Friday, September 20, 2024

Hezbollah confirms DEATH of top Commander - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Sky News reports that Hezbollah has confirmed a top commander, Ibrahim Aqil has been killed by Israel.

Lets Get Real:

This terrorist was high on America's most wanted list for Killing American Armed Marines and Soldiers in the 1980s.   It seems that Israel has decided to finish off Hezbollah NOW,  while the US having its election, Trump is now defending Israel, going for the Jewish vote.    The Biden Oval wants a ceasefire over Gaza, Biden is legacy hunting, thus VP has to follow his line.

Israel does a targeted strike on Beirut, Lebanon - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Guardian reports in its 2.09pm post that Israel has done a targeted strike on Beirut.

Lets Get Real:

Israel has to decide if it wants to end the threat from Iran by taking out Hezbollah, how long before Iran gives Hezbollah a dirty nuclear bomb?

There are times for talks, and time for action, POTUS is legacy hunting when it comes to the Middle East, thus Israel should use this time to take action.   The 2024 Candidates will not want to look anti Israel, Trump  can smell the coffee and supports Israel, Harris is the VP, has to follow the Oval Office line.   

Hezbollah fires rockets in to Israel - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

BBC News: Reports that Hezbollah has fired 140 rockets in to Northen Israel from Lebanon.

Lets Get Real

Israel should take this time to plan and invade Lebanon, kick Hezbollah out of Lebanon, finish the threat from the North, make sure Gaza is secured and start talks with the Palestinian Authority for the formation of a Palestinian State that is not a threat to Israel, a non military state! 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

2nd Round of Explosions in Lebanon - Update - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

There does seem a plan to the action of Mossad, they have taken out the pagers held by Hezbollah terrorists, also hand held radios, why the solar panels is open to question.  The Israel Government has made it clear that focus has now moved from Gaza to the border between ISRAEL and LEBANON, they want to allow people to return to the border between the two states, thus they need to prevent the terrorists hitting the North.   Thus these attacks could be a CLEAR MESSAGE to the terrorists to back off or Israel will remove the threat once and for all.   The next couple of days will be interesting, will the terrorists react or wait for a better chance to attack Israel with the support of Iran.  IF the terrorists do not react they will look like paper tigers, and Israel WINS in the long term.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Pagers used as Bombs, Hezbollah blames Israel - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Hezbollah blames Israel for the deaths and the thousands injured, one has to ask a few questions, WHY did ISRAEL do this NOW, a ITV reported on the ground suggested that it could be a first attack before a ground invasion of Lebanon, also the Mossad is sending a message to Hezbollah that their structure is compromised, and that Israel can get them any time they want.    One expects some reaction from the terrorist group, they waited four weeks last time, and the reaction was lame.   Also could Mossad have head something about a future attack from Iran and ISRAEL is sending a clear message, that Hezbollah is compromised.    This blog has a Post Graduate Diplomat is Strategic Studies with a Master's pass in Intelligence and National Security, one is impressed with the spy trade craft, if it was Israel they set up Hezbollah and got the terrorist group to pay them even, impressive.  The CIA and MI6 could learn a thing from MOSSAD.  

Monday, September 16, 2024

2nd Attempted Assassination of former President Donald Trump - Update - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

If Trump was anti Ukraine before this assassination attempt, he will NOW be more stubborn on this policy, from what we can see from the BBC report, the attempted assassin was pro the people of Gaza and anti China and pro Taiwan.   It will be interesting to learn more about the assassin, the last one was killed and the Police are still looking in to WHY the first assassination  took place at all.   One has to respect how fast the Secret Service reacted and how the police found the attempted assassin so quickly thanks to a witness.    The is the 2nd attempt on Trump, already Trump is milking it to gain more donations to his campaign.   The ultra liberal press and the Democrats can take part of the blame for the attempt, they have called Trump a THREAT to democracy, he is not, he just a rather good politician who makes waves when ever he speaks.  This blog has called the race for Harris, we shall see the polls in the next couple days, will this 2nd attempt on the life of the President change the neck to neck race, we shall see.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Russia started the Ukraine War - Sir Keir Starmer - Ukraine - Russia War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Russian President is sabre rattling again, he means that Russia could use tactical nuclear weapons on the Ukraine, as stated in previous post, the Kremlin will not use nuclear weapons in the Kursk Region, because that is Russia prober.   As to East Ukraine, so far from reports Russia is taking more villages in the East, thus no need to use tactical nuclear weapons, also Putin would be using them on his own troops.  The Kyiv  Government like the Russians is allowing convicts to serve, the manpower in Ukraine must be desperate.   The West should have on overview of the targets of these long range missiles, one does not want to start WW3 by accident.  

Harris has a 5% LEAD in new POLL after Debate with Trump - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Thus the VP got a poll increase due to her DEBATE win over Trump.  The former President has convinced himself that he won the debate, the former Prosecutor got under Trump's skin, it showed.   Of late there has been a general view that Harris will win the election, this blog has paused with any predictions.   This changes, so we will have the first woman, first African - American woman at that, it will be interesting to see what her Administration will do, can she win the Congress, or will people just to make sure she is not to liberal, elect a HOUSE and SENATE that is Republican.   The new Harris Administration must still support the Ukraine and Israel.  Thus we have a few weeks before the election day, Trump has stated that he wont debate the VP again, one can see why the ABC moderators acted as a arm of the Harris Campaign.   The ultra liberal media cannot be trusted.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Iran's transfer of Ballistic missiles to Russian changes the debate about West giving the Ukraine permission to use long range missiles - Ukraine - Russia War - Biden Era

Noted:  The debate last night between VP Harris and former President Trump did not go well, the VP got under his skin.  Before we declare the race over, let's see some polls, let's see if Trump took a hit or that the Harris numbers go up.   The VP defended the Biden policy on the Ukraine, while Trump just wanted to end the War and prevent WW3.  The VP was weak on Afghanistan, some of her answer were BS.  More miles to go in this race.

Lets Get Real:

It is good that the US and the UK have seen the light on this issue, the Kyiv Government needs the permission of the West NOW, CNN reports that Biden is getting pressure from his own party to grant the Kyiv request,  the Russians are gaining in East Ukraine, while the Ukraine is pushing in to the Kursk region of Russia.  The nuclear threats form Putin show that he is a paper tiger, he will not use tactical  nuclear weapons on his own people in Kursk or in East Ukraine, while he has troops there.  Trump in the debate said that the Biden-Harris Administration could lead to WW3, a Trump Administration would lead to appeasement of Putin, and then the Ukraine would be under threat, and the rest of East Europe, Poland and the Balti States.  This is good news day for the Ukraine, the WEST SHOULD hurry and give formal permission for the Ukraine to hit Russia with long range missiles.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The US could allow Ukraine to use long range missiles in Russia - Ukraine - Russia War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

One does hope foreign policy comes up in the debate tonight between Harris and Trump, it would allow the VP to show that she is tough on Russia compared to Trump and supports Israel.  One doubts that Afghanistan will come up at all, that is a weakness for the Biden - Harris Administration, so the ultra liberal media will not bring it up, expect abortion to come up a lot, it will be interesting to see how liberal ABC will be, if they were right wing, it would be a shock.  The Kyiv Government need permission to shoot long range missiles in to Russia, the Putin Regime has to be forced to talks, otherwise this war could last years, it will depend who wins in November. 

Debate Night in the US - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Noted: The Princess of Wales is free of cancer, GOD Preserve the Princess of Wales, God Save the King.  Iran is sending missiles to Russia, an escalation in the view of the US.   The UK Government won the debate, so millions of old age pensioners will no longer get Winter Payment Allowance, this could be Starmer's poll tax moment. 

Lets Get Real:

This is the night for the VP to shine she has to show that she is a tough prosecutor, and Trump is the felon.   The expected bounce from the Convention was limited or none, she is no Barack Obama or Mrs O.   The American voters want to see her in tough interview, this is not 2020 and Biden hiding in the bunker at home, the press cannot cover for her.   A NYT reporter called her CNN interview OKAY, that means not okay, she seems to brittle being on screen, ironic for a prosecutor.   The general feed from the news channels is that Harris will try to get under Trump's skin and the Trump Campaign is hoping to do Reagan funny comment as of 1980 and 1984.  It will be a late night in the UK, the debate starts at 2am in the morning.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Trump LEADS Harris by 1% in a new New York Times Poll - 2024 Candidates/General Election 2024

Lets Get Real:

The Vice President has only done 1 interview with CNN since she became the nominee after President Biden withdrew from the race, the BIG Momentum has stalled, the American voters allowed Biden to hide in his home bunker in 2020 that was due to COVID - 19.  The American voters want to see the nominee do tough interviews, also there is the debate with Trump on Wednesday.   Harris has gained the support of Vice President Cheney, Mr RIGHT WING of the Republican Party,  and also that of his daughter, she hates TRUMP.  This blog is not ready to call this race, some have, we shall see if they are right, that VP HARRIS will be the next President.

How to LOSE the UK Voters - New Labour Government - Sir Keir Starmer Era

Noted: Hunter Biden has change his NOT GUILTY plea to GUILTY in his federal tax case.  The son of the President will not spend a day in jail, his father will pardon him on the way out of the Oval Office.    Iran has given hundred of missiles to Russia, how the mighty have fallen.  Once Imperial Russia, then the USSR, needs missiles from Tehran. 

Lets Get Real:

This blog warned the voters if you are old or rich or both the Labour Government would come after you, the basic support for Labour is new Graduates and the old trade unions, such as the pay demands from young Doctors were met, while old people have lost the Winter Fuel Allowance, something that could back to haunt the Labour Government in the future.  The PM offers more pain, that will not go down well with voters.   The problem is that Sir Keir has the charisma of a dodo, he is no Tony Blair, as in the 1997.  The voters voted for Labour as they wanted competence, the old Conservative Party and Government had lost the trust of the people.   Pain better come with joy or the Labour Party will lose at the next election.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Ukraine to hold Russian seized land - President of the Ukraine - Ukraine - Russia War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The invasion of Russia by the Ukraine must hurt the Putin's pride, Russia has not been invaded since 1941, and this time the invaders have the support of the West and the West is sending them with arms and missile defences to make sure that it will cost the Russians more than that they ever thought.   It is reported in the news that Russian children are being taught about arms in schools, let hope their parents rise up against PUTIN before they become part of his cannon fodder.  The UKRIANE should allow free media in the areas that they control, report the real news to the Russian people, show them that they have been lied to by Putin's Kremlin, that Putin is a WAR CRIMINAL and is afraid to go abroad in case he is arrested.  No Western leader will want to shake his hands, with the exception of Trump.  President Putin is waiting out Biden and hoping for a Trump win in November.

Russian ATACK on Poltava, Ukraine - Ukraine - Russian War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

After the Ukraine had success in the Kursk region of Russia, the Kremlin is looking to hit back hard, they have had success in the East of Ukraine, but they wanted something that would get attention of the people of the Ukraine and the WORLD MEDIA, this attack has done so, the Russian also hit a Hospital, the Russians have no shame, well they have a WAR CRIMINAL as their leader, it is about time the Russians rose up, they did it 1917 with the first revolution and in 1991 during the COUP attempt.   They people of Russia have to faced down the Putin Regime, the evil regime will not fall otherwise, Putin is waiting out Biden and is hoping for Trump.   From her remarks, it seems that Harris would be tough on Putin, we shall see if she wins.   The West should also as it has promised send missile defence systems to the Ukraine and long range missiles that the Ukraine can use on Russia, this is a long WAR, very much like WW1. 

Monday, September 02, 2024

Israeli PM not doing enough - President Biden - Gaza - Israel War - Biden Era and seeking a legacy

BBC News - Live Blog: Reports in its 5.30pm post, " Netanyahu not doing enough but deal is 'very close' - Biden.....US President Joe Biden says he doesn't think Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is doing enough to secure a hostage deal. "

Lets Get Real:

This is the real Joe Biden, a lose cannon, who can say things that are wrong and will appeal to the American left in the Democratic Party, the same President who abandon Afghanistan at the cost of 13 lives of US Armed Forces personnel.  As thig blog has said before, when he was Senator or Vice - President people allowed him to speak but could ignore him, once he become President, his word was final, he never wanted to go after OBL in Afghanistan, but President Obama gave the go order.  The Israeli lobby will use these words against Harris, of course can she distance herself from him.  It is never good when a American President has more interest in appeasing HAMAS than helping Israel.  Israel has no choice, the security of Israel comes first, let's recall that it is Hamas holding and killing the hostages. 

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Israel at WAR with itself over Gaza - Gaza - Israel War - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

It is not the job of a Union to have its own foreign policy, this recalls the bad days of the 1970s in the UK.   One can understand the passion in wanting the hostages back, but not at  any cost, the Israeli IDF has to keep forces in Gaza or another 7th of October 2023 could happen.  The feelings of the protesters who have many family members of the hostages has to be respected, but the Israeli State cannot lose this war to HAMAS, they are terrorists and use hostages as blackmail. The West, in this case the US and the left have to understand, that you can and should not deal with terrorists or rogue nations.  This will sound harsh, but it is the reality of the facts on the ground. Israel needs to rebuild its security, to avoid more threats from Iran.

Where VP Harris stands on the issues - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The VP is a firm supporter of the Ukraine, has stated recently that Hamas should have no role in Gaza, the statement was tougher than the Biden Statement so far on Gaza.   On the American domestic side, she is supports abortion and is for tougher gun laws.   The problem is that she ran as a ULTRA LIBERAL in 2019/20, thus she has had to ditch some of her most liberal policies, such as the banning of fracking as that could cause her to lose in a Swing State.  The first interview by Harris was described as okay by a New York reporter on CNN, in other words they liberal media wont harp on the fact that she does not give interviews, her campaign do not trust her to be out by herself in a press conference.  It can be argued that she will have to give a major press conference sometime,  this is not 2020, and Biden hiding in his Bunker and the press giving him a free ride, they hated Trump so much, the still do.   The Debate with Trump is coming, that should be interesting, as a former Prosecutor Harris should walk all over him.  The VP cannot be worse that the Trump/Biden Debate, that cost Biden a 2nd term.