Monday, March 16, 2015

Do you TRUST Ed Miliband ? Ask David - General Election 2015

Lets Get Real:

Voters of the UK do you trust Ed Miliband, lets look at the character of Miliband junior, he stalked the same career as his eldest brother and then stabbed him in the back to become Labour Leader.   If the polls are right the Labour Party is DEAD in Scotland, thus the will need the SNP to keep them in power, Ed " Brutus " Miliband says he will not form a coalition government with the SNP, but that does not rule out a secret deal, in that case the English, Welsh.Northern Ireland voters would pay for any concessions to the SNP, cuts in the rest of the UK but not in Scotland.  Come on Brutus, sorry Ed, will you RULE OUT ANY deal with the SNP.   Lets have the truth up front and not through secret deals. 

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