Sunday, February 28, 2016

Trump and Super Tuesday - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

SO will it be the Donald after Super Tuesday or an Rubio and Cruz unite to defeat the the Trump.  It would be an interesting idea, what about a joint ticket, Rubio and Cruz, or the other way around, of course the hour is to late, the moderates and the Establishment should have thought of that a long time ago, so in political reality we could see Donald Trump as the Republican nominee, one does wonder if he will change his manner, his speech and policies, that might be asking to much, that is why this blog with regret is supporting HRC all the way to the Oval, the Clintons have their flaws, and BILL has major flaws, we all know what they are, but he does have a fine brain and would be a great help to HRC when it comes to foreign policy.    Who would have thought his blog would end up supporting HRC. 

Trump and the Mob - Cruz - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

The Cruz Campaign is throwing the kitchen sink at the Trump, of course as a billionaire the Donald has made enemies, you don't become one without making enemies.   The Donald does not help himself when he retweets a fascist quote.   One does wonder how the Republican Party will come together after this election, IF Trump is the nominee we could be seeing a split within the Republican Party, it would be fair to say that many moderate voters will vote for HRC over the Donald.  What an election season!!!

Trump the Fascist ? Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Let's hope the Donald does not use Mussolini as a political role model, when one starts to warm to the Trump he does something like this, thus forcing this blog back to supporting HRC all the way to the Oval.  In the case of HRC one can see her pandering, one sees her political mind rolling how to make sure the African American vote turn out for her.  This blog understands that the US voter is peeved, one could use more colourful words, BUT being angry does not allow them to vote for candidates who are extreme, Sanders on the left and now Trump on the right.   It can be said that 2016 is a VERY different kind of election. 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Trump LEADS in Florida - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

IF Rubio can not keep his own State then its over for that Campaign, first up in that contest is Senator Cruz in Texas, two recent polls have Cruz ahead, IF Cruz can win Texas and Rubio in Florida then the Republican contest could go to the Republican Convention, then anybody could win, this blog has doubts that it will go that way, the Republicans have to learn to be fond of the Donald, make him part of the Establishment, then curb his more right wing views, of course the question is can the Donald be controlled, one would SAY NO, thus if Rubio can Cruz can not win other States the Republicans will just have to accept the Donald, yes its that bad, he could win the Oval, then the Republicans will worry, its not easy choice the Donald or HRC, one will need a drink in November for election night!!

The Donald and the Republican Establishment - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Thus can Conservatives learn to love the Donald, or at least not dislike him, that is a hard question, this blog has made it clear that it would support HRC over the Donald, but that was before HRC went extreme left to counter Senator Sanders.  At least the Donald is DIRECT, painful direct and very honest, can D.C take such a President.  Although some of the polices suggested by Trump are racist, banning Muslims from coming to the US, one can see how the Establishment could tune such views down or suggested different paths to reach the same goal, that is the national security of the US.   This blog is not sold on the Donald yet, but the more HRC goes left the more this blog is left to return to the Trump.    Cruz would be a disaster as a President, Rubio would be good, but can he win any States, including his own.   Next week should be interesting, a lot of States go to vote, lets see how the Donald does. 

Trump's First 100 Days in the Oval - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Let's hope this prediction is wrong, the Syrian Crisis needs a strong President who will take the fight to the Russians, that does not mean WAR, it means making sure that the Russian Bear understands that there is a new man in the Oval and that his words will be followed by force.   One would wish for  A President Trump that takes an active interest in Syria and allows the US military to WIN in Syria, there needs to be no fly zones, free fire zones that allow the US special forces to take out the terrorist threat.   ON the whole this blog could support a President Trump that followed the outline of this article, not sure the Guardian was looking for that result. 

Romney on Trump - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

WHY, WHY has former Governor Romney done this attack on Trump, it could be sour grapes that he did not win in 2012, when he should have won after Obama's first term, or he could be throwing a dice for the Republican Establishment, who do not like Trump and wish either Rubio or Cruz to the be the 2016 Nominee for the Republicans, the Trump has not reacted well to these comments, as the article notes, Mr Trump has hit back calling the ex-governor "one of the dumbest and worst candidates" in Republican history. ".   I think it can be agreed that Trump is a billionaire, his buildings show that, Trump is Trump after all, would a President Trump be that BAD?

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Nevada GOES for TRUMP - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

IF this blog betted on political results it would be risky to vote against the Donald for the Republican nomination, Senator Rubio needs to win States, he has to win his home State of Florida, while Cruz has to take Texas.   One can see a way to the Republican nomination for Trump, but with each loss it gets harder for Rubio.    Let's postulate that Trump wins the nomination, then the Democrats have to get their election over fast and ALLOW HRC to become the Democratic nominee, as the Donald is funding himself, the Democrats have to hit their supporters hard for money, and lot of money, lets see if the Clintons can match the Donald.  The Democratic Primary in South Carolina is expected to go to Clinton, the Democratic Establishment has to place pressure on Sanders to get out, the longer he stays the more flak Clinton will face from Trump and Sanders. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

The Early Days of Hillary Clinton - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

This pushes all the emotional buttons, but does it work, NO, the 2016 Election is about the FUTURE, not the past, HRC is not very good on the campaign trail, and you can bring all the Hollywood stars you like it does not change that, but if its a choice between HRC and Sanders then this blog is ALL FOR HRC ALL THE WAY TO THE OVAL. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Nevada and Clinton - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

A very moving advert by the Clinton Camp, your heat would have to be made of stone not to feel that HRC is doing a good job.   The cynic side of this blog can smell a set up from a mile, the Clinton Camp would have know the story and thus make sure HRC heard, that is the problem with the HRC, you can see the political mind moving, that is why HRC will never be Bill, and even Bill is no longer Bill.   

New Republican Poll - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Thus it can be argued that the race is for Trump to lose, in less ALL the other candidates drop and out and allow only one real challenge this race is over, the Donald has the money to outspend the other candidates, and he is a billionaire, he can just write himself a cheque.   This blog would never support, Trump or Cruz, the question is can Rubio get through, is he to callow a youth, the next election cycle might suite him, politics is a hard business, no prizes for coming 2nd. 

The Pope on the Donald Part 3 - Election 2016

Telegraph: Reports the following on the remarks of the Pope on Trump and his plan for building a wall between the US and Mexico, " But he said: "As far as whether I would advise to vote or not to vote, I am not going to meddle in that. I say only that this man is not Christian if he has said things like that."  "

Lets Get Real:

The liberal left with love this, let's see how the other Republican candidates and voters react.  The South Carolina vote is only two days way, will the born again Christians take any notice of the Pope, will the other Republican candidates use the attack in their adverts.  That is the fun of US politics, there is always something coming down the road, and the candidates have to deal with it, one can tell a lot how a candidate will behave when he or she is under pressure, and being attacked by the Pope is a major event. 

The Pope and the Donald Part 2 - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Thus there is video footage of the Pope saying the above, in less the translation is wrong, one has doubts.  This question is will Catholic voters not vote for Trump if they were going to because the above, one has doubts, the Donald takes everyone and does not seem to lose votes.   One would think the Pope would have more internal problems to deal with, and we  all know what they are, as is says in a good book, give to Caesar his due, in other words stay out of politics.  No one gets it 100% right, not this Pope or any Pope, in less they read their press reports. 

The Pope vs. The Donald - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

On this the blog hates to agree with the Donald, this Pope is political and would understand how his words would come across, this is not the first time the Pope has gone political, he told Catholics they should have more children than pets, HAS THE POPE ever had a pet! then he called the Falklands Island by their Argentina name and then finally he helped with a better relationship with Castor's Cuba and the US, who asked him?  This Pope might be very humble, but that does not stop him from being political and naive. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Trump on Ted Cruz - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

One would have to VERY drunk to think that Donald Trump would make a good President, you would have to buy a third hand nuclear bunker. you would just know that with the first six months of his Presidency he would end up in a WAR with someone with a nuke, take your pick on who.  But that is not the worse, a Cruz Presidency would see the West in a war within six weeks.   Thus the need for a moderate candidate, right wing yes, but not a ego maniac or nuts, that is not asking a lot  of the US voter.  This blog is supporting Bush/Rubio for SC, one hopes but ones political gut is telling one that Trump will win in SC. 

Advert in support of Senator Rubio - Election 2016

Lets Get Real

The only real political threat to HRC is Senator Rubio, he is young, good on the TV and has a proud ethnic background, also he has shown that he can work with the other side, in politics you fight but also you cut deals.  Let's see what the good people of SC want in a President, a ego maniac, or a real leader. 

Trump on the Death of Justice Scalia - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

One came to the conclusion that the 2016 Presidential race for the Republicans had gone in to fantasy land a few months ago with the lead of  Donald Trump in the polls, not it can be confirmed that the Republican front runner has lost the plot, he will be saying next that there are UFO's in Area 51.   ONE can only hope that the good voters of SOUTH CAROLINA vote for someone with sane, such as the following candidates, Kasich, Rubio or Bush.   The Party of Reagan has fallen of the cliff at the moment, the GOP needs another Reagan, thus far he or she has not turned up. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Cruz on the Supreme Court - SC Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

This hurried advert shows WHY Senator Cruz is hated by his fellow Senators, and that is just the Republican side.   It is done in haste, and shows disrespect to the family of Justice Antonin Scalia. One can only hope the good voters show their disdain by voting for anyone other than Senator Cruz. 

Putin's Russia vs. Turkey - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The relationship between Turkey and Russia is pretty low after Turkey shot down a Russian airplane after it went in to Turkish airspace.  The Oval Office has to worry that Turkey and Saudi Arabia will place ground forces in Syria, that could lead to conflict between NATO Turkey and Putin's Russia or Iran.   The Oval Office will have to demand that Russia backs off, the Oval can not look weak during a Presidential Election year, or Democrats would be forced to throw Obama under the bus, American will not support or elect a weak leader.  Syria could lead to a even a hot war war between the powers, lets hope everyone has their brain cells working on this issue, a mistake could be costly. 

Friday, February 12, 2016

World War 3 - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The Russians know which buttons to press when it comes to the West, they are worried that Saudi Arabia will send troops to Syria, this would mean you would have troops from Iran supported by Russian planes and troops in the same zones of conflict as Saudi troops, moderate Rebels; the Russians are not hitting Daesh, they are hitting the opposition to Assad, namely moderates; also you would have Daesh terrorists fighting their opposition and Assad,  and God knows who else, it would only take small accident for things to get very serious fast.    The problem is the West does not want to place troops in Syria, it does not want to lose its moderate allies, thus you are left with troops from SA and the Gulf States.   There can only be peace in Syria with the removal of Assad and Western troops in place to guard internal security, but the problem is that there will not be long term peace in Syria with Western troops. its a bloody mess, and it will not end soon.   THUS the failure of the Obama Foreign policy. 

Sanders and African Americans - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

This ad by the Sanders campaign is very moving and is feeding in to unrest within the African - American community, the question is it effective, even this Conservative blog was moved by it, and on the whole this blog checks its emotions at the door before blogging.  As to the politics, it can be postulated that African - Americans will vote in large numbers for Secretary Clinton, she had tied herself to the Oval, and the Oval has made clear that it supporters her, thus the South is lost to Sanders.   After Sanders is defeated we can have real campaign between HRC and the Republican, please not the Donald. 

Nevada Poll - Election 2016

Guardian - US Politics Live: Reports in its 3.52pm post the following,  " .. a new poll by a TargetPoint, a Republican polling firm, conducted for the Washington Free Beacon finds – a tie! at 45-45. "

Lets Get Real:

Thus far this blog has not seen that many new polls for Nevada, lets see if other polls match this poll or it might be way out.  One would expect that the HRC campaign would have learnt from their mistakes of 08, when they allowed Senator Obama to win a lot of caucus States and thus gain more delegates than Hillary Clinton.   As the Nevada caucus is the same day as the South Carolina Republican vote the networks will have handfull to explain the different system to the voters.  More polls to come voters. 

The Syrian Civil War - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

There will be no peace in Syria in till the West places troops there, has a no fly zone, and tells the Russians that the West will allow Saudi Arabia to place troops in there, to be backed by NATO.  The Russians, Assad and Iran can not afford to lose Syria under Assad as any ally, they will only back off when faced by Western Forces that will follow through.   The failure of the Obama Administration to deal with Syria is just another example of its failed foreign policy, it has allowed the Iran and US nuclear deal to obscure the needs of US allies in the Persian Gulf.  The Syrian ceasefire if ever starts will not last long, weakness only breeds more violence, poor Syria. 

Clinton vs, Sanders - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

HRC has tied herself to the Obama Oval, the HRC campaign must hope that the Oval Office does not do anything that has negative ramifications for the Campaign over the next few months,  Sanders made a point, he was a US Senator, that he agreed with the Obama Oval on most things, but he had the duty and right to be critical when he thought President Obama was wrong.    The fact that HRC used that against him, was interesting, she played dirty pool and it worked, the HRC is campaign is looking forward to South Carolina were a majority of Democrat voters are African - American and to Nevada were there is a healthy group of Hispanic voters, thus HRC was linking to their support of President Obama, thus her defence of him.   The Clinton firewall is and up running, it can be postulated that HRC will win big in the South. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Clinton Server Scandal and her Staff - Clinton Crisis

Lets Get Real:

As the internal polls show for NH when it comes to honesty the HRC has a major problem, those that voted and stated that this was important to them went over 90% for Senator Sanders.  The Clinton email scandal is like an iceberg that hit the Titanic, it can not be fixed as it would lead to Court Case for HRC, so the fix is in, the FBI will be told not to find anything, in fact the White House Press Secretary stated that as far as he knew there was no case to answer, thus the signal has been sent.   Even if the FBI did say that there was a case to answer the Obama DOJ would thrown it to the bottom draw, just do nothing!! By the end HRC will be in the White House and the matter will be over, politics is harsh business sometimes, those in power protect their friends. 

The Disaster that was New Hampshire for Hillary Clinton - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

There are always weak supporters who get frightened when something goes wrong, in this case New Hampshire for Hillary Clinton, to lose by 22 points in a State that has helped the Clintons in the past must have been a personal shock to both Bill and Hillary Clinton.   That is the game of politics, is not how you react when you win, its when you lose, the Clintons have a good firewall in the South, also the Oval Office supports them in fact if not declared, Obama owes Bill for 2012 and helping him get re-elected.   Thus the people throwing their arms in the air should calm down, once HRC takes SC and other Souther states it will be over, its still going to be HRC going all the way to the Oval. 

The END game for Trump and Sanders - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

As stated if HRC can take Nevada and South Carolina this Democratic race will be over, she has the money and the ground work, SO she should not lose, if she does we are talking a different game.    On the Republican side, if Trump wins South Carolina big its all over, also he has the benefit that there are still a crowded  lane in the Establishment field.  By the time the Establishment works out who is their candidate it could be over, the Donald has been lucky so far, will he be luck in the South. 

The Future for Sanders - Election 2016

Goodbye New Hampshire, we shall miss the snow and the diners. 

Lets Get Real:

IF this blog was a betting blog it would still place a £10 for HRC to win the nomination, HRC is at her best, yes does have a best when she is up against it, she fought Obama till the end, and Sanders is no President Obama.  Thus expect the South to go for the Clintons, the African - American leaders not pledged to HRC will want something for their people if they throw their support for HRC, better welfare benefits and real jobs, and less African - Americans getting  a record for minor incidents. That is a major flaw within the US Society, there are to many African - Americans in jail, there are deep civil and welfare problems, this needs a strong leader to deal with the issue.   Thus Clinton better have a great agenda for ethnic voters. 

Donald Trump on Hillary Clinton - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Thus the Donald won the New Hampshire Primary with 35% of the vote, in second was Governor Kasich of Ohio with 16%, the question is does Kasich have the money and ground work to use this 2nd place when it comes to South Carolina, the State is more suited to the third place Senator Cruz, it has a lot of christians that will be attracted to the Conservative Cruz.  But lets not forget Jeb Bush, everyone has written him off, even this blog, but he came in fourth and has the money and ground work SC.   Also Bush 43 will campaign for him there, thus the Republican race is not over.   On the Dem side, the FIX is in for HRC, she is going after Super Delegates, those are the elite Dems within a State, thus she lost NH by double digits she will end up with the same delegates as Sanders.  This is why the political machine is hated by people, it might not be illegal but it SMELLS BAD. 

What was the POINT of the New Hampshire Vote? - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

After a double digit win you would expect Senator Sanders to have the most delegates, but NO, the fix is in for HRC, due to rules the Super Delegates, those in charge of the Democrats in NH can vote how they like, and as the Hill notes after spending millions and losing the HRC will have equal delegates.   This blog supports HRC, but if the FIX is in why bother having elections, just give the nomination to HRC and allow the people to see that their votes do not matter, its always the system that wins. 

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

How will the vote go in New Hampshire - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

If the above happens then Trump and Sanders could have a very good night, the question on the Republican side is who will come 2nd and how close will the other candidates be, who will drop out and who has the money to carry on, it is expected that Jeb Bush as the money to carry on to the South.  The Bush Campaign has stated that Bush 41 will support his brother in the South, as to the Democrats, it will NOT depend on the margin, what ever the result, the Clintons will go South and win, and then its ALL over for Senator Sanders, this blog has no reason to see Sanders having any success in the South.   The Reports need a race on the Democratic side to justify their rooms and bar bills, otherwise they know it ALL over. 

Feeling the Bern Yet ? NO - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Do you feel the bern yet voters, yes new youth icon Senator Sanders is on the way to win the New Hampshire Primary by double digits, will this upset HRC road to the nomination and the White House, not one inch.   The Clintons have a firewall in the South, that is the African - American vote and the support of President Obama, the first African - American President.  The Bern will fade with political reality, the Senator is offering free things, free medical care, free colleges, and to pay for it, TAXING the rich and Wall Street, this has echoes of the 1960s, and like the 60s people grow up and grow old, thus the support for HRC and they vote.  THUS this is a sideshow for reporters to explain the bar bill, there is only one real candidate, and that is HRC. 

North Korean Nuclear Restarted - N Korea Crisis

BBC News: Reports " North Korea has restarted a plutonium production reactor that could provide a stockpile for nuclear weapons, US intelligence chief James Clapper says. "

Lets Get Real:

The North Koreans after their missile launch are still having a temper tantrum, they want the same deal that IRAN has with the Obama Oval, before a new tough Administration takes over, they want the money and to be allowed to go nuclear, in other words the North Korean word is no good, the blog has lost count on how many deals the North Koreans have struck and then go on to break it, the Obama Oval should do NOTHING, no deals, no back channels talks, even China has found that its mouse has roared and its got the ability if it falls apart to hurt the economy of China and with that millions of refugees, that is why China is supporting North Korea, it does not have a choice in the real world.  The military threat to Asia, includes Western allies, South Korea and Japan, this blog is still not sure why Japan has not gone nuclear, does really trust the Obama Oval to protect it from a North Korean threat, this blog has doubts.  Thus expect more tensions in the region. 

Monday, February 08, 2016

Bill Clinton on Senator Sanders - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

The former President has a nerve, talking about honesty, he shamed the US for over year before admitting he had an affair with a White House intern.   The truth only came out after the Clintons had poll tested when it was the best time to come clean.   On the other hand if you really love someone, e.g Bill and Hillary you have to a duty to tell them they are NOT great political candidates.    As this blog has stated, it will support HRC over Sanders, Trump or Cruz, but it has to be honest, it has NO fondness for HRC, thinks the truth and HRC are not that connected and worse, she is bloody bad candidate, you can see her mind moving to cover any political risk.   Lets hope the New Hampshire voters come to their senses and vote for HRC, please,  on the Republican side, this blog would be quite happy to support Rubio, Kasich or Bush, they are moderate and just might make great Presidents. 

Hillary Clinton the pragmatic Candidate - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Selling the past is not easy, if your 2nd term President and facing re-election you use your record to show what you will do in the future, a open seat election, when there is no President or Vice President running its harder, you have POTUS in the White House that you want to keep happy, on the other hand you want to show what you will do in the future.  Youngers voters do not care about the past, thus the problem faced by HRC, they want to talk about the future, and Sanders is about the future, while Clinton wants to be your friendly bank manager, most people do not have a debt that is in the trillions, you would sack you bank manager if your bank was that much in debt.   The HRC Campaign has made store that they have a firewall in the Southern States, lets hope that this holds up after NH. 

Third Party Candidate for the 2016 Election

Lets Get Real:

Another billionaire, for goodness sake, but least Michael Bloomberg is a moderate, and is anti guns, and pro Western economic system.   The question is does he stand a chance hell of getting elected, he has the money, his record as Mayor of New York after 9/11.   It depends if the Democrats and the Republicans go over the cliff with the nomination of either Sanders or Trump/Cruz.   It could be argued that the two party system needs a good challenge, let's see what happens after New Hampshire. 

Hillary Clinton's WOMEN problem - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

Hillary Clinton has a problem with younger voters, on the whole they do not like her and worse do not trust her, and stump speech about being the 1st female President TELLS voters more about her that their problems.   After the race is over it will be interesting to see studies on why male and female voters in large numbers are supporting a SOCIALIST for President, and in his 70s.   The dream of being rich in America no longer plays true, from the perspective of younger voters the system is rigged by the rich for the rich, and since 2008 the US Government is on the hook for any banking failures, thus the bankers become rich what ever the way it goes, the young get thrown off a cliff, one could use a stronger term but this blog is not Donald Trump.  Lets see the breakdown of the youth vote after the New Hampshire vote. 

Sunday, February 07, 2016

The Trump on the War on Terror - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

The liberal press elite are NOW going to start to target the Donald, they do not think there is a need a for a War on Terror and they oppose ALL torture.   This blog is starting to like the Donald, there needs to be a tough war on terror, and torture works, when information is needed and the suspect will not spill his guts there needs to be tougher methods, Water boarding, loud noise, no sleep or food, and many other methods.  If one session of water boarding saves just 1 life, then it should be used, terrorists do not have any rights, they should never be given POW statues, they are murders etc, they have no rights, the Donald just might turn me in to a Trump supporter. 

Governor Christie on Rubio - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

The question is can Senator Rubio keep his 2nd place in most New Hampshire polls, if he falters and is replaced by either Christie or Kasich then the rest will have to go home.  It will be a three man race, Trump, Cruz and ? that is the interesting question, this blog still thinks Rubio could beat Hillary Clinton, depends who the Republicans in NH think is the best candidate.  It can be postulated that Jeb Bush still has the money to carry, if they are not 2nd in NH it could be good night from Christie, Kasich and Carson.  A few days to go, how will it end in NH?

Rubio roasted by fellow Republicans - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

The moment Senator Rubio came a strong 3rd just behind Trump in the Iowa vote he has a become a political target for others wanting to be the Establishment Candidate to fight Donald Trump, thus Governor Christie a former Federal lawyer put the boot in, he has called him a boy in the bubble, and then scripted, well the Florida Senator did not help himself, he repeated his stump speech, that Obama knows what he is doing, by some counts he said it 8 times.  One the whole Trump, and Cruz had a good night, with one exception, Trump got in to a battle with Jeb Bush, those in the hall booed the Trump, but Trump turned it around by stating that they represented Establishment of money, thus he won.   Projection for NH, Trump, Rubio, Kasich, we shall next week how the voters voted. 

North Korean Missile Test - Asia Crisis

We condemn today's launch and North Korea's determination to prioritize its missile and nuclear weapons programs over the well-being of its people, whose struggles only intensify with North Korea’s diversion of scarce resources to such destabilizing activities.   ‎ 

Lets Get Real:

The North Korean government is acting up because it has seen that Iran gets 150 billion for not going nuclear; of course a lot of writers on the right think that the Tehran Regime will take the money and still build the bomb; NK wants the same attention from the Obama Administration before a new Administration takes over, thus one can expect more tempter tantrums from North Korea, the question is what will it do next, that is always the worry with the North it might go to far, the isolation of NK makes it hard to read.

Friday, February 05, 2016

Why is Sanders popular in New Hampshire - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

A new poll on the national level has Hillary Clinton leading Sanders by just 2 points, also it has been noticed in the polls that HRC losses the youth vote big time.   The real question is will the Democratic Party vote with its brain, that would be for HRC or with its heart for Sanders.   No one really thinks that HRC will lose the nomination race, that would be a epic disaster for the Democratic Party, what could be worse is a long tough race between HRC and Sanders, it has been noted that HRC has a number of super delegates already, thus as long as HRC gets the delegates she will win.   A President Sanders would be a disaster for the US and the West. 

Jeb Bush ATTACKS Rubio - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

It is pity that Governor Bush was not this combative at the start of the Campaign, one has to question can he get a good finish in New Hampshire, it seems that the Establishment candidate has become Senator Rubio.   Of course it is a couple of days to the New Hampshire primary and anything can happen, is it enough time for Governor Bush to become the new Establishment candidate? The voters of NH will decide the future of a few of the Republican candidates on Tuesday. 

Trump LOST in the snow of New York - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

It seems that the Donald is easy to scare, first it was Ms Kelly from Fox News, and now its the snow in NH.  Everyone knows its snows HARD in NH every few years, and the Donald did think of it shows that HE IS NOT REALLY running for President, if your running for POTUS you have to put with staying hotel rooms and being in NEW HAMPSHIRE, the fact that this point has been lost by DT shows that he does not think things through and would be a disaster as President.  To be fair the Donald was good on CNN last night when he talked to Anderson Cooper of CNN while in NH.   It is pity that the Donald needs his own bed to sleep in. he is not big enough for the bedroom of POTUS. 

The Clinton - Sanders Debate - Election 2016

Lets Get Real:

The One major mistake by HRC was to cast herself as the WOMAN candidate, as if by gender she was not part of the Democratic Establishment, let us recall she has been the First Lady of the US, a New York Senator and Secretary of State in the first Obama term.  It has been noticed in the polls that Clinton loses the youth vote to Sanders and in one poll Sanders had a four point win over HRC when it come to women.   HRC has to recall that young voters, and in this case women, know one day there will be a woman President, it does not have to be Hillary, the older women voters support HRC as this is her last chance to get to the Oval.   This could be a long election for HRC. 

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Lets Get Real:

Thus the Donald is back on his racist remarks about Muslims, one has to wonder what the US voter see in Trump, he did come 2nd in Iowa and is leading by a large margin in New Hampshire.  The US voter must be VERY angry with the political system to take a risk on a new minted politician like Trump, in most polls they see the Country going in the wrong direction and that future generations will hot have what they have, but to elect someone like Trump is MAD, its like putting a nutter in charge of a Asylum, it will end in failure, lets hope the good people of New Hampshire vote for Senator Rubio.