Empire all over again if you try to displace President Kazai, thus not sure this idea of appointing a powerful Chief of Staff is a good idea, even less so since it has leaked. This could be the time to go back and have another look at this policy.

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