Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Not Leaving Home even at 30!

BBC News: Reports on how men and women even at 30 are still at home with their parents. This is down to a few factors and one is political, the Government has followed a policy of getting more people to go to University, the problem is that this creates a debt for the students after they graduate. If they cant find a graduate job, they are stuck at home, so they are in either low paid jobs, which can be soul destroying or they cant find jobs. Thus on the male side they don't bring much to the dating game, jobless and stuck at home!. Also when their poor parents do get them out of the door, they parents might find they have to support their new married son or daughter. Thus if your nearly 40 starting a family, whey your children go to Uni you are going to be near retirement age. One can see the point of staying single and on benefits.

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