Saturday, March 28, 2009

Obama is LBJ

New York Post: Ralph Peteres ex US Military calls Obama the new LBJ over his policy in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I agree with some aspects of Mr Peters view, that the USA should have a light footprint in Afghanistan but disagree that the West can leave Pakistan to it own vices, yes I said vices, the political elite have to come together and share power. At the end of the day if the political elite keep fighting the Taliban/Terrorists will fill the political vacuum, as is the case with the Swat Valley. Its Pakistan that is the key to the problem of Afghanistan, its just I haven't a heard a intelligent policy yet from the Obama Administration, more drones and more money is not the answer, what about Union with India, and to save any problem as to whom should head it, allow the Queen of England to become Empress. I can hear the laughter, why, all the problems between India and Pakistan has developed since the UK gave up the Empire in the late 1940s.

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