Monday, March 09, 2009

Obama the New Nixon in Pakistan

Telegraph: Reports that the Obama Administration is following a twin tack policy in Pakistan and Afghanistan, it will talk to moderate Taliban/Terrorists but it will also hit the Taliban/Terrorists in their safe heavens of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. As with Nixon in Vietnam, the fighting got worse before the Peace Deal, thus it can be postulated that the USA will have to do heavy fighting on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, while making sure the Government in Pakistan does not fall to the terrorists. This plan is very dangerous, could go wrong, the attacks in the Badlands could cause the people to support the terrorists and revolt against the elected Government of Pakistan. The state of Pakistan could fall apart, the terrorists could take over and get their hands on the nuclear weapons of Pakistan. Thus the Obama Administration is walking in the footsteps of Richard Nixon, lets hope Pakistan is not South Vietnam, and we see helicopters taking the US personnel from the Embassy with the terrorists at the door.

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