Friday, January 09, 2009

Obama ANOTHER Reagan ?

Mother Jones: Has an interesting article on how President - Elect Obama should follow the Reagan example in getting his Agenda through the US political system. Reagan's success at getting his agenda through was not solely based on how he managed the Congress, it was the message, Small Government, High Defence spending and Tax Cuts. The Obama Agenda is another New Deal, the problem could be that the messenger is good but the message is rubbish. The day the Government becomes the solution you have the USSR. In the Western Capitalist system its about the survival of the company that makes money, when you do bailouts you prevent that harsh lesson coming through, you create a false world, in that world the Government will bail you out if you go down the toilet. A simple example, two tea shops that make tea bags, Tea Shop A, produces the Tea, makes them in to tea bags, advertise them for 3p a box. In Tea Shop B, same process but it costs 10p. In this government world, Tea Shop B has more workers that B, the Government needs to keep it open so it does a bailout, the business does not change and still selling tea for 1op. After some time the Government has a change of policy, there is no more money, Tea Shop B has not changed and goes out of business. The Lesson folks, at the end of the day, bailouts do not work, its the UK in the 1970s. Lets hope Obama will learn to change policy if his plan does not work, lets hope he is like the Gipper a master politician.

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