The New York Times: Reports that Israeli PM, Benjamin
Netanyahu has stated he now supporters a two State Solution to the Palestinian issue, after stating on the campaign trail that it would not happen while he was Prime Minister.
Lets Get Real:
The idea of a two State solution is dead in the water, and the Obama Administration will not push for one as it knows the political ramifications would make it sure that the next President would be a Republican. The liberal left, New York Times, BBC, Guardian, have one aim, the creation of a Palestinian State no matter the result for the Jewish State of Israel. Even if a Palestinian State was created, it would not be a real State, as Israel will not allow a State to have any military defence, the foreign policy would be set by Israel, and Israel would allow itself the take military action should any State become a threat. The Israeli Lobby has to get its supporters out, place pressure on the Hill to make sure that Obama does not go through the UN route to create a State, the Jewish State of Israel is under threat and needs protection of its friends now, thus time for the Israeli Lobby to start spending money on those that support Israel through campaign funds, and TV adverts. Netanyahu will be PM after President Obama leaves Office in 2017, one can expect a more friendly Oval Office at that time.