Wednesday, January 28, 2009

900 Billion Bailout for USA

WSJ: Reports on the 900 Billion stimulus for the USA Economy. Folks if this works I will eat my hat, FDR tried the same thing, in the early years the spending helped, but once FDR pulled the plug on the government spending, guess what happened, yes back to the Second Great Depression. In a odd way FDR was lucky; he was a lucky politician; World War Two was around the corner, thus more government spending. President Obama in some respects has only the one term to get this right; he can only serve two terms; if he wins re - election he will be in American Terms a lame duck President, if he keeps VP Biden as his running mate he will see within a year of his second term starting those running for 2016. Thus if the economy has dived as in did in the mid 30s the Democrats will be running away from Obama, Bush had the same problem, he didn't even go to the 2008 Republican Convention. Thus if we have a recession in 2013 after all this money has been spent the Democrats will be running away from Obama, the Republicans will argue that since they didn't vote for the Stimulus package its all on Obama. Thus the reason the President is chasing Republican votes, if he wins only by Democrats and this does not work, well then the sole blame will be his, history is not that new, and Obama is no JFK or Reagan, much less the secular second coming.

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