Thursday, March 26, 2009


Fox News: Reports that Stalinist North Korea has threatened to restart its nuclear ambitions if the International Community takes action over the Missile launch that is expected in April. The USA should take a tough line, any missile launched from North Korea should be shot down, the USA should also warn, that any military action taken by North Korea will be seen as an attack on the USA. Thus Obama should follow the Kennedy line as in the Cuban Missile Crisis. The world is looking at Obama, if he is seen as weak over this issue, Iran will see it as a green light to go nuclear. Thus North Korea is connected to Iran. If Obama allows North Korea to launch its missile without any real reaction, the UN is not a real reaction, rogue states and terrorists will see that Obama does not have a backbone. This issue in a odd way could define the Obama Presidency as much as Iraq, Afghanistan and the Economy. It only takes two of these to wrong for Obama to be a one term President.

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