Fox News: Reports that General Petraeus has stated that Pakistan has two weeks to survive. The Government in Islamabad has finally gotten off the dime and is attacking the Taliban in the Buner, Dir Districts of Pakistan. The questions is are we in the Vietnam syndrome, the Army of Pakistan is reporting that they are winning against the Taliban/Terrorists, but are they just counting body bags, it does not matter how many Taliban/Terrorists you kill if they have hundred of thousands of recruits in the Swat Valley and in Afghanistan. It can be argued that the real weak spot for Western Security is not Afghanistan but Pakistan, the Swat Valley is an excellent safe heaven for the Taliban/Terrorists. Also they have the supply of emerald mines, they gain support by giving money to the poor. Pakistan just might be on the cliff folks.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Telegraph: Reports on the finish of combat operations for the British in Iraq. A war started by Tony Blair, that lead to his forced early retirement from No 10 and the deaths of 179 UK Armed Forces Personnel, that showed that the UK can not fight two Wars at the same time, Iraq and Afghanistan just took to much from our forces. Our brave Armed Forces personnel deserve our respect and support. They have always fought for Queen and Country with the highest determination to serve all our security. Thus those that have fought and paid the ultimate price shall always be in our thoughts.
On the political and strategic front there are questions, after our Armed Forces Personnel come back we should have an Independent Committee of Parliament investigate the background of the War; those on the political side under oath should be asked if there was another way and and they should detail all the meeting and deals about the War, also the strategy, after the War finished we didn't keep enough troops in theatre.
The 100 Day Presidential Press Conference
Here are some interesting comments by Obama on Chrysler and Waterboarding and Pakistan and its nuclear weapons. The President was asked about preventing the bankruptcy of Chrysler and GM, the President stated he following, " Let me speak to Chrysler first because the clock is ticking on Chrysler coming up with a plan. I am actually very hopeful, more hopeful than I was 30 days ago, that we can see a resolution that maintains a viable Chrysler auto company out there. What we've seen is the unions have made enormous sacrifices, on top of sacrifices that they had previously made. You've now seen the major debt holders come up with a set of potential concessions that they can live with. All that promises the possibility that you can get a Fiat-Chrysler merger and that you have an ongoing concern. The details have not yet been finalized so I don't want to jump the gun, but I'm feeling more optimistic than I was about the possibilities of that getting done.......The last point -- you asked about Chrysler bankruptcy. It was the prudent and appropriate thing for Chrysler to do to engage in the filings that they -- that received some notice a while back, because they had to prepare for possible contingencies. It's not yet clear that they're going to have to use it. The fact that the major debt holders appear ready to make concessions means that even if they ended up having to go through some sort of bankruptcy, it would be a very quick type of bankruptcy and they could continue operating and emerge on the other side in a much stronger position." Thus it will be interesting to ask when did the President know that the deal had failed. Was the President blowing smoke in the eyes of the reporters. Also what was interesting was the answer to the torture debate and if he had read the memos that argued that the torture had prevented attacks on the USA. The President stated the following, "I have read the documents. Now, they haven't been officially declassified and released, and so I don't want to go into the details of them. But here's what I can tell you -- that the public reports and the public justifications for these techniques -- which is that we got information from these individuals that were subjected to these techniques -- doesn't answer the core question, which is: Could we have gotten that same information without resorting to these techniques? And it doesn't answer the broader question: Are we safer as a consequence of having used these techniques? So when I made the decision to release these memos and when I made the decision to bar these practices, this was based on consultation with my entire national security team, and based on my understanding that ultimately I will be judged as Commander-in-Chief on how safe I'm keeping the American people. That's the responsibility I wake up with and it's the responsibility I go to sleep with. And so I will do whatever is required to keep the American people safe, but I am absolutely convinced that the best way I can do that is to make sure that we are not taking shortcuts that undermine who we are. And there have been no circumstances during the course of this first hundred days in which I have seen information that would make me second-guess the decision that I've made. " What was interesting, not what the President said but how he stated in views, his eyes did not look at the reporter, almost to the basement of the White House. This tells this blogger and that Obama had read these memos that state that torture has worked and it freaked him out. Obama's last comment is interesting, it gives him wiggle room if he has a 24 moment, in the future Obama might have to use these tough interrogation methods if events change, to quote and old UK PM when asked what could go wrong by a young minister, events, events was the reply. Thus Obama might find he does not have a choice, having a choice is a luxury, when a major City under a threat from a dirty bomb and your lucky to have a day you do what has to be done, otherwise you get impeached and have to share the stage with another weak President, Jimmy Carter. The President stated the following on Pakistan, " I'm confident that we can make sure that Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is secure -- primarily, initially, because the Pakistani army I think recognizes the hazards of those weapons falling into the wrong hands. We've got strong military to military consultation and cooperation. I am gravely concerned about the situation in Pakistan not because I think that they're immediately going to be overrun and the Taliban would take over in Pakistan; more concerned that the civilian government there right now is very fragile and don't seem to have the capacity to deliver basic services -- schools, health care, rule of law, a judicial system that works for the majority of people. And so as a consequence it is very difficult for them to gain the support and the loyalty of their people. So we need to help Pakistan help Pakistanis. And I think that there's a recognition increasingly on the part of both the civilian government there and the army that that is their biggest weakness. On the military side you're starting to see some recognition just in the last few days, that the obsession with India as the mortal threat to Pakistan has been misguided, and that their biggest threat right now comes internally. And you're starting to see the Pakistan military take much more seriously the armed threat from militant extremists. We want to continue to encourage Pakistan to move in that direction. And we will provide them all the cooperation that we can. We want to respect their sovereignty, but we also recognize that we have huge strategic interests, huge national security interests in making sure that Pakistan is stable and that you don't end up having a nuclear armed militant state. " These last comments by Obama could be argued show that Obama is thinking outside the box, but correctly, it could be that the USA will have to send troops in to Pakistan, in the Tribal badlands on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan and also to the Capital of Islamabad to protect the nuclear weapons of Pakistan. I will state again, Obama is the new LBJ and Afghanistan and Pakistan is the new Vietnam.
Threat of Fresh Attacks on Obama Surge in Afghanistan by the Taliban
Fox News: Reports on the threat by the Taliban to attack the Obama surge in Afghanistan. One has to ask is this a bluff, why attack Western Troops in Afghanistan, the Obama surge and the increase of Western Troops would cost the Taliban more than the Western Forces. It has been argued that Taliban will divert their attention from Afghanistan to Pakistan. The safe heaven in the Swat Valley is a perfect base to attack both Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan with its deal with the Taliban has shown that it can be pushed about, the Taliban broke their agreement with the Government in Islamabad by going in to the lower Dir District and Buner District of Pakistan. The appeasement of the Government of Pakistan has shown that it is weak, the USA and UK have made it plain that the West is looking at a failed state in Pakistan. Thus Taliban might be cowardly murders and thugs but they are not stupid. One can postulate that the heavy attack will be in Pakistan, the Taliban/Terrorists don't win if they fight Western Forces in the open. Thus one can argue that they the will transfer the terrorists polices from Iraq to Pakistan. Lets hope the CIA and Special Forces have the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan under eye and control. Also in the worse case outlook lets hope the US Air Force is ready to strike these missiles. Read of the Day.
Chrysler OUT
BBC News: Reports that Chrysler the Car Manufacture is going belly up. The point of Western Capitalism is that business can make money but also go bust. The idea that Obama Administration should devise a parachute for Chrysler was a mistake from the start, the UK did the same for the UK car manufacturing industry in the 70s, it was a disaster, it cost to much and the tax payer never got his money back, as the Gipper said in an interview; if a business does not work, he was talking about those that built the horse drawn carriage in the late 19th and 20th Century, the invention of the Car of put these workers out of work; then the workers have find new employment, Go West Young Man was a common advice to those that seeking new employment. In the UK it was get on your bike make and look for work. The Government has no business being in business, lets hope Obama has learnt his lesson, have my doubts, Intellectual Arrogance take some to see reality.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Obama's 100 Days

Courtesy of the White House: President Obama
The Hill: Dick Morris former Political Advisor to Bill Clinton has a look at the Obama ratings after the first one hundred days. The main advice to the President, Poll ratings that high can go down. Thus after one hundred days what is the score card for President Obama, lets start with the good news, the apology tour has gone down well with the American Left. The take over of the banks and the motor industry also goes down well. The USA has entered the same land as the UK in the 1970s when it was the sick man of Europe. Lets see how long those high ratings last. Now lets go to Foreign Policy, the apology tour has not gone down well with Republicans and Conservative Moderates. The President seems to think that nothing in American Foreign Policy matters before he was born. I guess World War 1, the Russian Revolution, World War 2, Cold War does not get on his radar as they happened before he was born. The Presidents needs to say sorry for everything and not to stress what the USA has achieved over the years is somewhat depressing. On Intelligence matters the President has done worse, he has sold out the CIA to get some good press in the Liberal New York Times. It seems that his individual conscience matters more than the security of the United States. Thus lets move on to his active Foreign Policy mistakes, the big one is Afghanistan, the President has sent an extra twenty one thousand troops to the graveyard of Empires. The President should have send the troops to Pakistan. The threat to Western Security is Pakistan, if the Taliban take Pakistan and their nuclear weapons, its a all new ball game. Also the failure to act over North Kora and Iran has shown that Obama is weak. These two countries will be a major threat over the years. Thus it can be argued that Obama has allowed the USA to be liked at the cost of her National Security.
Gordon Gekko is BACK Reports that Gordon Gekko is back, the great villain from Wall Street is back for a sequel. I wanted to be Gekko when a I grew up, " Greed is Good " what a mantra, it was the Reagan/Thatcher Years, money was the new religion and banks the new Temples. I don't think Gekko was meant to be anti hero but he become heroic, he wanted to make money with his smarts and other peoples smarts, what wrong with that!! Sorry was having a flashback to the 80s, will be interesting to see the Gekko at work, okay show him a bit bowed by the International Economy in toilet but never out. Gekko would survive the ice age and try to sell you ice for your tea, it would be tempting.
Say Sorry UN - North Korea
Fox News: Reports that the Stalinist North Korea has demand a sorry from the UN for its mild rebuke or else the Nuclear or Missile testes. This shows how loony North Korea is, but one can see US Liberals arguing for a apology, they are the modern appeasers, in the 1930s it was lead by Neville Chamberlain, the question is will Obama find a way to say sorry, he seems to say sorry for everything else about US Foreign Policy. Lets hope Obama shows some backbone, and is more Reagan and not Jimmy Carter. The present problems in North Korea come from the interference of Jimmy Carter just after Bill Clinton took office. The then young President, was steamrolled by Carter to accepting a a very bad deal with North Korea, of course North Korea broke the deal even before the ink was dry.
Retaken Buner - Pakistan Army
The New York Times: Reports that the Army of Pakistan has stated that they have retaken the Buner District of Pakistan. This is good news, but did the Taliban/Terrorists really fight or just hide their weapons. How many Taliban/Terrorists are in body bags, how many deaths compared to the level of Taliban/Terrorists in the District. Have the Taliban been defeated or have they just left to hide out back n Swat or have they faded back in to the general population. How long can the Army of Pakistan keep control, that was the problem in Iraq, the US won then they left and the Terrorists came back, it took the Bush surge to defeat the terrorists. Lets see about Buner, want more details, want reporters to dig deep, what more on the ground evidence.
The New Threats from North Korea, Nuclear and Missile Tests
The New York Times: Reports on the latest threats from North Korea, the Stalinist North Korea has stated it will carry out a nuclear and missile test if sanctions are not removed. The problem with dealing with a loony regime is this tedious bit, the Obama Administration needs to strike a deal and quick with the bonkers leadership in North Korea, if Obama cant get their nuclear bombs and missiles off the table, Japan will go nuclear. The security of Japan and South Korea are on the table, they have security deals with the USA but looking from South Korea and Japan the better option would be to have the bomb themselves. This would be a nuclear deterrence to North Korea. The problem for Obama is what does North Korea want, Bush and Obama have given North Korea good deals but they have been rejected by North Korea. This will be a tedious long term talks with North Korea, they will play games, go half way and the go back, they get attention from the World because they are part of the nuclear club, would you give up that security. The problem for Obama is that Iran is looking and learning how to play Obama.
UK - 700 Soldiers to Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports that seven hundred new soldiers are being sent to Afghanistan to help out with this year's Presidential Election. The mini increase will mean that the UK has nine thousand troops in theatre. This development is meant to be temporary, but one has to postulate it is easy to send the troops in but getting them out when your in a fire fight will not be easy. The security of the Poll will be tough, the Taliban/Terrorists will try to destroy the process, they will be helped by the fact that they have a safe heaven in the Swat Valley in Pakistan. While the West is increasing troops in Afghanistan the Government of Pakistan has to take on the Taliban, they have to go in mob handed. Other wise the West will have to send troops in to the Swat Valley and the Buner District of Pakistan to remove the threat to Western troops in Afghanistan and to protect the secular Government of Pakistan.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
MOD on Deaths in Afghanistan
MOD: Has a breakdown on the death toll in Afghanistan, of those 153 deaths of UK Personnel in Afghanistan, 124 have been killed in combat, while the other 29 deaths are due to accidents or illness or other indicants. The latest death today is the first since March 15 2009. It can be postulated that with the safe heavens in Pakistan our troops will have heavy fighting this year, thus the reason the US has sent another twenty one thousand troops to Afghanistan. Also we have the Presidential Election in August, the UK has sent another nine hundred troops to cover this election and allow the people of Afghanistan to vote in a free and fair election. This war will be long and bloody and no one has show me an EXIT route out of Kabul.
Grasping for Re - Election, Senator Arlen Specter
The New York Times: Reports on the defection of Senator Arlen Spector from Pennsylvania, from the Republican Party to the Democrats. As it should be noted Senator Joe Lieberman moved from the Democrats and ran as an Independent when he could not get the Democratic Nomination in his state due to his support for the Iraq War. Thus on a pure political matter it could be wise tactical move, it gives Obama the House and the Senate.
Total Control of the Senate for Obama
The Washington Post: Reports that President Obama has gained a major victory in the US Senate, a Republican Senator has changed sides and joined the Democrats. This gives the Democrats a Filibuster proof majority. Thus the Obama Administration has total control of the Congress, the House and Senate. Thus Obama owns the body politic, he cant blame the Republicans if things go wrong, with power comes great responsibility. Thus till the Mid - Term Congressional Elections in 2010 its the Obama Agenda for the USA.
Death in Afghanistan
Sky News: Reports on the death of another British Soldier in Afghanistan. The total of UK dead now stands at 153. This will not be the last death, the Taliban/Terrorists have the Swat Valley in Pakistan as a Safe heaven for terrorists, the terrorists can plan attacks, cross the Afghan border, carry out an attacks and then get back to safety of Pakistan. This brings back the lesson of the Vietnam War, the USA could not win in South Vietnam while support came from North Vietnam. Thus Obama is the new LBJ, and Afghanistan is the new Vietnam. The USA if it wants to win in Afghanistan will have to send ground troops in to Pakistan. Its that simple and brutal folks, if no US ground troops in to Pakistan then this war is lost, brutal but the truth.
Refuges from fight between Taliban and the Army of Pakistan
Telegraph: Reports that there are thirty thousand refuges from the fighting between the Taliban and the Army of Pakistan in Dir District of Pakistan. It is good that the Government of Pakistan is taking action in Buner District and Dir District but lets hope they are not going in heavy handed. Its a matter of winning the heart of minds of the locals, not of blowing up innocent people. As has been reported the Army of Pakistan has been trained to fight India in a convention war, they have not been trained to fight terrorists, who can fade in to the background. President Obama and UK PM has placed pressure on Pakistan to get moving, to take out the Taliban/Terrorists, but its the UK and the USA with its combat experience in Northern Ireland and Iraq that would be best placed to fight the Taliban in Pakistan. The question is does Obama and Brown have the backbone to send Western troops in to the Swat Valley, Buner and Dir District. If the Army of Pakistan cant push the Taliban out of Pakistan it will hurt the authority of the Government of Pakistan. At the end of the day, the USA and the UK must secure the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan, if need be they might have to send in troops to Islamabad.
Buner Air Strikes - Taliban vs Pakistan Government
BBC News: Reports on Air Strikes in the Buner District of Pakistan; 60-70 miles from the Capital of Pakistan, the Air Force of Pakistan is hitting the Taliban/Terrorists. Its seems that the Government in Pakistan has got the message from the Obama Administration and UK PM Gordon Brown, they have to get off the dime and hit the Taliban. The worrying aspect of this report is the fact that it was reported that the Taliban/Terrorists had left Buner under pressure from the Islamabad, in fact reporters recorded the event of the retreat. The truth was more complicated, the Taliban from the Swat Valley had left but local Taliban had stayed behind. One has to ask how many Taliban are in Buner, it seems by the use of Air Power that its more than a few hundred. The CIA should send their drones to have a look, this might be more serious that just an incursion, also the CIA should check about the security of the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan. Watch Buner folks, developing story.
Monday, April 27, 2009
What if Jailed Reporter Dies in Iran ?
Telegraph: Reports on the worsening medial condition of Roxana Saberi the jailed Iranian-American reporter. It is reported that due to her hunger strike she has grown very weak. This is a test for the Obama Administration, if the reporter dies any talks with Iran are off the table. The Obama Administration has two fronts to deal with, the PR and the policy, if an American Reporter dies in Iran while in custody the elite media will not give the Obama Administration any slack, a very simple reason they could be next if they get sent to Iran. On policy the Republicans and Conservatives will be all over Obama, the President should recall that it was Foreign Policy that bought down Jimmy Carter and not the economy. The release of the torture memos and the confusing signals over the Obama policy has made the President look weak, with reporters held in North Korea and Iran, the movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, the missile launch by North Korea, the threat of a nuclear armed Iran and the latest swine flue news Obama has a lot on his plate. If a Ms Saberi was to die in Iran, it would make any talks with Iran out of the question, Obama cant be seen to award the death of an American Journalist. Thus the Obama Administration needs to work back channels to get the reporter out of Iran, it is time for moderate conservative in Iran to show if they really want a better relationship with the USA. Thus the USA should place pressure on Iran to release the reporter or face isolation and the threat from Israel.
Jimmy Carter,
Obama Administration
Diplomatic Snub from Pakistan President to UK PM Brown
The Times: Reports on the diplomatic snub to UK PM Gordon Brown by the President of Pakistan. The President cancelled a joint news conference with Mr Brown. Mr Brown should have been more diplomatic about the terrorism that the UK and Pakistan face from the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Government of President Zardari is weak, the appeasement of the Taliban/Terrorists in the Swat Valley and the move by the Taliban in other parts of Pakistan show that the hold on power by Islamabad is weak. The USA forced the the Army of Pakistan to take action against the Taliban, the fact that the Taliban got within sixty miles of Islamabad was a threat to Pakistan and Western Security. Thus Obama Administration might have to send troops in to the Swat Valley to remove the Taliban/Terrorists.
Safeguarding Iraq
The New York Times: Reports on the exceptions to the agreement between the USA and Iraq to have US troops out of Iraqi cities by the end of June. This is a wise move by the USA and the Iraqi government, the terrorists want to gain prestige with the impression that they have thrown the USA out of Iraq. The USA is in Iraq in till 2011, thus keeping troops as a rapid reaction force is a good idea, the closer the USA gets to the 2011 deadline the more attacks there will be, its up to the Iraqi government to crush the last groups of terrorists. The economic recession/depression, Iran threat, North Korea threat, the threat to the pro USA Government of Lebanon, the War in Afghanistan and the threat from the Taliban in Pakistan and the medical scare of swine flue means that the US might need its troops in other operational theatres. Thus to quote JFK when he was talking about South Vietnam, it up to the Iraq to stand up, if it wants a semi Democracy this is its chance, the West has won the freedom for the people of Iraq, it up to to the people of Iraq to keep the peace.
Obama Administration,
Vietnam Lessons
UK PM Brown in Afghanistan and Pakistan
BBC News: Reports on the visit of the UK PM Gordon Brown to Afghanistan and Pakistan. The PM linked the chain of terrorism from the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan to the UK. The UK PM has annoyed the President of Pakistan, with his comments that that Pakistan was the start of the chain of terrorism all the way to the UK. The comments it can be argued did not really help on the Diplomatic front, Brown should leave the critical comments to the USA. The PM should have stressed more the culture links, also the ideal of Democracy that both the UK and Pakistan share. Then stressed that both the UK and Pakistan are fighting a common enemy. This is why we leave diplomacy to the Foreign Office.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
USA threat to Pakistan
The Sunday Times: Reports that the USA threatened to take military action in the Swat Valley in Pakistan if the Army of Pakistan didn't push the Taliban back from the Capital. The Obama Administration really needs to push the Government in Islamabad, the Government of Pakistan is weak and it has appeased the Taliban/Terrorists so much that it is seen as weak by the Taliban, thus the move by the Taliban to other parts of Pakistan. The moving of the Taliban to within sixty miles of Islamabad has shown that the USA has to consider moving troops in the tribal badlands on the Pakistan side of the border, also the USA should use Air Power with land support from the Army of Pakistan to repel the Taliban from the Swat Valley. Pakistan could be the Obama's Vietnam, and Obama could be LBJ.
Nuclear Missiles Safe - Pakistan
CNN News: Reports that the Military in Pakistan have stated that the nuclear missiles of Pakistan are in safe hands. The Taliban/Terrorists recall the Old Communists of the Soviet Union during World War One, they surrender land but are not beaten. The Taliban/Terrorists have to be destroyed, they are a cancer on the body politic of Pakistan. The Taliban are a cancer, deep rooted that requires surgery or radiation but with one aim, its destruction. Thus the Taliban have to be destroyed, there supporters have to be jailed or killed, their ideology has to be thrown on the ash heap of history like the communism of the Soviet Union. They Taliban are a major threat to World Security, think the European Dark Ages and you get the idea. Thus the USA will have to take action if the Army of Pakistan is to weak to use the scalpel.
Lebanon another problem for Obama ?
Fox News: Reports that the Pro US Government in Lebanon could lose at the next election, the winners would be Iran and Syria. This is the last thing Obama needs, if Iran and Syria cause havoc in Lebanon this could drag in the Israel again, another attack on Lebanon by Israel is the last thing either Obama or Israel needs. Thus lets hope the CIA is spreading the money around to make sure the pro US Government wins. Also that the CIA has not become cautious due to the release of the torture memos, that was the effect after the Congressional Investigations of the 1970s. If Iran and Syria gain more influence in Lebanon this could complicate any talks between the USA and Iran over its nuclear plans. Iran could offer a deal from Lebanon to Iraq, they keep their nose out while USA agrees to Iran becoming a nuclear armed power. The problems is Israel, if Iran goes nuclear, Israel will hit Iran with air power. Also Iran could let the dogs of the lease, Israel could be hit by missile strikes from Lebanon, just to show what they could face if Israel hits Iran. So many powder kegs for Obama to keep an eye on, and he has undercut himself the CIA with the release of the torture memos. Lets hope the CIA stands firm and prevents a pro Iranian and Syrian Government.
Pakistan moves to combat the Taliban/Terrorists
The New York Times: Reports that the Army of Pakistan is taking on the Taliban. The Government of Pakistan has to move the Taliban/Terrorists out of the Swat Valley, it was a mistake by Government in Islamabad to try to appease the terrorists. Neville Chamberlain in 1938 tried to appease Hitler at Munich, and what did we get World War Two. The Taliban as stated by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is a mortal threat to Pakistan and the USA. Thus what do you do with a cancer, you destroy it and get remission. In remission in the case of Pakistan you can build by the civic structure of the Tribal badlands. create schools for both genders, hospitals, some economic development, give the poor people some hope. The success of the Taliban on one level is economic, as the UK Telegraph reported it took over the emerald mines of the Swat Valley and shared the profits with the workers. The US can not allow a nuclear armed Pakistan to fall in to the hands of the Taliban, the USA would have to take military action to remove the missiles and repel the Taliban if they became a major threat to the Government in Islamabad. Read of the Day.
The Hunger Strike Reporter and the Obama Administration
BBC News: Reports on the hunger strike by US - American-Iranian reporter Roxana Saberi. This case has the potential to torpedo any talks between the USA and Iran. If the reporter, Ms Saberi was to die while in the custody of Iran this would prevent any talks between Iran and the USA. One has to ask why, why the arrest and why the holding. Lets be really cynical, there are factions in the Iranian government, there are religious conservatives, conservatives and moderate conservative and just moderates. The last moderates it can be argued represent those born after the the revolution in Iran in 1979, we hear all the time that we should just give these moderates time to gain power, sorry the clock is up on that, lets go to the Conservatives, we have the religious leader of Iran who has stated that Iran will talk to the USA when its breaks its alliance with Israel, thus that avenue for talks is non starter. Thus we come to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, he has called Israel a racist country and wants to wipe it from the face of the earth, thus again another non starter. The Moderate Conservatives want the same thing as Ahmadinejad but want better PR in the West. These wont win, the religious conservatives are behind Ahmadinejad, if the Iran gets better relationship with the West they are under threat, more travel and thus more freedom, the regime begins to crack, ask USSR what happens when you have better relationship with the West. Thus the Obama Administration will have to deal with Iran in a military manner sooner or later, other wise Israel will take action, then you will see a Middle East War.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Afghanistan and Pakistan NOW
Telegraph: Reports that al-Qaeda could have a safe heaven in the Swat Valley in Pakistan. If al - Qaeda can develop bases in Pakistan proper then the War in Afghanistan gets ten times worse. As the Telegraph states the terrorists would have access to modern travel and communication, at least before the terrorists had to hide in deep caves. Thus the minutes, hours, days developments in Pakistan should be a constant concern for the Obama White House. What if the Army supports the Taliban, what if the Taliban/Terrorists get hold of nuclear weapons. Iraq defined Bush 43, Pakistan will define Obama Presidency. All the options are bad, lets hope Obama can find the less bad option, so far Obama does not fill one with confidence.
Taliban repel Troops in Buner District
Guardian: Reports that the Taliban have repelled a Force sent by the Government of Pakistan to push the Taliban back from Buner. This shows that the military forces of Pakistan are weak, Pakistan is a failed state. The Obama Administration might have to think outside the box, all the experts say that the USA cant place troops in Pakistan. The question should be asked, what happens to Pakistan and Western Security should the Taliban/Terrorists take over Pakistan and their nuclear weapons. Thus expect the USA to place troops in Pakistan, if Obama does not act he might find he is like Jimmy Carter, Carter waited to long and he was bought down by Iran.
North Korean Hardball for Obama
BBC News: Reports that two US Reports kidnapped by North Korea from the border between China and North Korea will be placed on Trial. This is North Korea playing hardball with Obama, the Times of London reports that experts believe that North Korea can place a nuclear warhead on a missile, this makes North Korea part of the nuclear club. Thus Obama will have to have direct talks with North Korea to get his two reports back, he does not want to be another Jimmy Carter with hostages in the news every day. The USA cant attack North Korea now that its a nuclear power. The Obama Administration will have to make sure that North Korea does not sell its technical developments to Iran.
North Korea part of the Nuclear Club
The Times: Reports that experts believe that North Korea can place a nuclear warhead on a missile an launch it against the South and Japan. This is a game changer folks, Japan will now go nuclear, Japan will not allow a threat from North Korea. Thus expect both South Korea and Japan to go nuclear, the Obama Administration is up a creek, it will have to pander to North Korea, that will not be new Obama of late. It will be interesting to see what they want, end of sanctions, a defence deal, Obama will have to eat crow. The fact that North Korea is a nuclear armed power will show his words mean nothing, Iran will go nuclear, Obama is a political windbag but worse he is the new Neville Chamberlain.
Another Abu Ghraib ? - Detainees Pics held by the USA to be released - US Defence Department
Fox News: Reports that another damaging episode from the Bush Era is about to be released, detainees pictures that resemble those from Abu Ghraib. These cover those held by the USA in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Liberal left might have missed the fact but their President, Barack Obama is fighting a War in Afghanistan, in fact so is the UK. This is not a call for censorship but prudence, the terrible treatment of prisoners in the Iraqi prison of Abu Ghraib had a terrible effect on the image of the USA. The USA is leaving Iraq by 2011 in less the Obama Administration gets a new agreement to develop a base there for future operations against Iran. The War in Afghanistan is on going, Obama has sent another twenty one thousand troops to Afghanistan, the UK is sending another nine hundred. What is going to be the effect of these terrible pics, one can postulate that the 24/7 news channels will run them in a loop. These pics should have been withheld till after the War in Afghanistan. Those that committed any crimes in the pics should be punished straight away but the pics themselves should be withheld as a matter of state.
Split in Congressional Leadership and White House over Torture Investigation
The New York Times: Reports on a split between the Democratic Congressional Leadership and the the White House. President Obama and the Democratic Senate Majority leader oppose a special panel to investigate the Bush 43 and his Tough Interrogation methods, while the Liberal Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi wants an investigation. It seems some political reality had reached the White House, it could be that old political hands recall the Church Senate Investigation of the CIA in the mid 70s, recall it didn't end well on the whole, the CIA was neutered by the the Investigation and the Carter Administration that felt you didn't need spies and could get all your information from the spy satellites. Thus the Invasion of Afghanistan by the USSR and the revolution in Iran and the hostages that bought down Jimmy Carter. Also the torture row has taken a new twist it seems that due to the reforms from the Church Investigation; Congress Leaders had to be informed of CIA action; that the then Democratic Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi as reported by the Politico was informed of such torture methods. Thus the call by Nancy Pelosi might be more to do with protecting her political backside that caring about the issue. The Republicans should push for a fair investigation as like the 9/11 investigation, and all branches of government should be investigated, the Executive and Congress.
Get off the Dime and Act, USA to Pakistan
BBC News: Reports that the US Defence Secretary Robert Gates has called on the Government of Pakistan to take action against the Taliban/Terrorists threat to Pakistan. The reaction of the military of Pakistan will decide if the USA has to take action in Pakistan, if the military cant or wont deal with the threat then the USA will have to take action. The badlands of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan has become a open wound for Pakistan, the USA should plan to move troops in to the Swat Valley, they policy should be be dual, on the one side a large military presence to destroy the Taliban/Terrorists but also an economic plan for the poor areas of Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan has to win the hearts of its own people, it needs to create an economy that's allows the poor to feel they have the chance to move up the social ladder. The Taliban/Terrorists are gaining supporters from those that are on the bottom of the social spectrum. Thus the Obama Administration needs a dual policy before they lose Pakistan to the Taliban and really have a bad day.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
VP, NSA, Attorney General and the Director of the CIA approved torture - Bush Administration
CNN News: Reports that Vice President Cheney, National Security Advisor Condi Rice, the Attorney General John Ashcroft and the Director of the CIA, George Tenet approved the use of harsh interrogation methods, in other words torture. The release of the torture memos was a big mistake by Obama, there is and old welsh saying, let sleeping lie, Obama is the last person who should want investigation of the past, he links with a domestic terrorist and his attendance at a Church with a racist preacher makes him the last person to have opened this can of works. No Drama Obama has become NO Class Obama. The old hands of the Democratic Party should remind this young President he can only serve one or two terms as President. If he wants the Republicans to make his life miserable forever after his leaves the office he is going down the right path. The Republicans should state that if he does not close this down NOW, the moment he is out of office, the next Republican Administration go through all his memos. How will President Obama explain that he has given the okay for the CIA to blow up the houses of terrorists with their families still inside. Did Obama ask the CIA to read the terrorists their rights before he killed Innocent family members. In other words the secular second coming should be remind what comes around, look what happened after Iran - Contra, the Republicans went after Bill Clinton because the Democrats had not shown style when dealing with the President Reagan. Thus some old hands in the beltway should get to Obama and remind him that the Republicans will be back in power one day and if he does not want to spend the rest of his post Presidential years giving affidavits in Court Rooms he should shut this Liberal partisan hunt down now for his political benefit and for the security of the USA.
Condi Rice Authorized Waterboarding
Fox News: Reports that Condi Rice the National Security Advisor in the first Bush Term gave the nod for the CIA to use waterboarding. Ms Rice become the Secretary of State in the second Bush Term. This brings the torture allegations in to the Oval Office, one can postulate that Rice would have mentioned the request to the President. As stated I approve of Waterboarding from 1 to forever if prevents terrorists attacks, its does make one feel odd to support torture, lets be honest about this, that's what we are talking about, but my opinions are best described as pre - 9/11 and after. I recall watching TV that afternoon UK time, I saw an individual in one of the towers, he was trying to get attention by using white paper or handkerchief to get attention, there was fire on the floor, later I saw people jump from the towers. Those images stuck with me for months, in the end I could no longer look at them, one such a tragic day but also if you watch something enough its losses its feeling. Thus avoided looking at footage of 9/11 but I learnt the lessons. Terrorists are no common criminals, they don't deserve their rights to be read to them, you catch them, you get the information out of them by what ever means and then you shoot them or throw them in to a hell hole. That simple folks.
The Situation in Pakistan and Western Security
BBC News: Reports on the remarks of Hillary Clinton the US Secretary of State, Mrs Clinton has stated that the situation in Pakistan is a threat to the national security of the USA. As stated before in this blog, the Obama Administration has to consider if it should send in troops to protect Pakistan from the Taliban/Terrorist threat. The appeasement of the Taliban/Terrorists has allowed them to get within sixty miles of the Capital of Pakistan. The take over the Swat Valley has allowed the Taliban/Terrorists to show their power but also get money, the UK Telegraph reported that the Taliban/Terrorists have taken over the emerald mines in the area. Thus they get money but also they give money to the poor of Pakistan. The class war policy has also worked in the Punjab, one of most populated provinces in Pakistan. Thus the Government of Pakistan has lost the Swat Valley to the Taliban/Terrorists, in fact the President had to agree to demands from the Taliban that Islamic Law run their region, the Punjab has a growing Taliban/Terrorists influence, the New York Times reports today that Taliban/Terrorists have taken over the District of Buner, between 70 (NYT ) -60 ( CNN ) miles form the Capital of Pakistan, Islamabad. The next few weeks could be crucial for the secular Government of Pakistan, if they follow an appeasement policy they will be out of power. Thus the Obama Administration has to think outside the box, Pakistan is a nuclear armed power, how will India react to a Taliban/Terrorist Government across the border. They might consider a nuclear first strike just to make sure the terrorists don't take the chance to hit them first. Thus expect if the Obama Administration thinks that the Taliban/Terrorists will take over Pakistan, they will send in a strike force to take out the nuclear weapons and to repel this threat.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Political Polls, Reagan and Obama
The New York Times: Looks at the Poll standings of Reagan and Obama and how they compare. Reagan had to face an economic downturn that was quite sever but came back to win 49 States in 1984. Reagan left office with a Gallup Job Approval of 63% and his VP, Bush 41 become President. Bill Clinton had a Gallup Job Approval of 66% but his VP, Al Gore lost to Bush 43. It can be postulated that Clinton would have been happy to equal Reagan if his VP had won the Presidency. Thus the elite media is treating Obama like the secular second coming so far, but there will come a time when Obama will face what Reagan faced in 1983 when his ratings had hit a rock bottom of 35%. That is when Reagan showed leadership, he didn't change policies, he showed leadership and great political skill and he came back a winner in 1984. Thus the question can Obama cope without being loved, that is the tough question. What if Afghanistan goes down the toilet or Israel hits Iran, the left will not be with him then, thus we will see if Obama is a great politician or a political windbag. Read of the Day.
CIA - Torture worked on Terrorists Reports that the CIA has confirmed that torture worked on terrorists held by the USA and prevented further attacks. This is a fight Obama cant win, with his terrorist friend from his Chicago days, his smiles with the President of Venezuela, his desperate attempts to talk to Iran and his foolish policy in Afghanistan, Obama should learn not to pander to the left. It make him popular for the day and then the Republicans,Conservatives and moderates will argue that Obama has turned in to Jimmy Carter. Lets recall Jimmy Carter started out in the same way in some respects, giving up the Panama Canal, the SALT 11 Treaty with the USSR, and restrictions on the CIA. Then the floor fell in, the USSR invaded Afghanistan, the revolution in Iran and the hostages. Obama should recall that it was Foreign Policy that bought down Carter, not the economy, thus weakness gets you a kick up the backside or in political terms, you don't get re-elected.
Obama's Memo Leak - Torture worked, Live with the Truth!
MSNBC: Reports from an article in the NYT that Obama's National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair has confirmed that the torture methods of the Bush Administration did work. What is interesting about this article it two fold, that Mr Blair has contradicted his own President, also that it was leaked. As stated in past posts the CIA can leak the Obama Administration to lose the 2012 re-election. Thus if there is another terrorists attack on the USA homeland and it could have been prevented by the use of these now banned methods Obama will lose re-election and Democrats will lose the Hill. Thus if your Democratic political operator you must be praying every night for no attack, as all do that support the USA, but also if one happens it does not end your political career.
Harder Sanctions on Iran - Hillary Clinton
BBC News: Reports that Hillary Clinton has stated that Iran faces harder sanctions if it does not reach across and accept the open hand of the United States. This is interesting, yesterday Obama looked like Jimmy Carter and Neville Chamberlain when he opened the door to the prosecution of Bush Officials over the torture memos, now we have Hillary Clinton warning Iran that it faces tough sanctions if it does not come to heel. One gets the impression that Obama and Clinton are following the reverse model of Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, in that Nixon was the Mad Man in the Oval and Kissinger was the moderate, today we have the reverse, Obama is the next Jimmy Carter and thus weak and Clinton is the tough operator. One can postulate that Israeli has warned the Obama Administration that it does not have all the time in the world, Israel will not allow a nuclear armed Iran. The statements of the President of Iran at a UN Conference when he called Israel a racist country shows that he is the Hitler in waiting. Thus the President Obama might need the CIA more than he thinks, not a good idea to annoy them, they caused massive problems for Bush 43 with leaks, they could do more damage to Obama. This is 93rd day of the Obama Presidency, its fun, Conservative bloggers don't have to defend the Bush White House, lot more fun to be critical, and the fun part is that Obama gives us so much to be critical about, Intelligence Arrogance of Obama is his flaw, he is no Professor Kingsfield from the Paper Chase Film.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Left Win over Torture
Fox News: Reports on Obama's willingness to prosecute Bush Officials for their torture memos. Well folks we now know that Obama has the same fault as LBJ, he needs to be loved, thus he will pander to the left at the expense of the security of the United States. What's so alarming is that Obama cant see the political risks for his Administration. If the CIA decide they are being sold down the river they could leak damaging information on the Administration. Lets recall this Administration has expanded the use of drones to kill suspected terrorists in Pakistan. Lets see Waterboarding or blowing someone one up with their families, which is worse. It is time for Republicans to make it clear to Obama that if he does down this road they will drag in the CIA to ask about Obama's policy in Pakistan. Does the CIA explain to the terrorists before a hell fire missile is launched that they have rights, do they need a lawyer. Thus in any investigation of Bush 43 the Republicans should but the heat under Obama officials, lets see how they like their memos out in the public. Also the Republicans should demand that the Obama Administration release all the memos that show that torture worked, lets make the Obama Administration pay for this act of political stupidity. This is my prediction, Obama will be a one term President, he will lose re-election in 2012, he is the modern Jimmy Carter.
Investigate, Investigate the CIA
The New York Times: Reports on the calls on President Obama to investigate the torture practices of the Bush Administration. The President has already dropped a clanger by releasing the torture memos, he should make sure that there is no investigation, and this will surprise the reader, the reason is political, these investigations take time, a Senate Investigation will take eight months, what happens if there is a terrorist attack on the United States in that time, one can see the news now, Bush Officials dragged in to baying Liberal Congress and a Weapon of Mass Destruction has gone off in a American city. If your a Democratic operator you should be asking yourself, how its going to look to the voter, thousand or hundred thousands killed and your punishing those that protected the USA. On the hand the Lawyers charged will ask for the release of the memos that showed what the CIA go from the torture, if there is valuable information and Obama has stated he will not torture it will look like he is putting his conscience first at the expense of the security of the American people. If either of these two outcomes happens the simple result is that Obama is a one term President and the Republicans are in charge for the next twelve years. Also this makes Obama look weak, with Iran a looming threat and the growing war in Afghanistan and the fall of Pakistan on the cards can the President afford to look weak. The Liberal New York Times will make Obama the next Jimmy Carter.
Bush Officials could face PROSECUTION for Torture Memos
I caught President Obama with the King of Jordan in the Oval answering questions from the press. The President stated that those that carried out the torture in his view are in the clear when it comes to prosecution but those that drew up the guidelines will have to wait for the view of the Attorney General of the United States. This is Obama at his worse, he is pandering to the left, he goes to the CIA yesterday to butter them after releasing the memos and know he is saying that Bush Officials could face prosecution. This is going to far, Obama should be reminded that he has given permission for the CIA to use drones to attack homes of suspect terrorists. Even terrorists have families, thus as President, Obama might have the blood of innocents on his hands. If the Attorney General is going to investigate Bush 43 he will also have to investigate Obama to see if he has broken any International Law. This is why Democrats are not trusted on National Security. Lets hope Obama has made it clear to the Attorney General that this spin and he is to take not action. Since Obama is in the investigating mood lets have the look at the role of Robert Kennedy as Attorney General and overview of the CIA attempts to get rid of the Castro regime and the throwing out of the USA of an East German lady who was alleged to having an affair with JFK.
Bush Era and Beyond,
Obama Administration,
Afghanistan, Long Tough Fight
CNN News: Reports that the US military expect a tough fight in Afghanistan. The War in Afghanistan has become Obama's War. The appearance of weakness by Obama when it comes to Iran, North Korea and his release of torture memos means that he has to draw a line in the sand. The sand in question is Afghanistan, who will bet it will cost Obama the Presidency in 2012.
Obama at the CIA
The White House: Remarks of the President at CIA. The President stated the following, " ..Thank you for all the work that you do to protect the American people and the freedom that we all need to know that you've got my full support.....Now, in that context I know that the last few days have been difficult. As I made clear in releasing the OLC memos -- as a consequence of a court case that was pending and to which it was very difficult for us to mount an effective legal defense -- I acted primarily because of the exceptional circumstances that surrounded these memos; particularly the fact that so much of the information was public, had been publicly acknowledged, the covert nature of the information had been compromised." In other words I had no choice, please don't leak against me, pretty please. The President also stated, " I have fought to protect the integrity of classified information in the past, and I will do so in the future. And there is nothing more important than protecting the identities of CIA officers. So I need everybody to be clear: We will protect your identities and your security as you vigorously pursue your missions. I will be as vigorous in protecting you as you are vigorous in protecting the American people. Now, I have put an end to the interrogation techniques described in those OLC memos, and I want to be very clear and very blunt. I've done so for a simple reason: because I believe that our nation is stronger and more secure when we deploy the full measure of both our power and the power of our values –- including the rule of law. I know I can count on you to do exactly that. " In other words, give me this break and I wont do something this stupid again. The President also stated, " I understand that it's hard when you are asked to protect the American people against people who have no scruples and would willingly and gladly kill innocents. Al Qaeda is not constrained by a constitution. Many of our adversaries are not constrained by a belief in freedom of speech, or representation in court, or rule of law. I'm sure that sometimes it seems as if that means we're operating with one hand tied behind our back, or that those who would argue for a higher standard are naïve. I understand that. You know, I watch the cable shows once in a while. " The President has give himself a loop hole in the order to ban torture, if he gets a 24 moment he does get it that he will have to act. The President also stated, ".... So don't be discouraged by what's happened in the last few weeks. Don't be discouraged that we have to acknowledge potentially we've made some mistakes. That's how we learn. But the fact that we are willing to acknowledge them and then move forward, that is precisely why I am proud to be President of the United States, and that's why you should be proud to be members of the CIA." The President is pandering, he really does not what happened to Bush 43 to happen to him, the Agency leaked against Bush, and Bush 41 had been a Director of the CIA. The President at the end stated the following, " Now we must look forward to the future with confidence. All that you've achieved, I believe that the CIA's best days are still yet to come. And you will have my support and appreciation as you carry on this critical work. We live in dangerous times. I am going to need you more than ever, precisely because we're seeing changes in our foreign policy and we want to send a new message to the world. That requires better intelligence, not less of it. That means that we're going to have to operate smarter and more effectively than ever. " In other words Obama knows that the Agency can make his life miserable with leaks as it did Bush 43, he is asking for time.
Terrorists waterboarded 266 times - NYT
The New York Times: Reports that that two terrorists held by the USA had the waterboard treatment on at least 266 occasions. One word GOOD, after getting all the information from them can we now either shoot them or throw them in to the darkest and meanest jail cell there is in the world. These killers if they had the chance would take me out and all those that read this blog, without a moments thought. The Times of London has a critical article on how the Bush Administration used the TV series 24 as an example of right and wrong. Jack Bauer had the right method, get the information and don't leave any witness for the Liberal New York Times to support.
Obama like Bush on Iraq and Afghanistan
The Hill: Reports that the Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell has praised President Obama on his policies in Iraq and Afghanistan, in the view of the Senator, Obama is following Bush policy in both countries. Nice little rebuke to Obama here, he is being praised as following Bush policy, the liberal left will not be happy. It can be argued that Obama should get an agreement to stay in Iraq and get hell out of Afghanistan. It can be postulated that Afghanistan will be his Vietnam and he is the next LBJ. Read of the Day.
VP Cheney release all the memos - Drudge Report
Drudge Report: Reports that former US Vice - President Richard Cheney has called on the Obama Administration to release memos that show that harsh interrogations worked. This could very tricky for President Obama, if he does not release them he will be charged with selected releases, in other words pandering to the left. On the other hand if he does release them and they back up the argument that the CIA gained valuable info from these interrogations and prevented further attacks, he will be up the Creek without a paddle. If the terrorists attack the American homeland and it is found that the order by President Obama not to use harsh interrogation prevented its being stopped he will be a one term President. The American voter is very fickle, they wont be the conscience of Obama, President Obama wanted the job, he has to get his hand dirty. Otherwise Barack Obama will become the modern Neville Chamberlain, the UK PM at the time of Munich ( 1938 ). As Munich was seen as appeasement writ large the decision by Obama tie the hands of the CIA in a time of War could make him seen as weak and shallow, Obama must pray there is no attack on the American homeland based on his orders to the CIA. A piece of advice to the liberal left, beware what you wish for, in getting Obama you might be handing over power to the Republicans for the next 12 years as happened after Jimmy Carter.
Israel is racist - Iran
BBC News: Reports on the latest rant by the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the President at a UN conference on anti racism has called Israel racist. Mr Ahmandinejad seems to have a split personality, on the one hand he wants talks with the Obama Administration and has stated that the jailed reporter should get her day in Court. On the other hand he attacks Israel, one of the closes allies of the United States. It has been argued this blog that Mr Ahmandinejad does not give a dam about the reporter, the he playing games with the Obama Administration, well if Obama wants proof of this just look at his attack on Israel. The President of Iran could have come out with something constructive or released the reporter, but no he panders to anti Israeli feeling in the body politic around the world and the in the Middle East. Obama might find that his charm does not work with Iran, he might need Israel to take action on Iran.
Monday, April 20, 2009
US Government to Nationalize Banks
The New York Times: Reports that the Obama Administration is to convert its bank bailouts in to shares, in other words they would own some of the major banks in the USA. Welcome to the 1970s folks, in the UK it was called the time that the UK was the sick man of Europe. Thus welcome the USA to the sick man of the world. This goes well beyond the 1983 Labour Manifesto, the one that got them hammered in the polls. The liberal left has got its dream, the taking over the banks, expect the US economy to go down hill folks. The day the Government arrives with the words, " We are here to help " its time to head to the hills and build that bunker. Alright not that extreme but close. Thus the USA will become like the UK in the 1970s. The Government will run business as its runs everything else badly, thus banks will become another social programme, profit wont matter, the banks will have to fit the Liberal Agenda. This means that banks will be taxed if they make money, thus banks will stagnate. Think the USSR and you get the idea. All Empires fall, Rome, Britain and know the USA. Iran and North Korea will be chuckling.
Roxana Saberi and the Nicholas Daniloff Example
As I have been following the Roxana Saberi case in Iran, the Cold War case of Nicholas Daniloff (1) came to mind, Mr Daniloff was also a reporter who was arrested for being a an American Spy in the USSR. The Daniloff case was in 1986, it was before the Reykjavik Summit, this Summit was the start of the end of the Cold War. Reagan and Gorbachev came close to agreeing the elimination of all nuclear weapons. The importance of the arrest comes in the fact that it came before the Summit, it could have frozen the warm relationship between Reagan and Gorbachev. In the end both sides came to an agreement that allowed the reporter to go home and also allowed those opposed to the USSR to leave. The USSR got back an important agent. Neither side wanted to freeze the developing relationship, thus we come to the present, Obama needs to get Ms Saberi out of Iran and quick, the longer it goes on the harder it will be for Obama to offer his hand to Iran. The problem is who is running the show out there, was the arrest of Ms Saberi an attempt by the hardliners to block any moves by the Obama Administration. The more freedom that the people of Iran have the less power held by the religious elite. On the other hand it could be a master plan by the Government of Iran. Its a matter of playing mind games, a reporter is arrested, the religious conservatives take the blame, while the President of Iran is seen as moderate with his request that the reporter gets her day in court. The background of course is the elections in Iran this year for President, the religious elite might fear that their candidate the present President might lose, thus they give him good PR with Conservative moderates. Thus the President gets re-elected, he starts endless talks with the USA and then Iran declares its got the bomb.
1. Informal Exchange With Reporters Prior to a Meeting With Nicholas Danilofff,12/9/86.The Public Papers of President Ronald W. Reagan. Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
North Korea - Its War!
CNN News: Reports that Communist North Korea has stated that any action that is taking against it, sanctions or any other measure is an Act of War. To quote Mr Holmes, the game is afoot, North Korea is playing a game, its placing pressure on the Obama Administration. It wants one to one talks with the USA, it will place pressure on the USA and South Korea, it will take its time in getting in those talks. Then after the talks start, expect slow and very tedious up and downs, North Korea will never give up its nuclear or missile ambitions, why would they, Obama is seen as weak. At the end of the day this is common blackmail, just Obama will have to figure how much its going to cost, money wise and diplomatic terms to keep North Korea quite. The major end result is that Iran will follow the path of North Korea.
Has the Tomb of Cleopatra been found?
Telegraph: Reports on historical artifacts that are claimed to be from the tombs of Cleopatra and Mark Antony. If this pans out this will be the find of the Century, even of all time.
Future problems in Iraq
The Washington Post: Has a timely editorial of the increase of violence in Iraq. The WP writes the following, "... already there is cause for concern. During the past month security around the country has been slipping: At least 37 people have been killed in four major attacks on security forces in the past week alone, and there have been multiple car bombings in Baghdad and other cities.... " That is the problem when you give out timetables for withdrawal, the iconic image of the last helicopter out of Saigon in South Vietnam is something that President Obama does not need. The Bush surge has worked, Obama can not afford to lose Iraq. The Terrorists want to claim that they pushed the USA out of Iraq, also Iran wants to place pressure on Obama, they want a deal, no support of the terrorists in Iraq and they can become a nuclear power. Thus expect more violence in Iraq, expect Iran to support the terrorists. This will place Obama in a tight spot, he can not afford lose Iraq to Iran. Thus Obama can be expected to do a new deal with Iraq, extend the time that American troops will be in Iraq, this deal can wait till next year, but before 2011 Obama needs a new deal. A deal with Iraq would gain the following, it would be a warning to the terrorists that the USA is not going down the South Vietnam route, also it would keep pressure on Iran. Thus at the end of the year Obama will have to deal with some tough Foreign Policy issues, what do with the terrorists that are on Cuba, if he moves them to the USA homeland this will cost him in political terms, no town or city wants well known terrorists next thank you very much, also Iran and Iraq, Iran by the end of the next year should be a nuclear power and Iraq might get more violent. Lets recall that it was Foreign Policy that bought down Carter in 1980.
NYT critical of Obama - Good Day for Obama
The New York Times: The liberal left wing Times is critical of Obama and his Administration, the NYT writes the following, " (Obama 's).... administration has shown a tendency for compromise and caution, and even a willingness to capitulate on some early initiatives. ". The more the President has critical comments from the liberal NYT, the better it is for him in the long term. Obama at the end of the day will disappoint the Times, the Times out there on the extreme left, that why its sales is going down the toilet. Its odd but the reports by the NYT on Afghanistan and Pakistan are informative and fair. But when it comes to most other areas it has an agenda, is so out there it cares more about the rights of terrorists than of American citizens. It should be recalled that the Times covered up for a mass murder that is Stalin. A once great newspaper is nothing better that paper to have your fish and chips with on a Saturday Night.
Israel ready to attack Iran
The Times: Reports that the Israeli military is ready to attack Iran when its given the green light. If the approach that Obama is talking at the minute to Iran and North Korea is any guide then Israel should hit Iran hard now, Obama seems to think he is in some 80s seminar, he was taking notes when the President of Nicaragua was attacking US Foreign Policy. Thus by the grace of God, and to protect Israel and Western Security do what has to be done, ATTACK IRAN please Israel, the West cant wait for Obama to learn that he is POTUS.
New USA - Obama Style
Fox News: Reports that President Obama had to tolerate an attack on the US Foreign Policy by the President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega. The regime of Ortega was an old enemy of Ronald Reagan, Obama from the report seems to think that US Foreign Policy starts with him , bit like Khmer Rouge and their year zero. Obama has to learn that he is the President of the United States, this is not some seminar discussion. The Ortega attack would include JFK and Reagan and most US Presidents. The Obama view that since he is now President that he has no connection to the past shows why the UK should worry about Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Obama year dot view does recall the 1997 New Labour view, thus we saw Tony Blair run us in to a War in Iraq and make the House a Commons a rubber stamp. Obama should have come out fighting and defended JFK and Reagan, he has to recall that Reagan become heroic in part by invoking great Presidents. It seems Obama is reading his own press statements, that Star of Berlin last year has decided like Tony Blair that the past does not matter, the past does matter Mr President, its Liberal types like you that would have kept the Berlin Wall Up.
Who Runs Iran ?
BBC News: Reports that the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has come out and stated than a Iranian-American Reporter that has been jailed for being a Spy should have her full rights in Court. What is Ahmadinejad up to, lets be clear the President does not give a dam about the report, thus this action has more to with the election that he faces this year. The moderates in Iran are running one candidate, thus Ahmadinejad faces two problems, the moderate are united and he does not have Bush 43 to be critical about any more. Thus Ahmadinejad is playing a very crafty game, he wants to appeal to conservative moderates by stating this view about the reporter also by stating that he will talk to the Obama Administration. This is all a game, once the election is over and he wins, expect tedious talks like North Korea over Iran's nuclear plans. At the end of the day Iran wants to be a player, thus it will go nuclear, Israel will hit Iran and Iran will cause mayhem in Iraq. The left and liberals cant face this fact, thus attempt to see some good in Ahmadinejad. It is reported that Ahmadinejad was one of the jailers of the American hostages in Iran, between 1979/81. President Obama will have to face the choice, appease Iran or allow Israel to hit Iran. Its that stark and simple folks.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Liberals Attack Obama for no Prosections over Bush Torture
CNN News: Reports that Liberals are mad that Obama is not dragging the Bush Administration in to court over its torture policies. Someone should have advised President Obama that no good deed ever goes unpunished. The left in the USA are appeasers, they will never fight for the security of the USA. They would allow the terrorists to win, give Obama his due, he gets the point that he needs the CIA. A major example of that is Pakistan and Afghanistan, the CIA is running the drone operation to kill terrorists. One has to ask why these Liberals not attacking Obama for killing terrorists and pirates, could it be that they are partisan hacks.
Liberals Attack Obama over Afghanistan Detainees
Fox News: Reports that President Obama is coming under attack from Liberals for holding detainees in Afghanistan. One has to wonder do Liberals get the idea that there is a war going on in Afghanistan, that Obama has sent another twenty one thousand soldiers in to theatre. If Liberals had their way, all those caught on the battle field could call for a lawyer. This is getting out of hand, these Liberals have pre - 9/11 mind set, even Obama gets that those caught on the battle field in Afghanistan have to be held. Expect the War in Afghanistan to be the the reason that Liberals split with Obama, Liberals have no backbone. They just want to appease. Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran will define the Obama Presidency.
Class War Taliban/Terrorist Style - Pakistan
The New York Times: Reports on the class war strategy used by the Taliban/Terrorists in Pakistan. This strategy is working, as you have a few rich individuals and a lot of poor people in Pakistan. Its Pakistan that gives me nightmares, the Taliban/Terrorists are moving to take over Pakistan, the Government of Pakistan is in appease mode. The US Government is using drones to attack the Taliban/Terrorists in the badlands of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. At the end of the day Obama might have his 24 moment, he might have to send troops in to Pakistan, Obama can not allow the Taliban/Terrorists to take over Pakistan, they could get their hands on the nuclear weapons of Pakistan. If that was to happen India would attack Pakistan in a heart beat. Thus the White House, CIA, Defence Department should start to plan for sending in a rapid reaction force to stabilize Pakistan or take out their nuclear weapons. On the Diplomatic side the Obama Administration under the guidance of Hillary Clinton the Secretary of State should start to spend money in Pakistan, to draw the poor people away form the Taliban/Terrorists. Thus a post WW2 type spending spree might be a good idea. Watch Pakistan people.
Hillary Clinton,
Obama Administration,
Obama on the Bush Torture Memos
The White House: Has a statement by President Obama on his approval to release the Bush 43 Torture memos. The President states the following on what he sees as the end result of these releases, " In releasing these memos, it is our intention to assure those who carried out their duties relying in good faith upon legal advice from the Department of Justice that they will not be subject to prosecution. The men and women of our intelligence community serve courageously on the front lines of a dangerous world. Their accomplishments are unsung and their names unknown, but because of their sacrifices, every single American is safer. We must protect their identities as vigilantly as they protect our security, and we must provide them with the confidence that they can do their jobs....This is a time for reflection, not retribution.....But at a time of great challenges and disturbing disunity, nothing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past. " In other words Obama is giving the left some read meat but its spin, the President is aware of the damage that was done the Intelligence Agencies in the 70s by Ford and Carter. Also the CIA gave Bush 43 a hard time, a stream of leaks, Obama does not need the CIA to leak against him. Thus Obama must hope that this paper junk will end the matter, the left might have other ideas. The Attorney General of the United States has stated the following on the release of the documents, " that intelligence community officials who acted reasonably and relied in good faith on authoritative legal advice from the Justice Department that their conduct was lawful, and conformed their conduct to that advice, would not face federal prosecutions for that conduct.....The Attorney General has informed the Central Intelligence Agency that the government would provide legal representation to any employee, at no cost to the employee, in any state or federal judicial or administrative proceeding brought against the employee based on such conduct and would take measures to respond to any proceeding initiated against the employee in any international or foreign tribunal, including appointing counsel to act on the employee’s behalf and asserting any available immunities and other defenses in the proceeding itself....To the extent permissible under federal law, the government will also indemnify any employee for any monetary judgment or penalty ultimately imposed against him for such conduct and will provide representation in congressional investigations. " Afghanistan and Pakistan what ever Liberals think or what Liberals in the West Wing want to see will need the CIA, thus Obama is has a dual track, pander to the left but given them nothing, also close down any Congressional Investigations. Lets see if works.
The Torture Memos - Bush 43
BBC News: The Obama Administration has released what the BBC calls the Bush 43 Torture Memos. This is a mistake by Obama, if your in the CIA and in the future you have a Jack Baure moment are you going to risk your career if you think POTUS is not going to back you up. This is the repeat of the 1970s when the CIA was hung out to dry by the Ford and Carter Administrations. The difference this time is that Obama might not want to think the USA is still at War with terrorists, but the terrorists might have different ideas. The nightmare for Obama is that a dirty bomb goes off or a major terrorists act is committed on the USA homeland and an investigation finds that due to the new Obama restrictions the Intelligence Agencies would not take the action needed to prevent such an act. Obama would be one term President, in fact he would get impeached. It can be postulated that Obama will be a one term President, his weakness over Iran will allow Iran to become a nuclear power, his failure over North Korea has shown that his words are weak. The timetable for Iraq could allow the terrorists to come back under the influence of Iran. In Afghanistan and Pakistan the Obama Administration is leading the USA and the UK down the road in to a quagmire, that will cost more USA and UK deaths and could lead to the fall of Pakistan. On the whole Democrats don't have a good record when it comes to National Security. Thus four years down the line don't be surprised to find a Republican taking over from the secular second coming that is Obama.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Times: Reports a new attempt to find the Tombs of Cleopatra and Mark Antony in Egypt. If the Tombs of these two great lovers could be found it would be the biggest news in the historical field since Howard Carter found King Tutankhamun in the 1920s. I have two different views on this attempt, it would be great to find the mummies of Cleopatra and Mark Antony, the latest technology could be used to see how reality matches the historical record. On the other hand there is the mystery of these two great figures, do I want to really know if the fact is different from the fiction. When one thinks of our Cleo, one thinks of a beautiful and intelligent woman, not the type you meet clubbing these days. Of Mark Antony you think of brave and intelligent soldier. If the mummies state something else it would you really want to know the new facts.
Two State Solution for the Middle East - USA
CNN News: Reports that under the Obama Administration the USA is still to support a two state solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. At the end of the day Israel has the final vote, it gets to decide if it wants a dangerous Palestinian State as a neighbour. The Obama Administration can huff and buff and use as many words at it wants, Israel gets the final veto. To miss quote President Obama and his statement that words must mean something, if Israel says NO its over, does not matter how many times Obama makes a speech or statement on the issue. The Israeli Lobby is powerful in the USA and in the Democratic Party. In 2012 Obama might need Florida, they are lot of elderly people living in Florida who happen to be Jewish. Thus Obama can only go so far, this is why US Presidents leave this issue for the second term, Bill Clinton was legacy hunting in the Middle East after the Impeachment, it didn't do him any good either, Israel and the Palestinians is not Northern Ireland, they have been fighting a few thousand years before Ireland was Ireland.
SORRY - UK PM Gordon Brown
BBC News: Reports that the UK PM Gordon Brown has said sorry for the smear scandal against the UK Conservative Party. This is a mistake by Mr Brown, it looks forced, it would have been better if the PM had let the story start to to disappear. If your going to say sorry say it the first time, this looks like he has been reading the press and decided he better say sorry. Also it does not negate the fact that the smear web site was registered to the House of Commons. Thus one had to ask who is the PM is covering for, a) Minister, b) MP or c) Aide. This foul smear campaign shows that Labour is worried it is going down the toilet next year, expect more of the same from Labour during the year.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Not Leaving Home even at 30!
BBC News: Reports on how men and women even at 30 are still at home with their parents. This is down to a few factors and one is political, the Government has followed a policy of getting more people to go to University, the problem is that this creates a debt for the students after they graduate. If they cant find a graduate job, they are stuck at home, so they are in either low paid jobs, which can be soul destroying or they cant find jobs. Thus on the male side they don't bring much to the dating game, jobless and stuck at home!. Also when their poor parents do get them out of the door, they parents might find they have to support their new married son or daughter. Thus if your nearly 40 starting a family, whey your children go to Uni you are going to be near retirement age. One can see the point of staying single and on benefits.
A Rat in the House of Commons
The Times: Reports that the proposed web site that was going to smear the Conservatives was registered to the House of Commons. What kind of Minister, MP or Parliamentary Aide is enough of Rat to set up such a vile site. Also the Times reports they have broken the rules, using a false name as the owner of the site. I don't have a high opinion of the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell, but even he never went that low, a tyrant yes but at least he was open about the fact, he even banned Christmas. This all smells like Richard Nixon politics, there should be an open investigation by a Select Committee of the House of Commons. On the political front this could be a good reason for Labour to get rid of Gordon Brown and give themselves a chance in the General Election in 2010.
Going after Pirates in Somalia
CNN News: Reports that the US Defence Department is looking at how to close down the the threat of modern pirates from Somalia, one option is go after them on land, in Somalia. This would be a very bad idea, the USA had a very bad time in Somalia during the Clinton Presidency, it fact it can be argued that the failed operation in Somalia constrained Clinton for years. If the USA has to hit on land it should use special forces, drones and other black ops. On the political side USA should try to get a Government for the Somalia, help the poor people of the country. As long as you have a failed country, poor people you will have modern pirates in the region, thus a twin track, covert and overt action.
The Titanic
Telegraph: Reports on a Titanic Cruise Trip to mark the anniversary of the sinking of the great liner. Have to admit if had the money would be on that trip, it seems that the cruise will follow the route of the Titanic while showing respect for those lost. On the lighter side those on the cruise will have the delight of the great menu of the Titanic and being part of history.
UK to the IMF for Bail Out?
The New York Times: Reports that the UK could need a bail out by the IMF. The UK Telegraph has already reported on this issue, this would be the final nail in the New Labour political coffin. This would be seen as a return to the bad old days of the 1970s. In pure political terms UK PM Gordon Brown must do what he has to prevent this cause of action. The Governor of the Bank of England has stated that the UK Government should not spend more to get out of the recession, thus the Brown Government has to cut government spending and also raise taxes. The problem with the two solutions is that if you cut spending you will deepen the recession, if you raise taxes that will bring in less money for the UK Government. Thus tough times ahead for the UK.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Obama weakness on Iran, No Closure of Nuclear Plants while in Talks!
MSNBC: Reports on article in the The New York Times, the Obama Administration is considering talks with Iran that allows them to keep the nuclear plants going while the sides are in talks. If President Obama goes ahead with this daft idea he will be another Jimmy Carter Mark 11. Iran will play him, they will have endless talks like North Korea, and when Obama thinks he has a deal they will announce they have the bomb. Thus Iran will become part of the nuclear club. This is an action that Israel will never allow, thus Obama could be creating problems for himself down the road, think of an Israeli attack before the Congressional Mid Term Elections of 2010 or before Obama seeks re-election in 2012. The reason Obama is having problems with North Korea is that they think that he is weak when it comes to major action, taking out some modern pirates is small fry compared to North Korea, we could be seeing the repeat of the 1930s again, replace Japan and Nazi Germany with North Korea and Iran.
Jimmy Carter,
Obama Administration
North Korea out of talks on its Nuclear Programme
BBC News: Reports that Communist North Korea has walked out on the talks on its nuclear forces after the critical rebuke by the UN. This is just for show by North Korea, it wants one to one talks with the Obama Administration. Thus expect President Obama to make the first move, that is one to one talks that does not include others of the six party talks. But on the other hand expect North Korea to play Obama, they will never give up their nuclear weapons or their missile development. Its the two things that makes the West take notice of North Korea. This is a long and tedious game, the Obama Administration if its not going to take military action will have to accept that North Korea is part of the nuclear club. The worry is that Iran will follow the same path, but on the score the Obama is lucky it has Israel.
Did Gordon Brown KNOW about the Labour SMEARS?
Telegraph: Is pointing the finger at the UK PM Gordon Brown in the Labour smear email scandal, the Conservative Telegraph has established that the receiver of the smear email meet the PM at his country residence Chequers after the plot started. Lets see how much PM Gordon Brown knew about these dirty pool politics, lets have a full independent inquiry, lets see how the party that promised to be Whiter than Whiter after the Major Years has fallen in to the dog manure. Lets be fair, there is no proof that the PM had any direct knowledge of this horrid business but lets get the facts out, lets have a House of Commons committee carry out a full investigation of this business.
Pakistan Government making deal with the Devil
Guardian: Reports that the Government of Pakistan has agreed to implement sharia law in the Swat Valley. I noted once that the President of Afghanistan was the new Diem of Vietnam, well I take it back, that title goes to President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan. The President has appeased terrorists, the terrorists will now move in to the Punjab and take over that in time. The Obama Administration will have to draw up plans to take care of the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan. The West cant allow the weak and feckless government of Pakistan to surrender the security of the West so they can stay in Office without the power. The CIA and MI6 should start to take executive action in these terrorists controlled areas, the Swat Valley the Punjab. Its time for some black ops, executive action, put the fear of god in the Taliban Leadership, make them fear drones or any other action, US Navy snipers seems to be rather good. The moderate Taliban will come over to the West either due to fear, bribery or making sure they are on the right side, the winning side. The Taliban/Terrorists who will not and are a threat to Western Security have to be taken care off, its like Hitler before World War Two, sometimes you have to prevent mad men taking power. Watch this region folks, trouble is brewing.
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