Monday, March 09, 2009

War in Korea ?

BBC News: Reports on a threat from North Korea to take military action should its missile launch be thwarted by military means. This could be a warning to Japan, Japan has stated it will shoot down the missile if it is seen as a threat to Japan. Also the US Chairman of the of the Join Chiefs has stated of late that the Obama Administration has not made its mind up either way, to allow the launch or to shoot the missile down. If your Iran when do you think it would be the best time to announce to the world your a member of the nuclear club, lets see when Korea launches it missile, and the the Obama Administration has to decide if it wants another Korean War in the 21 Century. Lets hope Iran is a year off from going nuclear, not sure with the Economic crisis, Afghanistan, Iraq and now Korea that the Obama Administration could cope with Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea and Iran and the Economic Meltdown of the West.

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