Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Obama and Guantanamo

The New York Times: Reports that the Obama Administration is planning to close down Guantanamo Bay holding centre for terrorists. The Times reports that that the closure could take a year between the order and the closure. The Liberal Times will not be happy, the Times is more interested in the rights of the terrorists than the rights of the American Citizen. What if there is another terrorist attack, another 9/11 or 7/7, will Obama look weak if he is more concerned about the rights of the terrorists than the American Citizen. President Obama might get lucky, the policies of Bush 43 might have finished off a real terrorist threat, but what if the terrorists are waiting for a new Administration, what if Obama faces his own 9/11. The American voter wont care about the rights of terrorists or what Europe thinks, thus Obama needs to follow a middle path when it comes over turning all Bush policies on terrorism.

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