Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Harris LEADS Trump by 1% in NEW POLL - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

It is troubling to this BLOG that Harris seems unbale to get past that 50% mark in most polls after her successful debate with Trump, the uber left wing Media go about it all the time, they make sound like Kennedy and Regan.   The VP is not that, it does not matter how many times to hype her, if the voters are not buying that PR, the press should dropped it.  Trump is his own worse enemy, going on about mass deportations and breaking up families does not help, there are many legal aliens  in the US, and they are part of the working class, some jobs Americans will not do, as in the UK.  As Reagan once said if there must be walls, there should be a doors.  The Gipper was the Governor of California for two terms, a border State.  The race is going to be close in the States, lets hope the Harris Campaign spends its money wisely.

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