Saturday, March 14, 2009

Wise Words from the Military in Pakistan

The Times: Reports that the Military in Pakistan has had words with the political elite in Pakistan, it seems that the Government and the political opposition are close to a political deal. Its seems the Military, the USA and the UK are playing a def hand in Pakistan. Lets be clear if Pakistan becomes a failed state the security of the West is at stake. As mention many times in this blog, no Pakistan Policy no real policy in Afghanistan. Thus the political elites have to share power, they have to fight the terrorists not appease them as they have done in the Swat Valley. The West, in this case the US and the UK has to give military support to the Army of Pakistan, it also has to win the hearts of the Tribal leaders in the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, this can be done through civic structure investment, get people back to work, help with the schools and hospitals and other welfare issues. Also lets get real, if we have to bribe a few Taliban/Terrorists to come over, so let it be. Thus the West has to be seen to help the people of Pakistan but also carry a stick, if Pakistan will not deal with the terrorists then the West will have to, this means the use of drones to bomb the terrorists in Pakistan, even the sending in of ground troops to clear the terrorists from the badlands. The next year could decide the future of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

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