Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Divisions within the Conservative Party over Brexit - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

PM May should make a choice either she supports Brexit or wants to remain, either one, as long as she makes her mind up, if it is Brexit then the PM has to be very though with those remainers still in the Government, either shut up or resign.   The Conservative Party and Labour are split over Brexit, the UK voter decided to leave, the UK civil service wants to remain within the EU, thus they are suspect.  The PM has to be tough with the our Civil Service and with the EU, the UK will not become a colony of the EU, if we have a transition period the UK should have a VETO over any new laws otherwise NO MONEY.  The PM needs to find her inner Churchill. 

Commentary on the Trump State of the Union Speech - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The speech was tough on Foreign Policy, Gitmo would remain open, the US supported the demos in Iran, the US would carry on the war in Afghanistan with no end dates like the previous Administration, and North Korea is a major threat.  The above would make any right winger happy, the idea of a deal on illegal immigration is another matter, the Trump Oval wants to grant citizenship to those bought to the US illegally when young.  That could create a minefield on its own, the Democrats want immigration reform, but do not want to make a deal with Trump, they hate the idea of a Wall.   That is just the policy problems, the Russian probe is on going, what news will that deliver, Trump should enjoy last night, there could still be a few horror days ahead. 

Republicans vs. Democrats and the Trump State of the Union - Trump Era

BBC News: Reports on the split between the Republicans and the Democrats when it comes to the State of Union, the Republicans stood up and applauded, while the Democrats just sat in their seats and looked on stony faced. 

Lets Get Real:

Some Democrats have still not over the result of the 2016 election, they might have a chance to take the Congress after the November elections.   If the economy remains as it has been then Trump will have a good record to run on, the problem is that his approval ratings are in the tank, well in the mid 40%.  Of course there is also the Russia probe, when will it end, it was reported by CNN last night that the Trump lawyers are arguing with the Special Prosecutor that he does not have a case for the Oval to answer, thus more problems ahead for Trump.

75% Support for State of the Union Speech - Trump Era

CBS: Reports of those Americans who watched the State of the Union, 75% approved of the speech, while 25% Disapproved

Lets Get Real:

The Trump Oval should be happy with this approval rate for the State of the Union speech, the President must make sure he does not step on his success, thus less tweets over the next couple of days would be a good idea.  The President should stress that he will work with Democrats when it comes to illegal immigration.   The Democrats in the House Chamber did not stand a lot to applaud, the left wing of the Democratic Party will be taking names of those that did stand.  The President should travel around the US to reconfirm his speech, get voters to call their House member or Senator to support the President's agenda.   Thus a good day for POTUS. 

President Trump's First State of the Union Address - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The speech by POTUS was excellent, he offered to work with Democrats over Immigration and DACA, WAS tough on foreign policy, he was critical of the Tehran Regime and supported the people of Iran in their demands for freedom.   It is said you should give a speech a night before you make a comment, what first comes to mind, in this case IT was the North Korean defector who used crutches to get out of North Korea and then through China.  POTUS could not help himself, he was critical of former President Obama, that was expected.  POTUS was critical of China and Russia.   There was no mention of the Russia probe. 

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Trump on North Korea - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

One can only hope that President Trump does not declare WAR on North Korea, otherwise the State of the Union will be long on rhetoric but little on actual action.  Thus far the North Koreans it seems to have backed off, the UN sanctions and no cover from China has forced North Korea to be more restrained.   The President could say that he was ordering a blockade of North Korea to prevent it getting fuel for its missiles, that would make news.  Otherwise it is a waiting game, the North Koreans have stated that they will go the Winter Olympics in South Korea as a united team, why does this blog think they are up to something, will try try a nuclear test while the games are on, or test another ICBM against the US or other US interests.  Interesting speech ahead. 

Another Trump Dossier - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Another dodgy dossier that says that the Russian FSB has something on Trump, the problem with the investigation is that they can not go to Russia to ask, and the Russians won't help them.  It does not matter if the first dossier confirms the first dossier, if Trump says it did not happen, how is the FBI going to confirm something without checking it with Russian sources.   This is starting to look like a witch hunt against Trump, the FBI elite do not like the Trump, and the swamp in D.C is full of liberals.   This could be an endless investigation with no real end, just further red hearings. 

Remainers TRY to Wreck Brexit in the House of Lords - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The moaning remainers in the Labour Party and the Conservative Party will try to block Brexit, they kneel at the image of the EU, some have worked in the EU and thus have their pensions locked in to the EU, enough said.   PM May should make it clear to the  noble Lords that their Chamber can always be removed, the House of Lords could be replaced by a Seate of Lords, elected by the people.   The PM has to be firm with the Lords, get on board or we will replace you. 

The Secret Cabal within the UK Civil Service - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The moaning remainers will use any way to undermine Brexit, their previous negative forecast have proven to be WRONG, the UK Civil Service to does not support Brexit, they can not be trusted to follow the will of the UK voter.  The PM should ask Special Branch to investigate the leak, nail those behind the leak and put the fear of God in to the Civil Service.   The House of Lords will TRY to undermine the Brexit Bill, the UK House of Commons should be ready to veto any House of Lords moves.   Brexit should mean Brexit. 

The moaning Remainers Brexit Report - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

This is an attempt by the moaning remainers with the UK Civil Service trying to undermine Brexit, the forecast by doomsayers on Brexit have proven to be wrong before.   PM May should be firm with the EU, the UK is leaving in March of 2019, the UK in a transition deal would have a veto over any new EU laws, control of its borders, and get money back from the EU, not give money to the EU.   The PM needs to find her inner Lady Thatcher. 

Monday, January 29, 2018

The EU vs. The UK on Brexit - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The above is a understatement, the UK does not and will not accept regulation from the EU during the transition that is done without the UK having a vote, why should the UK give money to the EU if it does not have a vote.  This is the Germans trying to set forth a harsh agreement as to stop other Countries leaving the EU.  The UK should stand firm, the Conservatives have to be whipped; AS IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS;  to support a HARD BREXIT. 

The Germans and Brexit - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The Germans have won through economic might what they could not win in two world wars, control of Europe, the French just go along with what the Germans want, it is the UK that is being made a laughing stock, the Germans control the EU, the EU transition period means we would be under EU rules, pay them for the pleasure and will not have a vote on the rules made by the EU.   The HARD Brexit MPs have to be tough, if May can not cut it, then the Conservative Party needs a new leader, it needs another Lady Thatcher or a Churchill.  The UK will become the laughing stock of Europe if we agree to the EU deal. 

The EU and Brexit - Update 2 - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The above shows how low the UK is in the eyes of the EU, the very idea that the UK would have to take the rules of the EU during a two year transition without a vote at the table shows how anti the British the EU has become.   The UK did not win to World Wars to take rules from the Germans and their lesser partner the French.   The UK should demand that the EU re- draft the above, the EU wants to humiliate the British.  IF the EU does not re - draft the above the UK should walk out of the EU, the British people would support such a move. 

The EU and Brexit - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

This blog is furious, the deal for the transitional deal for the UK leaving the EU lasts two years, and the UK will have to follow ALL the rules of the EU in till Dec 2020, and will not have VOTE on the issues.    The Brexit MPs have to force the issue, they must get the PM to refuse that kind of deal, no say on EU rules, then the UK will not pay a farthing to the EU and would consider the relationship OVER.   The UK and the PM have to be tough, the only people happy with the deal is the moaning remainers.  Time for the UK to stand tough and tall. 

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Divisions in the Labour Party - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

As noted the London Elite MPs want to stay in the EU, but Corbyn understands that if he does that he can not takeover large areas of the UK economy.   The press have not shown much interest in the Labour divisions, that can no last, the REMAIN Lords will try to sink the Brexit Bill before it returns to the House of Commons, PM May has to be firm, she needs to keep the soft and Hard Brexit supporters in line, she is helped that a few Labour MPs will break ranks and will vote to leave.   Interesting political time ahead. 

The DIVISIONS in the Conservative Party - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

Let's be very honest here, PM May is no LADY Thatcher, the Iron Lady would be furious at how weak the PM is, let us recall that Lady Thatcher never lost an election, and knew a thing or two about axing Cabinet Ministers.   PM May has to decide who she can annoy, the Hard Brexit element within the Cabinet or the moaning remainers.   The PM should be firm, she should go for a HARD BREXIT, where are the moaning remainers going to go, are they going to join the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats, one has doubts, thus the PM should march in firm manner towards a HARD BREXIT. 

Corbyn, The Labour Party vs. 2nd Brexit Vote - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

There is a reason that Corbyn wants a HARD BREXIT, he thinks he can win the next election and wants a Labour Government to take over large areas of the UK economy, that would not be allowed if the UK remained in the EU.   The Labour Leadership will have problem with Blair supporters in the House of Lords, they want to sink the Brexit bill, so what will Corbyn do about that, either way he makes one side angry, IF he choses th support the Government the BBC/Guardian types will go up the wall, they want to remain in the EU, they see Corbyn thwarting that idea.  It is not just the Conservative Party that is split, the London Elites want to stay, while Northern voters in Northern Seats want to leave, what has the EU ever done for them, not a lot.  Brexit is going to take up the whole year. 

Friday, January 26, 2018

The LEFT Guardian wants another Brexit Poll - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

This is the left Guardian trying to push the Labour Party to campaign for another Brexit poll, no Party would go calling for a 2nd vote with the above margin, the UK is not some small Country that can be ordered to HAVE another vote in till the right vote is found.   The BBC/Guardian types have to accept the fact that the British voter voted out, we have made a decision, the UK voter wants Brexit to mean Brexit.  The Labour Party is split, the elite London types want to stay in the EU, wile Northern supporters want to leave.  The Elite think they know what is best for the UK, they have no interest in democracy. 

Calls to SACK the Chancellor, Philip Hammond - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The PM needs a quick word with the Chancellor, she has to remind him that SHE is the PM and Chancellors can be sacked, the Conservative Party is united on the whole in leaving the EU.   The moaning remainers in the Conservative Party and Labour Party will never accept the fact the UK voter voted to leave the EU.  The PM should be VERY firm with the Chancellor, not blood on the carpet, but CLEAR that he can be sacked if he does not shut up.  The British people are tired of the moaning remainers not accepting the FACT that the UK wants OUT of the EU. 

The Brexit ROW within the Conservative Party - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The PM needs to get a firm control of her Chancellor, the Chancellor well known moaning reaminer and thus will try any attempt top keep the UK close to the EU.  The British voter has decided that it wants out of the EU, we should not become a colony of the EU, Brexit should mean Brexit.   Lady Thatcher must be looking down and thinking that the Conservative Party is still as split as it was in her day, but in the other way around, the majority of Conservative MPs want out, let them make it clear to their colleagues that enough is enough, May needs to be another Iron Lady. 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Moaning Remainers have an ally in the Chancellor - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The moaning Remainers and that includes our Chancellor of the UK want to win what they lost at the ballot box, Brexit should mean Brexit otherwise the UK just becomes a colony of the EU.   One can only hope that the hard Brexit MPs will make it known to the Chief Whip that there will be a rebellion if the UK takes a soft path out of the EU.   Yes to close business connection, but no to the freedom of movement and also the UK should be allowed to do its own trade deals.  PM May could face a big rebellion if she sells the UK out to the moaning remainers.   The UK needs to do a trade deal with the US, it can not if it is to close to the EU. 

Trump and Money to the Palestinian Authority

Lets Get Real:

This is not the the first time a US Vice - President has faced a snub in the Middle East, when VP Biden went to Israel the Israeli Government stated it would build new buildings in East Jerusalem, this did not go down well with the Obama Oval, but then Barack Obama was never on the side of Israel.  Thus the frosty relationship between Obama Oval and the Israeli Government.   The Palestinians never know when to rise a bet or when to fold, they never know when they have won, such as in 2000 under Bill Clinton and then again under Bush 43.   Their is only one solution to the Middle East problem, the Palestinian Authority has to accept a State that is that in name only, they can not have an Army, Air Force, as this would be seen as a threat to Israel, also their borders would have to come under the control of Israel, as to stop Iran sending terrorists in to Israel prober.   This is the HARSH TRUTH no one wants to say in the Middle East. 

The NEW Reagan and Thatcher ? Trump and May - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Why did PM May ask POTUS to come here on the State Visit, the left will be on the Streets, the Guardian and the BBC will be full  BS when it comes to Trump.   The extreme left do not care about the Special Relationship between the US and the UK, and in no way can May and Trump be compared to Reagan and Thatcher, they were great leaders, what we have know is a former TV Star and businessman, and a weak UK PM.   One can only cringe at the thought of how Trump will behave when he meets the Queen, the Queen will do her best, but by no way is Trump either Kennedy or Reagan. 

45% Job Approval for POTUS

Fox News: Reports that President Trump has a job approval rating of 45%, while 53% Disapprove of the Trump record. 

Lets Get Real:

For POTUS these are good number, previous polls had Trump in the middle thirties when it came to job approval.  The Government shutdown seems to have helped him and hurt the Democrats.   Of course we still have the Russian probe out there, and the Special Prosecutor is can be argued is building a case of Obstruction of Justice against POTUS.  Before his flight out to DAVOS the President stated to the press that he was open to talking to the Special Prosecutor under oath.   The problem with President Trump is that he is his own worse enemy, his lawyers would not want POTUS to speak under oath, god only knows what he could say at such an event.   On the whole a good day for POTUS. 

Trump and the Palestinians - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The Bush 43 two State solution is DEAD in the WATER, the leaders of the Palestinian people have let their people down to many times, you only get so many chances to win.   The Trump Presidency is in the tank for the Israeli State, that is what the base of the Trump supports want, thus for the next three years the Palestinian people will have to wait for another Administration or find it self frozen out for the next seven years.  The idea of an Palestinian State is OVER, this is the real world, its is the harsh truth. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The DOTS match up in Russian Probe - Update 2 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The US Special Counsel can not get a case that the Trump team worked with the Russians to help Trump win the Presidency in 2016, so they are going for the idea that Trump Obstructed Justice by firing the Director of the FBI and tried to obstruct justice by his actions once he was in power.   If this blog was Trump and really wanted to save his skin, he would fire the Special Counsel, take the political heat and hope the case would go away in till the Mid Terms, the Democrats will try to impeach Trump no matter what, the hard left of the Party wants it, the Senate in the key, if the Republicans can keep the Senate Republican then Trump can do a Clinton, charged by the House but found not guilty by the Senate.   History does have way of repeating itself. 

The Russian Probe - Update - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

IF I was Mrs Trump I would start to pack my clothes at the White House, the Special Prosecutor is getting close to a charge of Obstruction of Justice against President Trump.  One might have felt sorry for Richard Nixon or Bill Clinton, not so with Mr Trump, he did not really want the Presidency, the sole point of running was to gain a better Brand with the US voter and then open Trump TV.   The very fact that Trump won was a major shock for Trump and his family.   The political arrows are pointing to a 2nd President to resign the office under the threat of impeachment by Democrats when they win the House after the 2018 Mid Terms.   Ex - President Trump has the money and life style to be happy out of Office, Vice - President Pence is more suited to the Presidency.  It just a matter of connecting the dots at the moment. 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The American LEFT vs. Senator Schumer - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

As expected the uber liberal left of the Democratic Party is up in arms that Democrat Senators blinked over the Government shutdown.   The Democrats were playing in to the hands of the Republicans, the US voter could not understand why the Democrats closed the Government down over illegal immigrants.   The Republicans stayed on message and the Trump Oval did not tweet, thus the Democrats blinked.  A DACA deal needs to be done, but not under threat of a shutdown.   The DACA debate is about civil rights of those bought to the US when they were young, they need legal status if not the right to become a citizen. 

The Mueller Probe - The US Attorney General Interviewed - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The Mueller Probe is buildings its blocks for a charge against President Trump, the charge will be Obstruction of Justice for the firing of the FBI Director who was looking at the Russian actions during the 2016 election.   It is only a matter of time before POTUS is asked to answer questions from the Special Prosecutor.   The Trump Oval must be worried what Sessions said to the probe, the Oval has been highly critical of Jeff Sessions in the past, those tweets of Trump could come back to bite him on the backside.   The probe is closing in on Trump. 

Monday, January 22, 2018

Trump on the Democrats - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus the Washington D.C shutdown was a win for the Republicans, moderate Democrats caved and forced the Party to go along.   As stated in previous post the liberal base will be up in arms, they see that the Shutdown did not last long enough to hurt the Republicans and Trump.  Also as stated that running for the 2020 nomination voted no to re- opening the government, thus any moderates or right wingers have no chance in the Democratic Party.  As for DACA, the Democrats are fickle friends, the Democrats only got agreement for their to be a discussion, no promise on the result or if the House would go along.  In essence a pointless two days. 

The LIBERAL base of the Democratic Party - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The LIBERAL base of the Democratic Party will not be happy, Senator Schumer will have been seen to blink when faced with polls showing that the Democrats were being blamed by the US voters when it came to the shutdown, it never looks good when you support giving something to illegal immigrants at the cost of those born and bread in the US.  As CNN noticed those who are thinking of running in 2020 did not vote for the Bill, they know how important the base is when coming to running for the nomination.   It can be said that Trump was a great deal maker, he knew when to walk away and let the Congressional leaders solve the problem without promising anything in return. 

The Democrats and the SHUTDOWN - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The Democrats caved, they closed the government down for nothing, the Republican Senate leadership did not promise that the DACA bill would pass and it has no say on what the Republicans say in the HOUSE.  One can assume that Speaker Ryan will come under pressure from the Conservatives in the Republican Party not to take up any bill on DACA from the Senate, it depends on what President Trump says about the issue.   Will the Trump Oval give cover to House Republicans to vote for DACA, it is seen as amnesty by the more Conservative element, and Trump won the Republican nomination and the Presidency based on his anti immigration views.  The next few weeks will be interesting.

Democrats BLINK over SHUTDOWN - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The moderate Democrats on the HILL just blinked, those Senators from RED STATES who are up for re-election were not willing to tie their political futures to the fate of the Dreamers.   Whatever the Senate decides to about DACA; this blog support granting amnesty to those Dreamers; the House is more Conservative, it will take the Oval to give political cover should House Republicans want to deal on DACA.   The Democrats lost the political message WAR, they were playing to their base, very liberal, very pro illegal immigration, the rest of the US might support DACA but not as the cost of closing down the Government. 

Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Clinton Investigation - Congressional Investigation

Lets Get Real:

The swamp that is Washington D.C could never be trusted when it comes to the Clintons and the Obama Administration.   The Obama Justice Department covered for Obama and HRC,  so it would not be shocked to learn that the Clintons were never under any real threat of being charged due to HRC's email server or the Clinton Foundation.   The Republicans should really go after these scandals, have open hearings, see if the Clinton swamp is hiding anything from the public.

The Nuclear Option - D.C Shutdown - Part 3 - Update 3

Guardian: Reports the following on the nuclear option, " Such a move would allow Republicans to pass legislation without Democratic support, lowering the majority needed to pass a bill to just 51 votes. It is, however, not favoured by the GOP Senate leader, Mitch McConnell.  "

Lets Get Real:

It could be argued from the view of President Trump that Senator McConnell is playing by the OLD RULES, the Democrats in the past broke different rules when it came to appointments by President Obama, thus this is a new day, if you control the Chamber you have to act if you have a massive majority.  The Senate was meant to be different from the House, the Senate terms are six years, thus to allow callow youth to be replaced by working at the job for years.   It depends how long the Democrats are playing games, if it goes on for weeks, then the rules should be changed!

Washington D.C Shutdown Part 2 - Update 2

Lets Get Real:

POTUS is very peeved that he could not go to his Florida home to celebrate his taking of power in 2016.   Those Republicans in the US Congress should recall that one day they will be in the opposition, they should not go for the nuclear option, of not needing 60 Votes, it would remove the one thing that the opposition can do to get a hearing.   The Democrats on the other hand should not overplay their hand, the Republicans will be getting pushed by their base and the OVAL to only need to get a majority vote to push laws forward.   It will be interesting to see who blinks, can the Republicans remain united, interesting hours and days ahead!!

The Senate Shutdown - Update

Lets Get Real:

The Republicans must be united, they must blame the US Government shutdown on Senator Schumer, the Democratic leader of the Senate.  The Oval and Congressional Republicans must make it clear that they are giving what the Democrats want in the CR, but the will not be blackmailed over DACA and other illegal immigrants in the US.  The Democrats are demanding that the Republicans give them a vote over DACA and that it is a positive result.   POTUS has suggested through twitter that the Republicans change the rules of the Senate as to allow the CR to go through on 51 votes.   That is called the nuclear option, it could work but the Republicans will be the opposition one day, do they want to remove the few things a opposition can do,  block laws they do no like. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

US Government Shutdown Part 3 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Whatever the liberal press throw up, welfare cheques not being sent, Government offices closed down, thus delay in getting a passport, National Parks closed, etc, the Trump Oval and the Republicans have to be firm, they can not be blackmailed, because if the Republicans go weak and grant concessions to the Democrats they will be blackmailed again over something else.  The Republicans have to have a firm and united message, the Democrats care more for illegal Democrats that legal Americans, also the Dems are party of different interest groups, thus can not be trusted to Govern.

The US Government Shutdown Part 2 - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The President should use his infamous Twitter account to make sure that the Democrats take the blame for the Government shutdown, the liberal New York Times and the extreme liberal CNN will of course blame the Trump Oval, the Republicans have to keep their nerve, make it clear every hour and day that the US Government is closed that it is down to the Democrats.   The Trump Oval has to argue that the closed down US Government is a benefit to the rogue nations, who might try something while the Government is closed.  The Democrats might lose the PR WAR.

The US Government Shut Down - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The last US Government shutdown was in 2013 under Barack Obama, the Republicans NOW control both the Congress and the White House, they must make sure that any blame for the shutdown lands on the doormat of the Democrats.   The liberal left in the Democratic Party is pushing for the Democrats to shutdown the Government if they do not get a deal on DACA.   The Republicans should allow the Government to close, they should state that they will not be blackmailed by the liberal left.  In the message battle the Trump Oval should use its Twitter feed to dig and dig at the Democrats on the HILL.   The Democrats should be careful that they do not overplay their hand. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

No Grand Jury for Bannon, will talk to Prosecutors - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The elite press will not be happy, they wanted to see Steve Bannon go before the Grand Jury without his Lawyer.   The question is WHAT does Bannon know that could be of use to the special counsel in building a case against POTUS, it's generally agreed that the main threat to Trump is that the Counsel is looking at obstruction of justice, thus the sacking of the Director of the FBI.  Those that support Trump will argue that the President has the right to sack anyone he likes, that does not mount to obstruction of justice, that is up to the Grand Jury to decide.  This Russian investigation is running and running!!

The EU and the Moaning Remainers - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The EU can not understand that Country wants leave it, they have long past started to believe their own press statements, the UK voter was firm, the UK wants out, Brexit should mean Brexit.  The moaning remainers hope by any way to block Brexit, they have gone through the Courts, their press is carried by the BBC and the Guardian, the London Elites want to stay within the EU.  One does wonder which part of DEMOCRACY that the moaning elites do not get!!   Many in the UK can not wait for March 2019, when the UK is out of the EU. 

Scotland says NO to another Indy Vote - May Era

Lets Get Real:

The Scottish people are wise, they do not want another Indy vote, the sole purpose for the SNP is to get another vote, if the SNP lose another vote, what is the point of the Party.   The SNP if it was wise would wait to see what happens with the Brexit talks, of course there might not be an agreement, then the SNP could argue that the Scottish people have the right to decide if they want stay within the EU, of course that depends on the Scottish people wanting to stay within the EU and face border points on going to England.  The SNP with its tax hikes might find that they are rebuffed by the Scottish people.

Steve Bannon rebuffs Congress - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

When Mr Bannon goes to the Grand Jury he will not be allowed to have his lawyer by his side when under questions by the Special Prosecutor, he can go out of the room to seek legal advice, but can not refuse to answer questions.   Thus it will be interesting to see who Bannon fears most, the long arm of the Trump or the Special Prosecutor.  The Bannon fall shows how you can be all powerful one minute and then having your collar felt by Justice Department. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Trump and DACA - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

The Supreme Court it can be argued will revoke the lowers Court decision, the Courts are not there to back up A Democratic Agenda, this blog supports a deal on DACA, but through agreement between the Democrats and the Republicans in Congress and signed by President Trump.   The liberal Courts seem to think that Judges can block Trump because he is Trump, it is time to see the Supremes ACT, to send a clear message to the lower Courts to keep their noses out of political problems. 

The Russian Connection - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

Steven Bannon was Trump's Chief Strategist during the 2016 election, thus would be able to tell the Special Prosecutor if there were any links between the Trump Campaign and Putin's Kremlin.   Since Bannon was fired, he has fallen quite far from the height of his power, POTUS stated that he had lost his job and mind.   It will be interesting to see how far Bannon helps Robert Mueller, how long can this investigation go along without pinning something on Trump, the Republicans in the Congress would not mind if Mueller was fired. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

The LEFT and Brexit - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The left elite in the UK will use any reason to try and block BREXIT.   The elite left wants to be ruled by the EU, it wants a Federal Europe, this is not the wish of most of the people in the UK, that is why the UK voted to leave the EU.   The Labour Party has to be careful that it does not get the image that it is a Party out of touch with its core voters.   The Labour leadership is attempting to keep leavers and moaning remainers happy, one or the other will feel that the Party has betrayed them sooner or later.  The UK voter wants Brexit to mean Brexit. 

The SNP stoke up Brexit Fears - Post Brexit

Lets Get Real:

The SNP is playing the FEAR game again, they have not gotten the FACT that the Scottish voters want to remain in the UK and out of the EU.  It is because the Conservatives gain in Scotland that there is a Conservative Government in power, the Scots know that Scotland out of the UK would be a bad deal, the SNP having failed to get a indy vote the first time want to try for another one, the UK Government should say NO, the UK is the United Kingdom, we are united.   Without a Indy vote what is the point of the SNP.  One thing Jeremy Corbyn has been clear about is the fact that the UK will leave the Single Market and the Customs Union, thus SNP can not back up its demands in the House of Commons. 

I am not a Racist - President Trump - Trump Era

Lets Get Real:

POTUS has admitted using strong language in a meeting with Democrats and Republicans, but has denied using the term shithole to describe African Nations and some of the Nations of the Americas.   The question is not what is true, but the impression, one can see Trump using the term, but not in racist way, it can be argued that he meant poor Countries, the US has always been a beacon for the poor, millions from around the World have fled to the US, a place of 2nd chances.   Thus it can be postulated that Trump used the wrong phrase but is not  a racist, he simply made a mistake.  

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Bill & Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation - Post 2016 Election

Lets Get Real:

Whatever you think of Bill Clinton he would never use charity funds to pay for his Daughters wedding, he is rich enough, his speaking fees for a year would pay for outlay for the event.  Let's not forget that since leaving the White House the Bill Clinton has made millions from his boring book and from speeches.   This allegation has the smell of political revenge at play, you might not trust Bill Clinton with your sister, wife or daughter, but on the whole he is a honest bloke.   Also Bill Clinton has to deal with a wife who has lost the Presidency twice, that can be a burden, thus this allegation can be thrown in the bin.