Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama and Iraq and Afghanistan

WSJ: A great article in the WSJ on the possible benefits of keeping a good USA presence in Iraq and going slow on the surge in Afghanistan, the article states the following, " Here's the lose-lose scenario: Allow Iraq to deteriorate by withdrawing too soon and push into Afghanistan without a better strategy. " Lets hope the President Obama takes the time to read this article, he could be on to a winner with Iraq, also he needs a long study on the idea of a surge in Afghanistan, also read a few books on the bad time the Empire had in Afghanistan. There is no reason to be another LBJ, he has to the time, if he gets out of Iraq to fast, the place could fall apart, Iran could come in and then he will be Jimmy Carter Mark 11 but worse. Think if Iran controls the oil from Iraq. Also the terrorists could be waiting for more troops for Afghanistan to come from the USA, and the have a Tet style offensive. Think Obama could have two hot wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and a terrorists threat to the homeland. Also the surge wont work thus we could have another Great Depression, that could be the future, thus good idea for Obama to start to read the WSJ.

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