Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Obama Options for Pakistan, Wider Strikes

The New York Times: Reports on the options that President Obama has when it comes to Pakistan and the Terrorists Safe heavens in the badlands of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Also the heavens outside the badlands, those in Pakistan proper. One option is for wider strikes inside Pakistan proper. Obama is in the same position as LBJ over Vietnam, he has to stop the Terrorists coming over the border in to Afghanistan, at the end of the day LBJ and Nixon could not stop the Vietcong and the Army of North Vietnam coming over the border. The Obama case is different, Pakistan is an Ally of the USA, its a nuclear armed power, the problem is that Pakistan is a tinder box waiting to go off. Thus more the USA attacks in Pakistan proper the more the Government losses support, but if the USA does not take action it will lose in Afghanistan. The talks with the moderate Taliban like talks with North Vietnam will take years, thus what is the real option for Obama. It can be argued that Obama has to take a risk, he has to allow the CIA and special forces to take action in Pakistan proper, If the terrorists can be destroyed then the West, in this case the USA and UK has a chance in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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