Wednesday, January 31, 2018

75% Support for State of the Union Speech - Trump Era

CBS: Reports of those Americans who watched the State of the Union, 75% approved of the speech, while 25% Disapproved

Lets Get Real:

The Trump Oval should be happy with this approval rate for the State of the Union speech, the President must make sure he does not step on his success, thus less tweets over the next couple of days would be a good idea.  The President should stress that he will work with Democrats when it comes to illegal immigration.   The Democrats in the House Chamber did not stand a lot to applaud, the left wing of the Democratic Party will be taking names of those that did stand.  The President should travel around the US to reconfirm his speech, get voters to call their House member or Senator to support the President's agenda.   Thus a good day for POTUS. 

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