Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy Left

BBC News: Reports on a interview given by the President - Elect, its contents will make the left very happy, talks with Iran, prosecution of Bush Officials, new look at the Middle East. If Obama goes down this left wing road he will be a one term President. On Iran they will talk and talk, then get the bomb, what will Obama do then, on the prosecution of Bush Officials for their actions that have protected the USA since 9/11, what if there is another terrorist attack while Obama is President and his Attorney General is going after people that have prevented such attacks, one can see a very out of touch White House. On the Middle East, should Obama give the impression that he is washing his hands of Israel then he could face major problems in 2012 in winning Florida, a lot of old people go their to retire, a lot of them tend to be Jewish, are they going to vote for President that has sold Israel down the river. Lets hope Obama is just keeping the left happy, and once in the Oval Office is more like the Gipper.

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