Friday, April 17, 2009

Class War Taliban/Terrorist Style - Pakistan

The New York Times: Reports on the class war strategy used by the Taliban/Terrorists in Pakistan. This strategy is working, as you have a few rich individuals and a lot of poor people in Pakistan. Its Pakistan that gives me nightmares, the Taliban/Terrorists are moving to take over Pakistan, the Government of Pakistan is in appease mode. The US Government is using drones to attack the Taliban/Terrorists in the badlands of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. At the end of the day Obama might have his 24 moment, he might have to send troops in to Pakistan, Obama can not allow the Taliban/Terrorists to take over Pakistan, they could get their hands on the nuclear weapons of Pakistan. If that was to happen India would attack Pakistan in a heart beat. Thus the White House, CIA, Defence Department should start to plan for sending in a rapid reaction force to stabilize Pakistan or take out their nuclear weapons. On the Diplomatic side the Obama Administration under the guidance of Hillary Clinton the Secretary of State should start to spend money in Pakistan, to draw the poor people away form the Taliban/Terrorists. Thus a post WW2 type spending spree might be a good idea. Watch Pakistan people.

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