BBC News: Reports another British Soldier has been killed in combat in Afghanistan, the death total now stands at 143. This will be not the last death, the expected surge of troops as requested by President Obama will place more of our troops in the firing line. This is an Endless War, one we cant win, one we cant afford to lose, that is Afghanistan.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Obama and Reagan
CNN News: Reports on the deal making in the Senate to get the Obama Economic Plan passed. Reagan in 81 got support from Democrats for his Economic Plan, Obama needs to be on the Hill, making deals with Republicans, even if this annoys the Democrats. If the Bill is done with only Democratic support then if it does not work its down to Obama, thus President Obama needs Republicans on board. Its a matter of pure politics, if the plan works and its done only with Democrats they get the all the good reviews; but and this is the BUT; if does not work then Obama will be Jimmy Carter Mark 11.
Obama's Economic Plan and the Senate
Fox News: Reports that President Obama might have trouble in getting Senate Democrats to support his Economic Plan. This is the time for Republicans to hold together in the Senate, make the Obama Economic Plan a real bonus for the economy, it needs more tax cuts for individuals and business, also the pork from the House has to be thrown out. Call your Senator to oppose the present Obama Economic Plan.
Blair and Hamas
The Times: Has an Exclusive, former UK PM Tony Blair and now Envoy to the Middle East wants to bring Hamas in to discussions about peace in the region. The Obama Administration will have to be careful with this idea, there is still the Jewish Lobby in the United States, also Obama wants to get re-elected, losing Florida with its large older Jewish population would not be a good idea. Also there is the Israeli elections next month, if a more Conservative Government comes in to power this could limit the moves of Obama. PM Gordon Brown must wish Mr Blair would go to Spain to write his book on his time in power.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Obama, Hillary Clinton and Iran
Guardian: Reports that the US State Department wants better relationships with Iran; following the agenda of President Obama; the Department is drafting different letters that Obama can send to Iran. The problem with Diplomats is that they think talk is and end in itself, Iran wants to become a Nuclear Power with a bomb, they will talk and talk, keep Obama on the edge that there will be good relationship between Iran and the USA. Then when Obama thinks he has a deal they will announce they have the bomb, Israel will hit Iran and Iran will attack Iraq, and all hell will break lose. The President has fallen in to trap of thinking his press releases are truth, better Presidents than Obama will ever be have found that the Middle East is the one region that will never change, Obama is spending his political capital, the problem is once its gone its over in less your a Reagan or a Clinton, Obama is great at rhetoric but reality on the ground is another matter, Iran can only end the way of the USSR.
Obama's First Victory
BBC News: Reports the United States House of Representatives has passed the Obama Economic Plan. In pure political terms this is a good victory for the President, the Bill now has to go to the US Senate. I noticed when watching the Live Feed from D.C that no Republican voted for Bill and double figures of Democrats also voted against the Bill, they must be from Conservative areas. If Obama cant get any Republicans in the Senate or at least more than a few then if this plan fails its all down to him. But this is a victory, Obama has shown that he can manage the Democrats on Hill. As the years go by this will be less easy, if the US Economy is in the toilet next year then Obama will have tough Mid Terms, Reagan had losses in 1982. But he did win big in 1984.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
900 Billion Bailout for USA
WSJ: Reports on the 900 Billion stimulus for the USA Economy. Folks if this works I will eat my hat, FDR tried the same thing, in the early years the spending helped, but once FDR pulled the plug on the government spending, guess what happened, yes back to the Second Great Depression. In a odd way FDR was lucky; he was a lucky politician; World War Two was around the corner, thus more government spending. President Obama in some respects has only the one term to get this right; he can only serve two terms; if he wins re - election he will be in American Terms a lame duck President, if he keeps VP Biden as his running mate he will see within a year of his second term starting those running for 2016. Thus if the economy has dived as in did in the mid 30s the Democrats will be running away from Obama, Bush had the same problem, he didn't even go to the 2008 Republican Convention. Thus if we have a recession in 2013 after all this money has been spent the Democrats will be running away from Obama, the Republicans will argue that since they didn't vote for the Stimulus package its all on Obama. Thus the reason the President is chasing Republican votes, if he wins only by Democrats and this does not work, well then the sole blame will be his, history is not that new, and Obama is no JFK or Reagan, much less the secular second coming.
Obama Administration,
VP Biden,
World War Two
Obama and Reagan, The First Hundred Days
The New York Times: Lou Cannon a writer of many books on Ronald Reagan argues that Obama should follow the Reagan model in his first hundred days, keeping his eye on the economy, not allowing other other Issues to divert attention. Cannon states that Obama has followed this example over some Domestic Liberal Issues. I would argue that Mr Cannon is missing the point, Reagan would not have closed down Gitmo without a plan, in the Reagan Diaries one of the first issues that Reagan dealt with was removing the restraints that had been placed on the CIA by Carter , it was under Reagan that the USA Government banned giving support to agencies that gave advice and help with abortions. Reagan would not have given the impression in his first interview that the USA had to say sorry to the Middle East. It seems President Obama is more interested in pandering to the left than in good government, thus my prediction that he will be Jimmy Carter Mark 11. The Gipper was a better politician and statesman than President Obama.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Gates on Afghanistan and Iraq
The New York Times: Reports on the remarks of Robert Gates; Defense Secretary for Bush 43 and now President Obama; in the remarks to Congress, the Defense Secretary stated in so many words that in Afghanistan the aim of the Administration was to hold the line, while the USA would be in Iraq for years, not that new from Bush 43 on the whole, the Liberal New York Times will not be happy. As to Iraq the comments of the Secretary Defense does not sound like the USA is getting out in sixteen months, the Secretary stated that the USA would be in Iraq for years. These are realistic aims, Iraq can turn in to win - win for President Obama, he would have Muslim friend in the Middle East, this would worry Iran, the second win. Also a Democratic regime in Iraq would show the Middle East that it is possible to have a Democracy in the region. This would tip the hat to Bush 43. Also if Iraq goes well in four years time Iraq could be a strong positive for Obama when going in to re - election, it was a negative for the Republican Party. Also it would show that in some aspects that Obama is a hawk. As to Afghanistan, the aims of the Administration seem realistic but the surge policy has to be looked at in more depth, will a surge work in Afghanistan, can the USA take more body bags from Afghanistan, does Obama want Afghanistan to define his Presidency as Iraq defined the Bush Presidency.
Obama's Economic Plan - The Other New Deal !
The Hill: Reports on the meeting between President Obama and House and Senate Republicans on his Economic Plan. This could define the Obama Presidency on the domestic front, if the Obama Plan works and the Republicans have opposed it then the President gets all the credit, if the plan fails and it was pushed through with just Democratic support then 2010 Mid Term Elections could be bad for the Democrats, recall 1994 Democrats and the Clinton Health Care Plan. A economic plan should have deep cuts in tax, high defence spending, cuts in domestic spending, reform of social security, if you retiree these days at 60 or 65 you could live to be 90, that's a lot of dollars over thirty years. Thus the age of retirement should be 70 or 75. The tax cuts should go to those that pay tax, not a welfare cheque. Thus meeting could define the Obama Presidency, get it right, then an easy re- election, get it wrong, Jimmy Carter Mark 11.
Obama and Iraq and Afghanistan
WSJ: A great article in the WSJ on the possible benefits of keeping a good USA presence in Iraq and going slow on the surge in Afghanistan, the article states the following, " Here's the lose-lose scenario: Allow Iraq to deteriorate by withdrawing too soon and push into Afghanistan without a better strategy. " Lets hope the President Obama takes the time to read this article, he could be on to a winner with Iraq, also he needs a long study on the idea of a surge in Afghanistan, also read a few books on the bad time the Empire had in Afghanistan. There is no reason to be another LBJ, he has to the time, if he gets out of Iraq to fast, the place could fall apart, Iran could come in and then he will be Jimmy Carter Mark 11 but worse. Think if Iran controls the oil from Iraq. Also the terrorists could be waiting for more troops for Afghanistan to come from the USA, and the have a Tet style offensive. Think Obama could have two hot wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and a terrorists threat to the homeland. Also the surge wont work thus we could have another Great Depression, that could be the future, thus good idea for Obama to start to read the WSJ.
"Americans are not your enemy" - President Obama

Courtesy of the White House. President Obama
The White House: Reports on the first interview given by President Obama to a Arab TV Station. The President stated the following, " My job is to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives....,My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy. " Lets see if this makes any difference, its not in the interest of Iran or the terrorists groups in the region for everyone to shake hands be friends. That's not the real world. The news that Iran will have the bomb by the end of the year means President Obama might not have the time he thinks he has to solve the problems of the Middle East, a crisis between the USA and Iran could come this year. Think in the near future, its 3am and the National Security Advisor rushes to the President with the news that Iran has set off her first nuclear device, Israel has picked up the blast and the planes are in the air to attack Iran. In the near future the USA still has enough troops in Iraq for Iran to strike the friend of Israel. Then what President Obama ?
Freedom of Information and Iraq
BBC News: Reports that the Government has lost an attempt to block a request under the Freedom of Information for Cabinet Minutes that lead up to the War in Iraq. The UK Government has to appeal, the Cabinet system only works if advice in Cabinet is kept under the thirty year rule. This is a matter of a National Security, even if the Government should lose all the appeals it should block the release, get an Enabling Act through the House of Commons if need be to prevent release these minutes.
Obama and Afghanistan and the US Surge
The New York Times: Reports on the paradox that faces the Obama Administration when it comes to the holding of terrorists, President Obama has stated that Guantanamo Detention Centre will close within a year, but what about terrorists held in Afghanistan, and with the surge of US troops, more troops more combat more terrorists held, thus the paradox. Obama cant have it both ways, if you have a surge in Afghanistan there will be more combat operations, you have to hold the terrorists, if you release them after you capture them the US voter will turn on the Obama Administration. Also since the War in Afghanistan is a War without End, how long will you hold the terrorists, forever, the Liberals in the USA will not be happy, thus Obama will be back in Bush land sooner or later. The problem with a paradox is that there is no solution, thus Obama might wished he had stayed in the US Senate. There has been a slight tendency in the Media to see Obama as the Secular Second Coming, he could turn out to be the next LBJ, LBJ had his Liberal Programme of the Great Society, Liberals loved that part, what destroyed the plan was Vietnam. Obama has made simple political mistakes, the Liberal Media so love Obama they fail to see the politics, Obama won the Presidential Election due to the economic crisis, what has he being doing of late, giving rights to terrorists and making the green lobby happy. The left will be happy, but the Reagan Democrats who voted for Obama want him to keep his eye on three issues, Economy, Economy, Economy. In 1981 in the Reagan Administration made sure that the Secretary of State did not make Communist threat a major issue due to the economy being the major issue that the Administration wanted to deal with in the first months of the Administration. Thus Obama is making a political mistake by placing his political capital on so many different issues, he should have left the Gitmo issue till later also the Middle East, they are not vote getter's on the broad spectrum and can be vote losers on the whole, also the Obama Economic Plan is also a mistake, he stated he would not allow pork in the plan, its full of Congressional Pork. Thus BHO might turn out be the next LBJ. If your a Conservative that's not bad, we did get majority Republican Presidents after that, starting with Nixon, followed by Ronald Reagan and of late Bush 43.
Iran and the Bomb
Sky News: Reports that Iran will have a single nuclear bomb by the end of the year. This time was going to come, this issue could define the Obama Administration. Thus the need for direct talks with Iran, but not for Diplomacy but in a message, once they cross the line of becoming a nuclear power, Israel will hit them hard, there is nothing the USA can do to prevent that outcome in less Iran backs off its plan to become a nuclear power. If Iran was to take a more sensible road, a block on becoming a nuclear power it could follow the road of Libya and return to the International Community. The joker in the pack is the President of Iran who up is for election this year, what a way to win an election but to announce to the World that Iran is a nuclear power. This could place President Obama in a tight spot, the left equal Iran and Israel, as they would both have the bomb, on the other side their is the Jewish Lobby in American politics, this Lobby will support Israel if she takes out the nuclear platform of Iran. Expect fireworks folks!
Monday, January 26, 2009
VP Biden on Afghanistan and Death Toll of US Troops
LA Times: Reports that Vice - President Biden has stated that the US should expect more deaths in Afghanistan, due to the planned surge of troops in Afghanistan. The reported surge of between twenty and thirty thousand troops, will make Afghanistan Obama's War. The War in Iraq has seen the US lose according to 4,236 US Service Personnel, while the War in Afghanistan has seen according to the loss of 641 US Service Personnel since 2001. In other words the War in Afghanistan has been under the screen, after the US withdraw from Iraq over the next sixteen months, the press attention will move to the badlands of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan. It can be asked how long will the US voter take a high body count coming out of Afghanistan. This is a chance for Obama not to make the same mistake as LBJ did over Vietnam. Its not a great idea to send thousands of new troops to Afghanistan, if it was a War the West could win, this blog would support it, still think the War in Iraq was a just War, also at the end of the day it was winnable, also lets not forget it might be more easy to get in to Iraq than to leave, it would be a disaster for Obama if Iran took over Iraq, a war won turned in to a defeat would not go down well with the voter. Also its a matter of definition, Obama has stated that he wants combat troops out of Iraq, a combat troop can be redefined if need by the Army Chiefs. Iran will be looking for weakness from Obama. Lets recall the Cuban Missile Crisis developed due to the idea that JFK was weak after the Failure of the Bay of Pigs in 61 and the frosty summit meeting between the Kennedy and Khruschev. Thus when it comes to Iran and Afghanistan, its more than the exchange of troops from one battlefield to another its how its perceived in the region and the reaction of Iran. Thus in 2012 if Iraq goes down the toilet and Afghanistan is even more of a mess the blame will be at the door of President Obama.
Obama, LBJ and Afghanistan
Salon: Interesting article on how President Obama is making the same mistake that LBJ did over Vietnam. As noted in previous post it can be argued that this is the time for the West to get out of Afghanistan, places bases around Afghanistan, when a terrorists threat or base is found then bomb. This would follow an old Imperial Policy, this worked on the whole in the region.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
UK Surge in Afghanistan ?
The Times: Reports that the Obama Administration has asked for the UK to send an extra four thousand troops to Afghanistan. This is the time for UK PM Gordon Brown to remind the President that people can say No. There is an idea if you say no to Obama that this will have a negative effect on your support in the polls, that is just the media being in the Obama bubble. I would almost guarantee if you asked the British voter if they think its a good idea to send an extra found thousand troops to Afghanistan the reply would be in the strong negative. The the same with taking in terrorists from the American base in Cuba, does the UK want the worse of the worse, those that could would get Europe to release them due to some clause in the Human Rights Act. Thus saying No to Obama just might be a voter getter, PM Gordon Brown has to go to the electorate next year, showing some independence of the USA would be good idea, and this is the perfect way, Afghanistan is a War without End, Obama might be naive, it does not make the UK naive to say NO Mr President.
Obama and Israel
Fox News: Reports that former Senator George Mitchell, Obama's Presidential Envoy is to visit the Middle East in attempt to cool the tensions in the area. I have my doubts that the President should place his political capital on this issue so early in his Administration, in the Reagan hundred days the first issue was the Economy. If you spend your political capital or pandering to the left, closing down Gitmo and non use of harsh treatment on terrorists, and on the Middle East, a President will find that his political capital goes to different areas, Obama was elected due to the Economy, Reagan had the best first term team since LBJ.
Old Hands, New Ideas ?
The New York Times: Reports on what expect form the new Obama Administration, how history might be a guide, how this did not work with in the first term of Bush 43. At the time it seemed there was a lot of Ford Administration officials in the new Administration, there was Dick Cheney as Vice President, he had been Deputy Chief of Staff to Chief of Staff Donald Rumsfeld in the Ford Administration, when Rumsfeld went on to become Secretary of Defense, Cheney became Chief of Staff to President Ford. At the time it looked like a jump backwards from Reagan to Ford. Of course history was different, Cheney and Rumsfeld made Reagan almost look Liberal. Thus only after the new team has dealt with their first International Crisis will we see are they going to follow the Clinton or the Jimmy Carter Path.
Obama and Afghanistan
New York Times: Reports on the Obama plan for a surge in Afghanistan, the negatives and positives of such a policy move by the new Administration. It could be argued this is a time for Obama to sit down and really think about Afghanistan, this could be his LBJ moment, just after the 1964 election LBJ could have gotten out of Vietnam but at the end of the day sent in the troops, this could be the chance for President Obama to think outside the box, the West cant win in Afghanistan, no outside power has ever had a good time in the place, from the UK to the USSR. What about using an old Imperial policy, make a deal with Pakistan to take over control of the badlands on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, place military bases in Pakistan on the border, and then send in the planes when there is a threat of a terrorists bases in Afghanistan. This would remove the need for massive troops in the region, special forces could be sent in Afghanistan when air power will not work, the rules would have to be free and easy as to what action they could take to prevent terrorists bases. They could not work with a lawyer on their back while in combat. Also it would have positive effects on the border, NATO troops could secure the border, clean house in the Tribal areas, send out search and destroy missions to find UBL. This is just an idea, when it comes to Afghanistan any new idea should at least be looked at by the Administration.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Big Mistake by President Obama
Telegraph: Reports that President Obama has rebuked Conservatives for listening to a Conservative Talk show host, Rush Limbaugh. This is a mistake by President Obama, he is President of the United States, he should have the loudest voice in the country. The rebukes shows that Limbaugh gets under his skin, this will tell the listeners when Obama is low in the polls and folks he will get there sooner or later that there is another voice out there that really annoys the President. I will guess the ratings for Mr Limbaugh will go up, advice to Mr Obama, your President of the United States, start running the government or you will be Jimmy Carter Mark 11, what next will Obama be checking who uses the White House Tennis Court.
Iran and the BOMBM?
The Times: Reports that Iran could be on the market to get its hands on more uranium. If Iran gets the bomb, this will push Israel to the brink, Israel will not allow Iran to become a nuclear power. This could place President Obama in a tight spot, if Israel hits Iran, Iran will hit USA targets in Iraq, thus Obama could say no to an attack by Israel but his only option would be for the USA to attack Iran. This would drive the American left bonkers!. Iran could define the Obama Presidency as much as Iraq defined Bush. The Western system has to use all means to prevent Iran becoming a nuclear power.
The Obama Paradox!
Courtesy of the White House: The President's Weekly Address.
The President's first weekly address is on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan, in other words the bailout of the American Economy. In reading the text of the statement on the one hand it has the usual Liberal Pandering, the statements states the following, " That’s why this is not just a short-term program to boost employment. It’s one that will invest in our most important priorities like energy and education; health care and a new infrastructure that are necessary to keep us strong and competitive in the 21st century. " In other words if your out of work now, you will have to wait while Obama panders to the left, these projects will take time and in the long will not make economy roar, building roads will make Liberals feel better but government spending in the long term will have a negative effect on the construction business, as it has been stated that the FDR New Deal had a negative effect on business and could have extended the Great Depression. The reason once the government pulls the plug on the money the market will be set in a mind set that will take years to get out off, that the Government is the engine of the economy, it never was and it will never be, never mind how much Liberals want to take over the economy. But we also in the statement that President Obama knows this in his heart of hearts but quite get there yet, simple reason the American people have given him a Liberal House and Senate, the system works in the USA when a President at least has one house that can tell him that he does not have the votes. That was the problem Bush 43 had, he had House and Senate in his pocket for most of his term, thus the problem later down the line. One can see this in the statement, the President states the following, " I know that some are skeptical about the size and scale of this recovery plan. I understand that skepticism, which is why this recovery plan must and will include unprecedented measures that will allow the American people to hold my Administration accountable for these results. We won’t just throw money at our problems - we’ll invest in what works. " If the economy goes in to Depression this year, if the government spending does not work and we are back not in to the Great Depression but in to the recession of 1982. A recent article by the Liberal New York Times suggested that 82 was worse so far, of course the Western Economy could get worse if these bailouts do not work, in that period Ronald Reagan had low approval ratings but still won a massive landslide in 1984. If the Obama poll rating go down will Obama be able to come back and win as Reagan and Clinton managed, that is the question, the Liberal Press will support him so far, they need to make money, they wont make money by being press agents for Obama.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The New York Times: Reports that President Obama has ordered that CIA secret prisons be closed. One can argue that President Obama has taken a brave move in political terms, this is a risky new policy as they would say in the Civil Service. Lets recall since 9/11 there has not been a major terrorist attack on the American Homeland. After 9/11 if you had told the experts that there would be no further attacks they would have dismissed this view point as not the real world. After the 9/11 attacks Bush got tough through overt and covert means, thus no more attacks, it only takes President Obama to get one part wrong and his honeymoon period will look like a Liberal New York Times Dream. Lets postulate and the Bush Policies have kept the terrorists off guard, the covert actions and CIA secret prisons have done their job, broken suspects and got the right information, now we have a new regime in Washington D.C. Think after CIA scandals of the 70s, the Carter Administration thought it could get intelligence from spy satellites and did not need spies, thus we get Afghanistan and Iran disasters. Thus Obama Administration thinks the terror threat is over, as the USA had not had any attacks since 9/11. Thus we have a pre 9/11 mind set, the mind set that gave us 9/11. If there is another terrorist attack and the Congress find that policy developments of Obama allowed the terrorists to get through the holes in the system, how much would you bet that Obama would get re - elected.
On the other hand President Obama has been lucky, very lucky, he has not had a major national defeat while in the US Senate or so far in the White House, but the one constant in political history is not how you deal with events when you high in the polls its when your rock bottom. Even the Gipper had a bad time in the recession of the early 80s. Lets postulate that the closing of the Cuban Detention Centre, the banning of rough treatment of terrorists and the closing down of CIA secret Prison has no negative effect; await to be convinced of that policy; lets see what the USA gets out of this policy development, will Middle East be open to the USA, will Iran stop its nuclear development, will Israel and Palestinians come together. The simple answer is no, International Politics does not work like that, this my prediction Obama will be a one term President, he will be defeated in 2012.
White House Web Site, WP and Me!
The Washington Post: Reports on the disaster that is the White House Web Site. There are no Press releases for us bloggers no record of the first day of the Obama Presidency. I did notice the old media got the pictures first of Obama in the Oval. I thought the Obama Team was I.T up to date, thank god it not the end of the World, the White House Web Site would still have the Obama Inauguration on its front page. Wake up and fix this problem, its a 24/7 world, old news does not cut it these days. The Bush Administration had a more effective Web Site folks, go and ask them how it works.
Guantanamo Detention Centre to Close - Obama
BBC News: Breaking News from the BBC, Guantanamo by order of President Obama is to close within a year, also harsh treatment of terrorists is to stop. The BBC and Guardian readers will love this move, but what it shows is that President Obama has a pre - 9/11 mind set, so as stated in previous post if we are in a TV 24 Case Study, a terrorist caught and incident going to happen soon what is Obama going to do, offer his phone call and nothing else. As stated lets hope the tough treatment of terrorists by the Bush Administration has broken the back of the terrorist threat, lets hope we can try those at Guantanamo in Federal Courts. But we still have the issue of those that have been harshly treated, those that are still a threat, those that can not be released because if they are released they will strike again and it would be make Obama another one term President. Lets see what the Elite Media says about Obama within a year, if the USA has closed Guantanamo but we have another prison with a different name but does the same thing as the base in Cuba.
White House I.T SLOW
The Obama Administration was meant to be up on I.T but the White House Web site is a slower under them than Bush. I thought they wanted support from the New Media, Bloggers. But it seems that its the old media that is getting the pictures. If I have read the my US copy right law, if its on the White House Web Page and a White House picture then its in the Public Domain. One could be supportive of Obama and show a picture of him on the phone to Middle East leaders. But since no picture, one is taken by the fact that he is not wearing a coat in the Oval Office. Ronald Reagan a great President always wore a coat in the Oval, Clinton did not seem to keep to that rule, we all know the result of that don't we folks. Thus if the new Administration wants a break from those not in the tank for it, it should get its act together. Thus get those press releases out, we might be critical but fair, or just plain annoyed and critical.
2nd Oath for Obama
CNN: Reports that President Obama retook the Presidential Oath today, just in case the messed up first version would cause problems down the line. Is this a omen, is the Obama Presidency going to turn in to the Jimmy Carter Presidency Mark 11.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
1982 = 2008
The New York Times: Interesting article on how 1982 was worse that the present economic conditions. The difference then you had Ronald Reagan, will Obama be able to push the country out of recession or even depression in to the great Reagan Economic Years of mid and late 80s. Read of the Day.
Obama and Abortion
Fox News: Reports that President Obama will revoke a Bush 43 order that prevented organizations abroad from giving advice and helping on Abortion. This is a good move by President Obama; the policy goes back to the Reagan Administration, Reagan banned such support while Clinton supported such funding; its a typical D.C game, depending of its a Republican or Democratic President. The issue of Abortion is a private issue, its classical liberal view, by this definition I mean a Conservative view that government should have a limit role in private issues like Abortion. One can be a Conservative but be very liberal on social issues, but very much a hawk on Foreign Policy and Economic issues.
Madam Secretary Clinton

Courtesy of the US State Department: Senator Hillary Clinton being sworn in as the US Secretary of State. On her left the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton. 21/1/09.
The New York Times: Reports that US Senate has confirmed Hillary Clinton as the next US Secretary of State. Lets see who runs American Foreign Policy, State or the White House. Also in a crisis situation, who will Secretary Clinton phone first, Obama or Bill Clinton. The next four years are going to be fun as we know have Secretary Clinton at State.
End of Guantanamo ?
BBC News: Reports that the Guantanamo Trials of terrorists has been placed on hold at the request of the Obama Administration. The question the Obama Administration has to ask itself, what happens if the balloon goes up, in other words another 9/11. Well the American voter care about the rights of the terrorists and will they blame the Obama Administration for its perceived weakness on the issue. The Obama Administration might get lucky, the tough policies of the Bush 43 might have broken the back of the terrorists, they might not be able to attack the USA homeland. Thus if its true that Bush has broken the back of the terrorists, the move of the terrorists from Cuba to face trial in normal USA courts might be a good idea. The one question that will arise, what about those terrorists that faced tough treatment, in the view of the left torture, what if Obama cant but them on trial and cant release them, what next, a Campaign is easy running a government is a different order of business, lets hope Obama is up to being POTUS.
Obama the SUCCESSOR to Reagan ?
Courtesy of the White House. The Inauguration of President Obama, as the 44th President of the United States. 20/1/09
The Live Feed: Reports that the Obama's Inauguration was the hightest rated since the Reagan Inauguration of 81. The Gipper of course had the bigger audience watching. The crowd in 81 had a better speech to listen to, Obama was historic; the event itself; while in 81 Reagan was about the future, the Obama speech with its pandering to the left on its favourite subject the rights of those held by the USA in Cuba, it was also about how historic that an he was the first African - American President, did not really deal with the economic 9/11 that is faced by the West and the two wars that the USA and UK are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. If Obama wins a second term and does not become another Jimmy Carter, he needs a better second speech.
A Gentleman, Sir, A Gentleman !
BBC News: Reports British Male Passengers died on the Titanic due to their good conduct in a very stressful and dangerous event, the sinking of the Titanic. There is an end to all, if you have to go to go down like a Gentleman is not a bad way go, there are worse things to be called in history.
What to do with a Former President ?

Courtesy of the White House. Former President George W. Bush.
The Times: Reports on the move of Former President George W. Bush back to Crawford in Texas after the Inauguration of President Obama. The way the President is attempting to define his legacy does recall President Richard Nixon. It seems through his announced book plans and his speeches he wants to define how history treats him and his administration. What are the bets that Bush 43 might run for Governor of Texas or one of the two Senators from Texas. That would add to his legacy and really annoy President Bill Clinton.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Clinton vs Carter
ABC News: Reports of a frosty relationship between two former Presidents, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter. President Jimmy Carter cost a Bill Clinton an election. The Clintons never forgive, that's their charm, one can read their minds. Just ask the New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson about the harsh nature of the Clinton political machine.
Review of the Inauguration speech - President Obama
When looking at Inaugural speeches in the modern era one tends to think of FDR, JFK and Reagan. I noticed yesterday when the President gave a speech at the end of a Concert a sense of nerves in his delivery. Thus today when he was walking through the Capitol, one could see that he was nervous, his taking of the Oath showed that, thus when it came to the speech I was not expecting another Kennedy or even Reagan. The Elite Media have been showering it with praise, some after the event thought he should have been more Liberal, to be honest the speech had to much, the President bought up the fact that his father would not have been served local restaurants in the past. Lets get this on the record, the Obama victory is historic and about time but we now face a economic 9/11 that could take us back to the Great Depression, that effects all colours and religions. The USA and UK are fighting a hot war in Afghanistan, it will take time to get out of Iraq, also we have to deal with terrorists who want to kill those that disagree with them, hence 9/11 and 7/7 and the attack Spain and other areas. In a time of no major conflict or economic distress Obama would have a time for a discussion on race relations but he is now President of the United States, he is the symbol of change, his Administration has to deal with a Wall Street and banking collapse, he has to get out of Iraq due to the economic pressure of the conflict, but getting out in a way that does not allow Iran to claim victory or worse taker over Iraq. In Afghanistan the USA will try a surge, the surged worked in Iraq but Afghanistan is a very different kettle of fish, the terrorists can come over the border from Pakistan, attack Western Forces and then run back over the border. During the Campaign Candidate Obama stated he would go after the terrorists in Pakistan. As Pakistan is in stand off with India over the terrorists attacks in Bombay this threat could undermine the Government of Pakistan. As Obama needs a friendly Pakistan to help in Afghanistan, will Obama visit Pakistan as to show a new relationship with the Muslim World. Also Obama has pandered to the left, the speech was full of the importance of the Law. If your in 24 case study, an hour before a bomb is about to go off, will Obama have the nerve to do what must be done, get the information. The Terrorists might think that if captured if they call for a lawyer then they wont be forced to give information. Lets hope this speech was a spin for the left and he acts like the Gipper, or we might find we have another Jimmy Carter, we did get the Gipper at the next election.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Another Bank Bailout, Another Day!
Telegraph: Reports on another bailout for UK banks. Lets see this is the second bailout of the banks, another hundred of billions flushed down the toilet. Never thought I would even think this lets alone write it, lets take over the bloody banks, if they are not telling the truth the first time around what certain they are being honest now, lets take them over, go through the books and then after getting the market going allow them back in to private hands. The tax payer is being taken advantage off again by the banks, at least a Casanova would buy you a dinner before taking advantage.
Democrats to Prosecute Bush ?
Fox News: Reports that the Democratic House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi is open to the idea of prosecutions of Bush officials for their actions while in government. The Obama White House needs to show Congress who is in charge; in other words block any attempt to prosecute Bush Officials for their actions that prevented other attacks after 9/11; if the Democrats go down this road and there is a terrorists attack and they are prosecuting past Bush Administration officials its game over for Democrats. President Obama wants to get re - elected thus he should make sure that the Democratic Leadership in Congress come to heel, this is not a time for understanding their point of view its a time for firm use of political power. If Republicans think that the Democrats are going to play this game they can make life hell for the Obama Administration on the Hill. Also there is the Mid Term Elections in 2010, what if the Republicans come back and start to investigate Obama, I think you see the point, thus time for some stick from the Obama White House.
Gaza Today - Ceasefire
The Times: Reports on the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. Folks we will be here again, weeks or months down the line, the news will be full stories that Hamas has broken the ceasefire in the view of Israel and the new Government of Israel lead by Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel has missed its chance to finish off Hamas, it has wavered due to international pressure, the fight will go on, its an War without End.
Death in Afghanistan
MOD: Reports on the death of another British Soldier in Afghanistan. The death total now stands at 142. The MOD reports of those killed in Afghanistan, 113 died in combat, while 29 died due to illness or other incidents. What will be the final figure God only knows, but there will be more deaths, Afghanistan is that kind of place. If the Obama surge next year does not work lets have new ideas about getting our troops out of Afghanistan. Those that read my blog know that VIEWS is a hawk, but a pragmatic hawk, how do we win Afghanistan, can we win, what is the cost of winning and losing, what is the EXIT route out of Afghanistan.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Farewell Mr President
The last Job Approval figures from Gallup on President George W. Bush are Out. They are not good, those that Approve of the actions of the President stand at 34%, those that disapprove stand at 61%. Lets have a look at the Gallup Results for the previous two term Presidents. Leading the Pack with 66% Approval is Bill Clinton, followed by Ronald Reagan at 63%. But it should be noted that the Vice - President to Ronald Reagan, Vice - President George H.W. Bush became President in his own right in 1988, while Al Gore lost in 2000.
The President will give his farewell address tonight, the President can state that his tax cuts at the start of the term helped the USA after 9/11. The Bush policy has given freedom to Afghanistan and Iraq, the aggressive War on Terror that Bush followed has prevented other attacks on the USA homeland. The President has done more than previous Administrations to help Africa. Of course there have been failures, the Iraq War cost to many deaths, the President should have taken charge of the mess well before the Mid Term Elections in 2006. The failure over Hurricane Katerina is shame for both City, State and the Federal Government. Also Bush had a negative effect on the Republican Party in 2006 and 2008. Thus it can be argued that Bush was a good President if not great, he is no Gipper but neither was Bill Clinton. Lets hope Obama is up to the job of POTUS.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Down the Toilet WITH YOUR MONEY!
The New York Times: Reports on the eight hundred and twenty five billion economic plan of the House of Representatives. Folks if you work long hours and just get through the week, well its time to take your pay check and throw it down the toilet. Its more simpler and more green, the Democratic House of Representatives wants to spend 825 Billion to get the USA out of this recession and prevent a Great Depression. Folks it will not work, when has government ever really worked when it goes something big, did the FDR New Deal get the USA out of the Great Depression, the simple answer NO, it was World War Two that got the USA out of the Depression. Did the LBJ Great Society work, last time I looked there are still poor in the USA. It was the Reagan Revolution that got the USA off the floor, the Reagan policy was simple but complex, small government, no billions of polices that have failed in the past. An increase in Defence spending, this pumped money in to the economy and created good jobs. The third part, deep tax cuts, give people their money back and they will spend, its not the governments money. Thus folks after you have worked for 40 hours, done your week or month and get paid do the green thing and flush your money down the toilet, its efficient and at least your waisting your money. Call Congress OPPOSE this economic plan, win one for the Gipper.
Obama and Osama bin Laden
The Times: Reports on a CBS interview with the President - Elect Obama and his views on Osama Bin Laden. The President - Elect stated what is present Bush policy on OBL, capture or kill him but more important to make him impotent when it comes to terrorism. I recall when Bush stated such a policy the Elite Media jumped on him, not for the policy but because he was being diplomatic and not a cowboy in their eyes. Even President Bush has stated that his use of cowboy terms after 9/11 did not help his image thus his more statesman policy, it should be noted that just after 9/11 Bush recalled a old West poster that had a simple message, the villain was wanted dead or alive. This after 9/11 was what the USA needed to hear but to European Ears it did not sound sophisticated, thus the more refined policy chosen by Bush 43. Thus when Obama states the same policy its not news or even gets a critical reaction. Double Standard Elite Media.
Fox News: Reports that Hillary Clinton has been passed by the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee to be the next Secretary of State. This appointment by President Obama will either be the best choice since Robert F. Kennedy was made Attorney General by his brother, President John F. Kennedy or the worse since Nero thought he could preform on stage to the Senate. In many respects it is not down to Secretary Clinton, it will be down to one man, not President Obama but President Bill Clinton, lets see how long he can tow the line with the Obama Administration.
Obama and Iraq
The New York Times: Reports that the Defence Department is creating a new plan to get out of Iraq before the agreed time table with Iraq and the sending of the troops to Afghanistan. The Times states the new plan is being designed based on the comments of President - Elect Obama, not at his request. Lets get real folks, this is the Times placing pressure on Obama, the Defence Department is always planning, the Liberal Times is more interested in getting out of Iraq no matter if Iraq falls apart or that Iran takes over the oil fields. As stated in this blog, due to the economic considerations and the improved security environment in Iraq the West has to leave Iraq, but its a matter of when, from the statements of Obama he is not going to leave and then see Iraq fall in to civil war, or Iran take over the oil fields. Thus Obama might have a fight on his hands on both the economic and foreign policy front, not with Republicans but with Democrats.
Deaths in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports that two more soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan, the death total now stands at 141. I hope the USA and UK surge works this year, how many more deaths can the Armed Forces take, the common factor it seems from these deaths is how young the personnel are, they are fighting a War that in many respects is something out of World War One. Who would have thought we would have trenches in the 21st Century and that our troops would not get the best gear to fight the enemy. Lets make sure our Armed Forces Personnel are the best but also that they get the best gear to fight the War in Afghanistan.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Bush 43 - GREAT POTUS ?
Telegraph: The historian Andrew Roberts sees Bush 43 as a good President. The Bush Era had a good start, the Bush Tax Cuts that Obama stated he would revoke, well that has gone out of the window, you don't tax people in a recession/depression. The reaction to 9/11 by Bush allowed the United States to have early success in Afghanistan, thus Bush can argue that Afghanistan and Iraq are now free to chose their own path. After 9/11 all expected other attacks on the USA, the tough policies of Bush prevented further attacks, the Liberals and Europe cared more about the rights of the terrorists, Bush cared about America. There are faults, Katerina reaction was slow, to many died due to State and Federal in fighting. The bailouts of Wall Street and the Banks seems not to have worked but at least Bush Tried. At the end of the Day, the bottom line, Bush was a good President, not a great President, not in the ranks of Ronald Reagan but close. Lets see what Obama does, you always look good if your successor is a disaster, Thatch - Major or Reagan - Bush 41. Read of the Day.
Patrick McGoohan
BBC News: Reports on the death of Patrick McGoohan. A Sad loss to Film and TV, Mr McGoohan was a fine and intelligent actor, when even playing a baddie he made the character real. Although famous for the Prisoner TV Series of the 1960s, still have a fondness for his role in Columbo over the years.
Gaza Ceasefire ?
Fox News: Reports on the prospects of a temporary ceasefire in Gaza. If Israel goes down this road it will make Hamas the winner. In culture terms it has to act like the hero of 24 the TV series, when you have the enemy on the ground you kill him. If you don't take extreme action you will face that enemy again. This is a call to Israel not to waver, stand tough and win. If Israel allows Hamas to get up from the floor they will be back fighting down the line.
Clinton at State - NYT
The New York Times: Is in full praise mold for Hillary Clinton as the next US Secretary of State, the Liberal Times states the following her relationship with Congress, " We hope the pledges to work together in the national interest have real staying power. " I wish the Liberal Times would smell the coffee sometimes, this is the Clintons we are talking about, once Clinton is at State she will nod to Congress and do what she wants, Obama will be lucky to keep her under control. Also the idea that she is going to go to Iran is a laugh, Clinton might send Obama to Iran but she is to canny a politician to allow the left to define her time as the top US Diplomat. I will promise the Liberal Times they will regret that Obama made her Secretary of State, and then there is Bill Clinton, whats your bet he will create problems down the line with his Library and Foundation.
The Market
BBC News: Reports on the downward slide of shares all over the world. Lets see all these bailouts seem to have been for nought, it is simple folks the Western System might need a Great Depression to reach bottom. When the Western Governments have tried to do is create a false world, in this world the Government will run to keep a business going, the problem what if the debt is more that any government can bailout. In can be postulated that 2009 will be worse that the worse expected, we just might need those soup kitchens.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Presidential Medal of Freedom - Tony Blair
The White House: Today former UK PM Tony Blair was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George W. Bush. The President stated the following on Tony Blair, " The former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom will stand tall in history. And today the United States of America proudly honors its gallant friend, Tony Blair. " One can guess what some Labour MP's think of Tony Blair and it would not be positive in any way. But lets get real, Tony Blair was the successor to Lady Thatcher, he knew the right thing to do was to support the USA in Afghanistan and Iraq. Also he gave New Labour three election victories, he was a great PM and is a great statesman.
Real World and Liberal Agenda
Politico: Reports that the Obama Administration is expected to revoke the Bush Executive Orders in the area of National Security. Lets hope this is Obama spin to the left, if Obama goes down the road that places the USA Security in pre - 9/11 mold and the the USA is attacked within the first year of an Obama Administration, and the fault is found from the change from a Bush to Obama Administration then President Obama can kiss goodbye to re - election in 2012. The liberal left care more about the rights of the terrorists than the American Citizen, if Obama takes their agenda he could be another Jimmy Carter, but then we got Ronald Reagan.
Surrounding Gaza City
Telegraph: Reports that Israeli Army has surrounded Hamas in Gaza City and is waiting the order to finish off the terrorist group in Gaza. This is the time for Israel to wipe out Hamas, it is important that Israel acts before the there is a Obama Administration. The reason is simple, the American Left care more about terrorists that Israel. Thus while there is still a Bush Administration Israel should clean house in Gaza. Thus when a Obama Administration comes in to office it starts with a clean slate in many respects. Gaza will come under the control of Palestinians that the USA and Israel can talk to, then you just might have a two state solution in the Middle East.
Clinton at State, Part Two
Fox News: Reports on the soft ball questions given to Hillary Clinton at the confirmation hearings by the US Senate Committee. After all she is still a US Senator, the confirmation hearing should be over quite quick, lets hope Bill Clinton does not muddy the water over the next four years.
Clinton at State
The Times: Reports on the Hillary Clinton confirmation hearings, Clinton stressed the need for more Diplomacy but also stressed that Iran could not be allowed to become Nuclear Armed Power. It can be argued that Obama should try direct talks with Iran, Ronald Reagan made a attempt to talk but without any success, the worry for a Obama Administration is that Iran will look like it wants to talk, it will talk and talk for months and then announce it has the bomb. This will place Obama in between Israel on side; Israel will bomb Iran with our without the support for the USA and then on the other side you will have the American left, they will support Iran having the bomb, they will argue that since Israel has the bomb why not Iran. They will not point out that Iran wants to destroy Israel and that Israel is a Democracy and a friend of the USA. The times are changing in the USA.
Obama and Guantanamo
The New York Times: Reports that the Obama Administration is planning to close down Guantanamo Bay holding centre for terrorists. The Times reports that that the closure could take a year between the order and the closure. The Liberal Times will not be happy, the Times is more interested in the rights of the terrorists than the rights of the American Citizen. What if there is another terrorist attack, another 9/11 or 7/7, will Obama look weak if he is more concerned about the rights of the terrorists than the American Citizen. President Obama might get lucky, the policies of Bush 43 might have finished off a real terrorist threat, but what if the terrorists are waiting for a new Administration, what if Obama faces his own 9/11. The American voter wont care about the rights of terrorists or what Europe thinks, thus Obama needs to follow a middle path when it comes over turning all Bush policies on terrorism.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Gaza Today Part Two
The Times: Reports more heavy fighting today in Gaza. Israel has a real chance to clean house in Gaza, finish off Hamas and allow for a two state solution, Israel should not waver to International Pressure, Israel has to win, this will define the security of Israel in the future.
Israel and Iran
Fox News: Reports how the Bush Administration said no to a Israeli attack on Iran. It can be postulated that with Iraq looking like a winner for Bush at the end, he didn't want Iran to attack Iraq after a Israeli attack on Iran. Thus the problem of Iran becomes a top national security issue for President Obama. What should happen if Iran a few weeks or months in to an Obama Administration announces to the World that it has the bomb. It can be postulated that Israel will attack Iran if the USA does not attack, an attack on Iran by Israel could create a regional War. Thus the USA would have to attack, the left would go bonkers and disown Obama. The issue of Iran could define the Obama Presidency.
Afghanistan vs Pakistan
The New York Times: Reports that Terrorists from Afghanistan attacked villages in Pakistan. The badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan is an ideal hiding place for the terrorists, they can strike without warning and then go back over the border. The tension between India and Pakistan has not helped, Pakistan has moved its troops from the border with Afghanistan to the border with India. This move has allowed the terrorists great access, also as noted in the article we are also dealing with internal problem in Pakistan. One tribal group fighting another tribal group, wars that have gone on for years. If the government of Pakistan was to fall and the terrorists got their hands on the bomb the the Western World would be under threat. The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan should be a top issue for the new Obama Administration.
Bush 43 on Iraq
Fox News: Reports on a interview with Bush 41 and Bush 43. President George W. Bush stated in the interview that he was asked to get out of Iraq for the sake of the Republican Party, he thought freedom in Iraq was the better option. At the end of the day, Bush 43 has given the people of Afghanistan and Iraq the chance of freedom, he has protected the USA from further attacks after 9/11, he has it can be argued prevented another Great Depression with the bailout of Wall Street and the banks, he might not be another Gipper but he was a good President in tough times.
Obama and National Security
Newsweek: Has a interesting article on the problems that will be faced by President Obama when it comes to National Security, the article states the following on the Bush years, " The flaw of the Bush-Cheney administration may have been less in what it did than in the way it did it...". One gets the impression that the Elite Media have smelled the Coffee and see the problems that Obama will face, they don't want him to be seen as weak, a weak President gets you Jimmy Carter and then the election of Ronald Reagan. Thus expect more articles from the elite media that suggest that Obama will have to take his time about changing past Bush policies. If the USA is attacked again and the Obama Administration is seen to be going after Bush Officials and not the terrorists then Obama will be a one term President in the mold of Carter and Bush 41. What ever you think of Bush 43, he has made mistakes but there has not been a major attack on the USA since 9/11, if in a Obama Administration the terrorists think that the USA is weak and liberal it might chance another attack, if on that the day the Courts are dealing with the prosecutions of Bush officials and not the terrorists it will be goodbye Obama for re-election in 2012.
Not Happy Left!
Politico: Reports on the very same interview as the BBC but gives a different impression. On how Obama wants to look forward not back, how hard the CIA works, how Iran can not go beyond a certain point, the bomb in other words. It is interesting when you read different impressions of the same interview, Obama is a political test, you see what you want to see, lets see what he does, will he be a firm Commander - in - Chief or Pandering Chief to the left. These issues could define a Obama Presidency and if he gets re - elected in 2012.
Happy Left
BBC News: Reports on a interview given by the President - Elect, its contents will make the left very happy, talks with Iran, prosecution of Bush Officials, new look at the Middle East. If Obama goes down this left wing road he will be a one term President. On Iran they will talk and talk, then get the bomb, what will Obama do then, on the prosecution of Bush Officials for their actions that have protected the USA since 9/11, what if there is another terrorist attack while Obama is President and his Attorney General is going after people that have prevented such attacks, one can see a very out of touch White House. On the Middle East, should Obama give the impression that he is washing his hands of Israel then he could face major problems in 2012 in winning Florida, a lot of old people go their to retire, a lot of them tend to be Jewish, are they going to vote for President that has sold Israel down the river. Lets hope Obama is just keeping the left happy, and once in the Oval Office is more like the Gipper.
Death in Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports on the death of another UK Soldier in Afghanistan, the death toll now stands at 139. Our troops need more support and better Intelligence on the ground, we need to know who is out there and how they are going to attack, thus we need good intelligence but also brute force if need be, we have to protect our troops even if we get our hands dirty in the process.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Dr Who - Xmas Hit
BARB: Reports that the good Time Lord, Dr Who was the 2nd most watched programme of Christmas Day, Dr Who got an audience of 13.10 million. To think that Dr Who fans had to wait for years and years for the The Doctor to come back, but it was worth the wait, we have the specials of the 10th Time Lord and the new series in 2010 for the 11th Time Lord. In these days of doom and gloom one has to have some diversion, no better diversion that Dr Who.
Obama ANOTHER Reagan ?
Mother Jones: Has an interesting article on how President - Elect Obama should follow the Reagan example in getting his Agenda through the US political system. Reagan's success at getting his agenda through was not solely based on how he managed the Congress, it was the message, Small Government, High Defence spending and Tax Cuts. The Obama Agenda is another New Deal, the problem could be that the messenger is good but the message is rubbish. The day the Government becomes the solution you have the USSR. In the Western Capitalist system its about the survival of the company that makes money, when you do bailouts you prevent that harsh lesson coming through, you create a false world, in that world the Government will bail you out if you go down the toilet. A simple example, two tea shops that make tea bags, Tea Shop A, produces the Tea, makes them in to tea bags, advertise them for 3p a box. In Tea Shop B, same process but it costs 10p. In this government world, Tea Shop B has more workers that B, the Government needs to keep it open so it does a bailout, the business does not change and still selling tea for 1op. After some time the Government has a change of policy, there is no more money, Tea Shop B has not changed and goes out of business. The Lesson folks, at the end of the day, bailouts do not work, its the UK in the 1970s. Lets hope Obama will learn to change policy if his plan does not work, lets hope he is like the Gipper a master politician.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Obama and Hamas
Guardian: Has an Exclusive report that Obama will talk to Hamas. The article states the talks will be at low level but there will be talks, Reagan talked to Iran and we had Iran - Contra. The problem with talking to rouge nations and terrorists groups is that they play by different rules and the policy can bite you back. One would have thought that President Obama would have learned from past mistakes in the Middle East, all Presidents have attempted some policy path in the Middle East, but most end in failure, Carter has success between Egypt and Israel but then he had Iran hostages that lead to his defeat in 1980. Clinton tried to get a final deal between the Palestinians and Israel that also failed. The Middle East will only be solved when the people of the Middle East grow tired of the violence as the case in Northern Ireland.
Obama's Economic Plan
The Times: Reports on the Obama Plan to prevent another second Great Depression in the United States, majority spending on public areas and tax cuts.. The problem with the plan is two fold, it wont work fast enough, all the spending on the roads and schools and new Energy Technology etc will take time, while that is going on the recession could become a Depression. Also it it needs stating that it was not Roosevelt's New Deal that bought the USA out of the Great Depression it was World War Two, in fact it was the spending of the UK that bankrupted the Empire but allowed the USA to become our successor on the World Stage. Also the idea that tax cuts will be spent by the poor is missing the point, spending will occur on house hold items, food, medical items but what about non important items, the service industry survives on those extra dollars being spent, if the poor don't spend and the rich don't get any tax cuts who is going to buy that new Car or that faster broadband. Obama just might be a one term President.
Also the President shows some naivety if he thinks the Congress wont place its own interests when it comes to spending money, Obama stated the following today in a speech, " That also means an economic recovery plan that is free from earmarks and pet projects. " What ever Obama wants to spend you have to add a few billions from the House and Senate, that it how the systems works, the Democrats will support Obama but they have run for re-election in two and six years time, thus they have to bring back dollars to their home turf. Obama might find his best friend in the US Senate is John McCain, McCain has opposed the idea for years that the Congress should add their own projects to government spending. Lets hope Obama has the right team in the White House, in 1981 Reagan had the best team since LBJ, he got his tax cuts and defence spending through a Democrats Congress also deep cuts in non Defence projects. Obama has to use the phone and go up to the Congress and twist some arms, but he should recall he has eight years to solve this problem, FDR had four terms. After two years if Obama's polls are low the Congress will run against him if they have to get re-elected. Lets hope Obama when it comes to dealing with Congress is another LBJ and Ronald Reagan.
David Tennant - Hamlet
Telegraph: Great review of David Tennant in Hamlet, the paper writes the following, " one of the finest productions of Hamlet I have ever seen, led by an actor of extraordinary courage and charisma who has made a persuasive claim to true greatness." This is why Mr Tennant is considered a great Doctor Who, a great charismatic actor, you don't get that normally, charisma and great acting ability, Mr Tennant has shown that in Casanova and Dr Who, we shall miss him as the Time Lord but we of the Dr Who fan base know one day he will get an Oscar, Hollywood will sure call for our Doctor.
Gaza Today
The Times: Reports on the temporary ceasefire in Gaza Today and the on going mission by Israeli Armed Forces to prevent rocket attacks on Israel. Israel should not allowed itself to be bullied by the outside world, this is their time to destroy Hamas. If the government of Israel waits it will face an Obama Administration that will be pushed by its left wing to veto further military action by Israel. It is better to be harsh now and win, than appease the World and face rocket attacks from the Gaza that is supported by Iran. The government of Israel has to ask, what if Iran gives Hamas nuclear material to throw at Israel. The government of Israel has a duty to protects its citizens. Thus Destroy Hamas and then have a two state solution in the Middle East.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
POTUS - Rear View Mirror

CNN: Reports how the passage of History has been kind to the former Presidents. How in some cases the public have a better view of their Administrations than at the time. How Jimmy Carter's record can look less than a disaster is beyond this commentator. Lets see what the Obama ratings are after four years, he has a lot of Domestic and Foreign Policy problems that will become his problems on 20th January 2009 at 12pm.
Congressional Black Caucus and President Obama
The New York Times: Reports on the future relationship between the House of Represetatives Black Caucus and the first African - American President. This will be interesting test for President Obama, he didn't run on race and thus he wants to get re- elected in 2012, the House is always running, Obama has to be the President of the United States not the President of the Black Caucus, it can be argued in pure political terms that it would be good if Obama got in to dust up with the House Black Caucus, it would show that his interests are beyond just the matter of race. The President - Elect has many Domestic and Foreign Policy problems, it can be argued that the Congressional Black Democrats often run of white guilt over civil rights, it was correct argument to run in the past, not now, its a new day folks, so some advice to the Caucus, extend your interests, the poor are not just black they are all colour, when your at the bottom of the ladder its not about colour is about getting to the of the week and putting food on the table. The Caucus cant use guilt on Obama to get there agenda, thus if they are to be relevant today not ten years ago or forty years ago, change should be their mantra, help all people and don't expect any favours from Obama. Obama is a canny politician, he will run against Congress if he needs to, thus new day and new politics. Read of the Day.
Exclusive Club - Oval Office and POTUS
Telegraph: Has an article on Bill Clinton getting the last word in public before the former Presidents had private talks. This should be a warning to Obama, what is Bill Clinton going to be like with Hillary Clinton at the State Department, how many rock stars can there be in any Administration, there could be two Elvis's in the building. It must have felt ironic for Bill Clinton this meeting, it was not meant to be this way, it was suppose to follow a different script, it was meant to be Hillary Clinton the first woman President of the United States not the first African - American President. Have to admit Ronald Reagan was still the best POTUS.
BBC News: Reports on the meeting between President George W. Bush and President - Elect Obama and other former Presidents of the United States. Lets hope President - Elect Obama does not follow the disastrous example of President Jimmy Carter in Foreign Policy and the domestic failure of Bush 41, thus his defeat by President Clinton in 1992. Thus it can be postulated that Obama needs the deftness of touch of Bush 41 when it comes to Foreign Policy and the domestic skills of Bill Clinton when dealing with the Congress. The last big meet of all the former Presidents was in 1981 when President Ronald Reagan sent them on a Diplomatic Mission to Egypt, in 1981 the line up was Nixon, Ford, Carter and President Reagan.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Obama and Afghanistan
The New York Times: Interesting article on the surge of US troops to Afghanistan, the article states the following, "..... he will own the conflict at that point. It will be Barack Obama’s war. ". The article is opposed to the sending of extra troops to Afghanistan. As stated many times in this blog, the War in Afghanistan can not be won, don't think its a great idea for UK PM Gordon Brown to send more UK troops to Afghanistan, on the other hand if the USA is sending more troops we are their closes Ally have to support such a move with our own troops. I now its a contradiction in this blog, but an Ally is an Ally, we cant afford to lose in Afghanistan, if we lose the terrorists come back and we have another 9/11 or 7/7. Lets just get some new ideas and win, if we lose the cost is beyond measure for the West and Western Military morale. Lets hope Obama has the nerve to stand up to the liberal left, he has shown some weakness over Gaza. What if we have a Tet style offensive in Iraq and Afghanistan just after the Inauguration, or Iran gets the bomb. A War breaks out between India and Pakistan, it goes nuclear, this will damage our military effort in Afghanistan and we might have to send troops in to the badlands of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan to go after the terrorists. The future is bright but there big clouds ahead, lets hope Obama and Brown are up to the job of leadership.
Obama and Gaza Part Three
The Times: Reports on the break of the vow of silence of President - Elect Obama on the crisis in Gaza. It should be noted that President Ronald Reagan with one phone call stopped a similar Israeli action in Lebanon in 1982. That is leadership, Reagan stated that the relationship between the USA and Israel was on the line, Israel got the message, it is still to early for such a call from President George W. Bush or President - Elect Obama.
Obama and the CIA Part Two
Guardian: Reports on the Obama nominee for the Director of the CIA, former Bill Clinton Chief of Staff, Mr Leon Panetta. The nomination has not gone down well with the Senate Committee that does the confirmation, it is argued that Mr Panetta has no experience of Intelligence work. As stated in previous post on this issue Bush 41 had no intelligence experience but did a good job, they named a building after him at the CIA. It should be noted that President George H.W. Bush when he become Vice - President to President Reagan argued that the Director of the CIA should have an Intelligence background (1), Reagan took a different view of the role of the CIA Director (2) . Lets see how Mr Panetta does as Director of the CIA.
1. George Bush, Chapter 9, A Heartbeat Away. My Life in Letters and other Writings.Scribner, 1999. P. 305.
2. Christopher Andrew, Chapter 12, Ronald Reagan ( 1981 - 1989 ). For the President's Eyes Only, Secret Intelligence and the American Presidency from Washington to Bush. HarperCollins, 1995. P 459.
Obama on Gaza Part Two
It seems from the news wires that President - Elect Obama has been pushed by the Elite Media coverage of the invasion of Gaza to say something, that he is " deeply concerned " about civilian deaths in Gaza and Israel. All people are concerned that is not the point, Obama has to think of the political consequences of getting to out in front of the US voter. If the Republicans see him as weak over Israel they will give him a hard time over all policy areas, Obama does not want to be another Jimmy Carter, seen by the end of his Presidency as weak, Obama does not want that impression even before the Inauguration.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Obama and the Economy 11
The New York Times: Reports that the Obama Economic Plan has no Tax Hikes for the rich. The Liberal New York Times will not be happy, they breath tax hikes for the rich. President - Elect Obama should be saluted for not pandering to the Liberal Left wing of his Party. It is the rich that invest in the economy through spending and investing in the economy. Obama should consider making the Bush Tax Cuts permanent, if there still a recession in 2010 when the Bush Tax cuts end the last thing you do is raise taxes, Obama and the Democrats will face mid term elections in 2010, the one thing you don't want is to be known as a tax hiker during a recession.
Obama and the CIA
Fox News: Reports that Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff, Leon Panetta has been asked by the President Elect to be next head of the CIA. This could be a good choice, Panetta knows how the systems works, he has been a White House Chief Staff thus should know how to get things going when it is an issue of National Security. The one downside is that the Republicans will ask a lot of searching questions of Mr Panetta about the role of the Clinton Administration before 9/11. Did the Clinton Administration see the threat and how did they react, the confirmation hearings should be fun to watch, should be an easy pass for Mr Panetta but there will be tough questions. It should be noted that President George H.W. Bush was also a Director of the CIA and he came from being UN Ambassador and Chair of the RNC. It is considered that Mr Bush did well as Director of the CIA, lets hope Mr Panetta is that successful in the post.
Obama and the Economy
BBC News: Reports on the Obama economic plan to pump eight hundred billion dollars in to the economy. It has been called the New Deal of the 21st Century, one problem, it was the not the New Deal that bought the USA out of the Great Depression of the 1930s, it was World War Two that made the USA a economic power house, the UK went bankrupt in the process and thus the end of Empire. The Obama Economic Plan will soften the fall of the USA economy but then what, all this money on public works will take time to get going, if the economy is in recession in two years time the Democrats could lose their majority in Congress. It could be argued that there is a need for capital spending on roads, schools etc, but also deep tax cuts for individuals and business and deep cuts in government spending, areas that pander to the Democratic base, thus we shall see if the Obama Plan works, out of ten it could be argued that it has 5/10 of working, if does not work Obama could lose in 2012.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Bill Richardson - OUT
MSNBC: Reports that New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson has pulled out as the Nominee for Commerce Secretary due to a Federal Investigation in his state. This is a great surprise, was aware of the investigation but Richardson is such a straight arrow, are the Obama Team looking for no waves at all during the confirmations hearings, well what about Bill Clinton and his business dealings, that will raise a few questions. The Clintons will be smiling, Richardson was seen as a Judas by some in the Clinton Camp for his support of President - Elect Obama. Richardson will be back, he has a future in the Democratic Party.
Obama and Gaza
Guardian: Has an article on the negative perception that President - Elect Obama is having in the Middle East, the issue his lack of comment on the Gaza Crisis, the article states the following, " The danger is that when he finally peers over the parapet on January 21, the battle of perceptions may already be half-lost. " The article misses a simple point about American politics, as the late Speaker of the House of Representatives Tip O' Neill pointed out in his excellent Memoir both Presidents Carter and Reagan asked about the power of the Jewish Lobby in American Politics, as O' Neill pointed out there are many more Jewish Americans in the USA than of other religions from the Middle East. Thus USA policy towards Israel has many aspects, political, culture, economic, an American President if he wants to get re - elected will always at the end of the day support Israel, thus Obama's change message might not be what the Arabs of the Middle East thought it would be, Obama might be tougher with Israel but at the end of the day he will support Israel.
EU Policy over Gaza ?
The Times: Reports on the confused statements from the EU on the crisis in Gaza. That is the problem with the EU, different countries have different interests and views of the conflict, some support Palestinians while others, in most cases the old Warsaw countries support Israel. There will never be a United Foreign Policy for Europe, they could never organise a tea party in a brewery. At the end of the day its down to the USA, Bush 43 supports Israel, Obama will not change policy that much to please Europe, American Politics is first, Obama wants to get re- elected in 2012. If it comes down to placing troops to monitor a ceasefire the old Europe will run a mile with their tails between their legs, they are weak, just look at their weak response to Afghanistan, a NATO operation but as usual has the UK, USA and Canada in front, taking the losses. They day that Europe will take to the line and protect that line is the day that people will listen to the EU.
The Long Haul in Gaza for Israel
Telegraph: Reports on the battle between the Hamas Terrorist group and Israel, also that Israel is in for the long haul. It will be interesting to see if the conflict is still going on after January 20th what President Obama will do about the crisis. The new Administration will have to hit the ground running, the Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, the aged old conflict between Pakistan and India and the present conflict in Gaza. Also economic 9/11 that faces the Western economy will also be on the Oval Office Desk for President Obama. Let hope the President - Elect has an early night; not to many Inaugural Parties; work will start early for him on January 21st 2009.
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