Wednesday, January 21, 2009

End of Guantanamo ?

BBC News: Reports that the Guantanamo Trials of terrorists has been placed on hold at the request of the Obama Administration. The question the Obama Administration has to ask itself, what happens if the balloon goes up, in other words another 9/11. Well the American voter care about the rights of the terrorists and will they blame the Obama Administration for its perceived weakness on the issue. The Obama Administration might get lucky, the tough policies of the Bush 43 might have broken the back of the terrorists, they might not be able to attack the USA homeland. Thus if its true that Bush has broken the back of the terrorists, the move of the terrorists from Cuba to face trial in normal USA courts might be a good idea. The one question that will arise, what about those terrorists that faced tough treatment, in the view of the left torture, what if Obama cant but them on trial and cant release them, what next, a Campaign is easy running a government is a different order of business, lets hope Obama is up to being POTUS.

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