Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama the SUCCESSOR to Reagan ?

Courtesy of the White House. The Inauguration of President Obama, as the 44th President of the United States. 20/1/09

The Live Feed: Reports that the Obama's Inauguration was the hightest rated since the Reagan Inauguration of 81. The Gipper of course had the bigger audience watching. The crowd in 81 had a better speech to listen to, Obama was historic; the event itself; while in 81 Reagan was about the future, the Obama speech with its pandering to the left on its favourite subject the rights of those held by the USA in Cuba, it was also about how historic that an he was the first African - American President, did not really deal with the economic 9/11 that is faced by the West and the two wars that the USA and UK are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. If Obama wins a second term and does not become another Jimmy Carter, he needs a better second speech.

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