Thursday, March 26, 2009

Battlestar Galactica - The Best Drama on US TV

Have just seen the last two episodes of Battlestar Galactica, one word GREAT. The series might have been set in Space but it was about US now, the War on Terror and how we view government in that light. The series made you think, was not afraid to tackle issues like 7/7 with its plot about Suicide Bombers, but what was interesting and a scene from Series 3 sticks in my mind, it has the Puppet President confront the Opposition leader about the use of Suicide Bombers by the Humans against the Cylons. The power of that exchange and the will of the writers to deal with it and to send out a clear message that it was wrong, that humans even when they have different political point of view should not go around using murder, and using people to blow themselves up and others in attempt to gain on the political field. Also Galactica dealt with torture, it made those who support extreme interrogation ask some tough questions, it made them accept that they have to accept that if you support such actions as tough interrogations you have to get your hands dirty. That was the success of the series, if you read the New York Times, you know what view they are going to take thus if your a Conservative you take a different view. TV wont be the same without Galactica, thus there is only 24 and Mad Men know for the viewers who likes good drama. To the actors, writers, crew I raise my hat, you shall be missed, SO SAY WE ALL.

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